tag that embeds plain text with linebreaks
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
* All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism
* need to inherit from this class
class syntax_plugin_bbs extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
function getType() { return 'protected';}
function getPType() { return 'normal';}
function getSort() { return 20; }
* Connect pattern to lexer
function connectTo($mode) {
".DOKU_LF; $renderer->doc .= $data.DOKU_LF; $renderer->doc .= "".DOKU_LF; return true; }else if($format == 'metadata'){ $data = $this->_parse_bbs_metadata($data); $renderer->doc .= $data.DOKU_LF; return true; } return false; } function _parse_bbs($s) { $this->tags = array(); $s = preg_replace( "/\x1B/", '', $s); // UAO to unicode $s = preg_replace_callback( "/[\x{E024}-\x{F848}]/u", array($this,"_bbs_uao_to_unicode"), $s); // Special formats: : text, > text, ※text $s = preg_replace( "/^((?::|>)(?: | ).*)$/m", '[0;36m$1[m', $s ); $s = preg_replace( "/^(※.*)$/m", '[0;32m$1[m', $s ); // Control codes $s = preg_replace_callback( "/\[([0-9;]*)(.)/", array($this,"_bbs_parse_tag"), $s ); // Links $s = preg_replace_callback( "/(https?|ftp|telnet):\/\/(?:<.*?>|.)*?(?= |\n|$)/", array($this,"_bbs_parse_link"), $s ); return $s; } function _parse_bbs_metadata($s) { $s = preg_replace( "/\x1B/", '', $s); // UAO to unicode $s = preg_replace_callback( "/[\x{E024}-\x{F848}]/u", array($this,"_bbs_uao_to_unicode"), $s); // Control codes $s = preg_replace( "/\[([0-9;]*)(.)/", "", $s ); return $s; } function _bbs_parse_tag($match) { if ($match[2]!='m') return ''; $this->ret = ''; $args = explode(';',$match[1]); if (empty($args)) { $this->_bbs_close_tag(); return $this->ret; } for ($i=0,$I=count($args);$i<$I;++$i) { $s = (int)$args[$i]; if ($s==0) { $this->_bbs_add_tag(); $this->_bbs_close_tag(); } else if ($s==1) {$this->tags[bright] = true;} else if ($s==3) {$this->tags[italic] = true;} else if ($s==5) {$this->tags[blink] = true;} else if ($s==8) {$this->tags[hidden] = true;} else if ($s>=30 && $s<=37) {$this->tags[fg] = $s;} else if ($s>=40 && $s<=47) {$this->tags[bg] = $s;} } $this->_bbs_add_tag(); return $this->ret; } function _bbs_add_tag() { $c = array(); if ($this->tags[fg]) $c[] = ($this->tags[bright]?'fgb':'fgd').$this->tags[fg]; if ($this->tags[bg]) $c[] = 'bg'.$this->tags[bg]; if ($this->tags[italic]) $c[] = 'italic'; if ($this->tags[blink]) $c[] = 'blink'; if ($this->tags[hidden]) $c[] = 'hidden'; if (!empty($c)) { $this->ret .= ''; $this->tags[count]++; } } function _bbs_close_tag() { $count = $this->tags[count]; if ($count) $this->ret .= str_repeat( '', $count+1 ); $this->tags = array(); } function _bbs_parse_link($match) { $url = preg_replace( "/<.*?>/", '', $match[0]); return '' . $match[0] . ''; } function _bbs_uao_to_unicode($match) { require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/'.'uao.php' ); global $uao_list; $replaced = $uao_list[$match[0]]; if ($replaced) return $replaced; return $match[0]; } }