* $scriptService = new Google\Service\Script(...); * $scripts = $scriptService->scripts; * */ class Scripts extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Runs a function in an Apps Script project. The script project must be * deployed for use with the Apps Script API and the calling application must * share the same Cloud Platform project. This method requires authorization * with an OAuth 2.0 token that includes at least one of the scopes listed in * the [Authorization](#authorization-scopes) section; script projects that do * not require authorization cannot be executed through this API. To find the * correct scopes to include in the authentication token, open the script * project **Overview** page and scroll down to "Project OAuth Scopes." The * error `403, PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission` indicates * that the Cloud Platform project used to authorize the request is not the same * as the one used by the script. (scripts.run) * * @param string $scriptId The script ID of the script to be executed. Find the * script ID on the **Project settings** page under "IDs." * @param ExecutionRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Operation */ public function run($scriptId, ExecutionRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['scriptId' => $scriptId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('run', [$params], Operation::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Scripts::class, 'Google_Service_Script_Resource_Scripts');