*/ // Settings must be present and set appropriately for the language $lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; $lang['direction'] = 'ltr'; // For admin plugins, the menu prompt to be displayed in the admin menu // if set here, the plugin doesn't need to override the getMenuText() method $lang['menu'] = 'BatchEdit'; $lang['err_invreq'] = 'Invalid request.'; $lang['err_nosearch'] = 'Search expression is not specified.'; $lang['err_invregexp'] = 'Invalid regular expression.'; $lang['err_emptyidx'] = 'The page index is empty.'; $lang['err_idxaccess'] = 'Cannot access the page index.'; $lang['err_emptyns'] = 'No pages found in namespace "{1}".'; $lang['err_pregfailed'] = 'Regular expression matching has failed.'; $lang['war_nomatches'] = 'No matches are found.'; $lang['war_norights'] = 'You have no rights to edit page {1}.'; $lang['war_pagelock'] = 'Page {1} is locked by {2}.'; $lang['war_matchfail'] = 'Failed to apply match {1}.'; $lang['war_searchlimit'] = 'The search was interrupted after reaching maximal number of matches.'; $lang['war_timeout'] = 'The operation was interrupted because it is taking too much time.'; $lang['war_cancelled'] = 'The operation was interrupted on user\'s request.'; $lang['war_nosummary'] = 'The edit summary was not provided. Do you want to proceed without it?'; $lang['msg_error'] = 'Error: {1}'; $lang['msg_warning'] = 'Warning: {1}'; $lang['btn_preview'] = 'Preview'; $lang['btn_apply'] = 'Apply'; $lang['btn_cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $lang['hnt_textsearch'] = 'AnyWiki'; $lang['hnt_textreplace'] = 'DokuWiki'; $lang['hnt_regexpsearch'] = '\w+(Wiki)'; $lang['hnt_regexpreplace'] = 'Doku$1'; $lang['hnt_advregexpsearch'] = '/\w+(Wiki)/m'; $lang['lbl_ns'] = 'Namespace'; $lang['lbl_search'] = 'Search for'; $lang['lbl_replace'] = 'Replace with'; $lang['lbl_summary'] = 'Edit summary'; $lang['lbl_minor'] = 'Minor changes'; $lang['lbl_searchmode'] = 'Search mode'; $lang['lbl_searchtext'] = 'Plain text'; $lang['lbl_searchregexp'] = 'Regular expression'; $lang['lbl_matchcase'] = 'Case sensitive'; $lang['lbl_multiline'] = 'Multiline'; $lang['lbl_advregexp'] = 'Use delimiters and modifiers in regular expression'; $lang['lbl_matchctx'] = 'Show match context of {1} characters or {2} lines'; $lang['lbl_searchlimit'] = 'Stop search after finding first {1} matches'; $lang['lbl_keepmarks'] = 'Preserve marked matches on preview {1}'; $lang['lbl_keepmarks1'] = 'Safe mode'; $lang['lbl_keepmarks2'] = 'Same match'; $lang['lbl_keepmarks3'] = 'Same offset'; $lang['lbl_keepmarks4'] = 'I feel lucky!'; $lang['lbl_tplpatterns'] = 'Apply namespace template replacement patterns'; $lang['lbl_checksummary'] = 'Show confirmation on applying edits with no summary'; $lang['lbl_searching'] = 'Searching...'; $lang['lbl_applying'] = 'Applying...'; $lang['sts_preview'] = 'Search results: {1} on {2}'; $lang['sts_apply'] = 'Edit results: {1} on {2}, {3}'; $lang['sts_page'] = '{1} – {2}'; $lang['sts_matches#one'] = '{1} match'; $lang['sts_matches#many'] = '{1} matches'; $lang['sts_pages#one'] = '{1} page'; $lang['sts_pages#many'] = '{1} pages'; $lang['sts_edits#one'] = '{1} replacement applied'; $lang['sts_edits#many'] = '{1} replacements applied'; $lang['ttl_applyall'] = 'Apply all matches'; $lang['ttl_applyfile'] = 'Apply all matches in this file'; $lang['ttl_applymatch'] = 'Apply this match'; $lang['ttl_view'] = 'Go to this page'; $lang['ttl_edit'] = 'Edit this page'; $lang['ttl_mainform'] = 'Go to bottom'; $lang['ttl_extoptions'] = 'Advanced options'; $lang['dim_options'] = '13em'; $lang['dim_extoptions'] = '28em';