*/ // menu entry for admin plugins // $lang['menu'] = 'Your menu entry'; // custom language strings for the plugin // $lang['fixme'] = 'FIXME'; $lang['ucfilecheckfail'] = 'uc_client and api/uc.php not exists!'; $lang['wrongpassword'] = 'password not correct.'; $lang['wrongemailformat'] = 'not valid email address.'; $lang['emailforbidden'] = 'this email address is forbidden.'; $lang['emailregistered'] = 'this email address is already registered.'; $lang['userprotected'] = 'this user cannot be modified.'; $lang['logoutsuccess'] = 'logout success.'; $lang['loginfail'] = 'login fail. please check your username and password.'; $lang['writeucconfigfail'] = 'cannot write to file conf/uc.auth.php'; $lang['openucconfigfail'] = 'cannot open file conf/uc.auth.php'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :