* * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /** * Syntax tests for the backlinks plugin. * * @group plugin_backlinks * @group plugins */ class syntax_plugin_backlinks_test extends DokuWikiTest { protected $pluginsEnabled = array('backlinks'); /** * copy data and add pages to the index. */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { parent::setUpBeforeClass(); global $conf; $conf['allowdebug'] = 1; TestUtils::rcopy(TMP_DIR, dirname(__FILE__).'/data/'); dbglog("\nset up class syntax_plugin_backlinks_test"); } function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $conf; $conf['allowdebug'] = 1; $conf['cachetime'] = -1; $data = array(); search($data, $conf['datadir'], 'search_allpages', array('skipacl' => true)); //dbglog($data, "pages for indexing"); $verbose = false; $force = false; foreach ($data as $val) { idx_addPage($val['id'], $verbose, $force); } //idx_addPage('bob_ross_says', $verbose, $force); //idx_addPage('link', $verbose, $force); //idx_addPage('backlinks_syntax', $verbose, $force); if ($conf['allowdebug']) { touch(DOKU_TMP_DATA.'cache/debug.log'); } } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); global $conf; // try to get the debug log after running the test, print and clear if ($conf['allowdebug']) { print "\n"; readfile(DOKU_TMP_DATA.'cache/debug.log'); unlink(DOKU_TMP_DATA.'cache/debug.log'); } } public function testIndex() { $query = array('ross'); $this->assertEquals( array('ross' => array( 'link' => '3', 'bob_ross_says' => '1', 'backlinks_syntax' => '2', 'backlinks_include_syntax' => '2', 'backlinks_exclude_syntax' => '2', 'backlink_test_pages' => '8', 'include:link' => '3', 'exclude:link' => '3' )), idx_lookup($query) ); } public function testLinksPage() { $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array('id'=>'link'), '/doku.php'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), 'A link to Bob Ross') !== false, '"A link to Bob Ross" was not in the output' ); } public function testStoryPage() { $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array('id'=>'bob_ross_says'), '/doku.php'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), 'Bob Ross says') !== false, '"Bob Ross says" was not in the output' ); } public function testBacklinks() { $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array('id'=>'backlinks_syntax'), '/doku.php'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), 'Backlinks to what Bob Ross says') !== false, '"Backlinks to what Bob Ross says" was not in the output' ); $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($response->getContent()); // look for id="plugin__backlinks" $this->assertEquals( 1, pq('#plugin__backlinks', $doc)->length, 'There should be one backlinks element' ); $wikilinks = pq('#plugin__backlinks ul li', $doc); dbglog($wikilinks->text(), 'found backlinks'); $this->assertEquals( 4, $wikilinks->contents()->length, 'There should be 4 backlinks' ); $lastlink = pq('a:last', $wikilinks); dbglog($lastlink->text(), "last backlink"); $this->assertEquals( $lastlink->text(), 'A link to Bob Ross', 'The last backlink should be a link to Bob Ross' ); } }