 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

namespace Google\Service\Docs;

class ParagraphElement extends \Google\Model
  protected $autoTextType = AutoText::class;
  protected $autoTextDataType = '';
  protected $columnBreakType = ColumnBreak::class;
  protected $columnBreakDataType = '';
   * @var int
  public $endIndex;
  protected $equationType = Equation::class;
  protected $equationDataType = '';
  protected $footnoteReferenceType = FootnoteReference::class;
  protected $footnoteReferenceDataType = '';
  protected $horizontalRuleType = HorizontalRule::class;
  protected $horizontalRuleDataType = '';
  protected $inlineObjectElementType = InlineObjectElement::class;
  protected $inlineObjectElementDataType = '';
  protected $pageBreakType = PageBreak::class;
  protected $pageBreakDataType = '';
  protected $personType = Person::class;
  protected $personDataType = '';
  protected $richLinkType = RichLink::class;
  protected $richLinkDataType = '';
   * @var int
  public $startIndex;
  protected $textRunType = TextRun::class;
  protected $textRunDataType = '';

   * @param AutoText
  public function setAutoText(AutoText $autoText)
    $this->autoText = $autoText;
   * @return AutoText
  public function getAutoText()
    return $this->autoText;
   * @param ColumnBreak
  public function setColumnBreak(ColumnBreak $columnBreak)
    $this->columnBreak = $columnBreak;
   * @return ColumnBreak
  public function getColumnBreak()
    return $this->columnBreak;
   * @param int
  public function setEndIndex($endIndex)
    $this->endIndex = $endIndex;
   * @return int
  public function getEndIndex()
    return $this->endIndex;
   * @param Equation
  public function setEquation(Equation $equation)
    $this->equation = $equation;
   * @return Equation
  public function getEquation()
    return $this->equation;
   * @param FootnoteReference
  public function setFootnoteReference(FootnoteReference $footnoteReference)
    $this->footnoteReference = $footnoteReference;
   * @return FootnoteReference
  public function getFootnoteReference()
    return $this->footnoteReference;
   * @param HorizontalRule
  public function setHorizontalRule(HorizontalRule $horizontalRule)
    $this->horizontalRule = $horizontalRule;
   * @return HorizontalRule
  public function getHorizontalRule()
    return $this->horizontalRule;
   * @param InlineObjectElement
  public function setInlineObjectElement(InlineObjectElement $inlineObjectElement)
    $this->inlineObjectElement = $inlineObjectElement;
   * @return InlineObjectElement
  public function getInlineObjectElement()
    return $this->inlineObjectElement;
   * @param PageBreak
  public function setPageBreak(PageBreak $pageBreak)
    $this->pageBreak = $pageBreak;
   * @return PageBreak
  public function getPageBreak()
    return $this->pageBreak;
   * @param Person
  public function setPerson(Person $person)
    $this->person = $person;
   * @return Person
  public function getPerson()
    return $this->person;
   * @param RichLink
  public function setRichLink(RichLink $richLink)
    $this->richLink = $richLink;
   * @return RichLink
  public function getRichLink()
    return $this->richLink;
   * @param int
  public function setStartIndex($startIndex)
    $this->startIndex = $startIndex;
   * @return int
  public function getStartIndex()
    return $this->startIndex;
   * @param TextRun
  public function setTextRun(TextRun $textRun)
    $this->textRun = $textRun;
   * @return TextRun
  public function getTextRun()
    return $this->textRun;

// Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name.
class_alias(ParagraphElement::class, 'Google_Service_Docs_ParagraphElement');