###WIKITITLE###→The title of this wiki
###PAGETITLE###→The title of the edited page
###TYPE###→The type of editing ("edited", "reverted", "created", "deleted", or "edited (minor change)" will be shown)
###SUMMARY###→The summary of editing
###EDITOR###→Who changed the wiki (Follows the config "showuseras")
###PAGEURL###→The URL leading to the edited page (if there is not ###PAGEURL###, the URL will be automatically added to the last of the template)'; $lang['guestIP'] = 'What to replace ###EDITOR### of the template with if the editor was not logging in'; $lang['blacklist'] = 'Pages that will not be subjects of auto-tweet (separate by vertical bars "|")
e.g.:"playground:playground|start|wiki:syntax"'; $lang['debug'] = 'If the editor is a manager, show the debug information (a body (JSON) and a response header) when the plugin is run (Use this option to investigate causes when the plugin doesn\'t work well.)'; $lang['subjectOfTweet_edit'] = 'edited'; $lang['subjectOfTweet_revert'] = 'reverted'; $lang['subjectOfTweet_create'] = 'created'; $lang['subjectOfTweet_delete'] = 'deleted'; $lang['subjectOfTweet_minor'] = 'edited (minor change)'; $lang['guestIP_o_0'] ='Don\'t show the IP address, replace with the null text'; $lang['guestIP_o_alt'] ='Replace with the alternative text ("Hidingip" plugin required.)'; $lang['guestIP_o_show'] ='Show the IP address';