* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor * * @author Christian Bergau * @author Jason Davis * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class ZendMonitorHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Monolog level / ZendMonitor Custom Event priority map * * @var array */ protected $levelMap = []; /** * @throws MissingExtensionException */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!function_exists('zend_monitor_custom_event')) { throw new MissingExtensionException( 'You must have Zend Server installed with Zend Monitor enabled in order to use this handler' ); } //zend monitor constants are not defined if zend monitor is not enabled. $this->levelMap = [ Logger::DEBUG => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::INFO => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::NOTICE => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::WARNING => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_WARNING, Logger::ERROR => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::CRITICAL => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::ALERT => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::EMERGENCY => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, ]; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->writeZendMonitorCustomEvent( Logger::getLevelName($record['level']), $record['message'], $record['formatted'], $this->levelMap[$record['level']] ); } /** * Write to Zend Monitor Events * @param string $type Text displayed in "Class Name (custom)" field * @param string $message Text displayed in "Error String" * @param array $formatted Displayed in Custom Variables tab * @param int $severity Set the event severity level (-1,0,1) * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $formatted */ protected function writeZendMonitorCustomEvent(string $type, string $message, array $formatted, int $severity): void { zend_monitor_custom_event($type, $message, $formatted, $severity); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new NormalizerFormatter(); } /** * @return array */ public function getLevelMap(): array { return $this->levelMap; } }