* $clouderrorreportingService = new Google\Service\Clouderrorreporting(...); * $groupStats = $clouderrorreportingService->groupStats; * */ class ProjectsGroupStats extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists the specified groups. (groupStats.listProjectsGroupStats) * * @param string $projectName Required. The resource name of the Google Cloud * Platform project. Written as `projects/{projectID}` or * `projects/{projectNumber}`, where `{projectID}` and `{projectNumber}` can be * found in the [Google Cloud * Console](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). Examples: * `projects/my-project-123`, `projects/5551234`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string alignment Optional. The alignment of the timed counts to be * returned. Default is `ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END`. * @opt_param string alignmentTime Optional. Time where the timed counts shall * be aligned if rounded alignment is chosen. Default is 00:00 UTC. * @opt_param string groupId Optional. List all ErrorGroupStats with these IDs. * @opt_param string order Optional. The sort order in which the results are * returned. Default is `COUNT_DESC`. * @opt_param int pageSize Optional. The maximum number of results to return per * response. Default is 20. * @opt_param string pageToken Optional. A `next_page_token` provided by a * previous response. To view additional results, pass this token along with the * identical query parameters as the first request. * @opt_param string serviceFilter.resourceType Optional. The exact value to * match against [`ServiceContext.resource_type`](/error- * reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/ServiceContext#FIELDS.resource_type). * @opt_param string serviceFilter.service Optional. The exact value to match * against [`ServiceContext.service`](/error- * reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/ServiceContext#FIELDS.service). * @opt_param string serviceFilter.version Optional. The exact value to match * against [`ServiceContext.version`](/error- * reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/ServiceContext#FIELDS.version). * @opt_param string timeRange.period Restricts the query to the specified time * range. * @opt_param string timedCountDuration Optional. The preferred duration for a * single returned `TimedCount`. If not set, no timed counts are returned. * @return ListGroupStatsResponse */ public function listProjectsGroupStats($projectName, $optParams = []) { $params = ['projectName' => $projectName]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListGroupStatsResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProjectsGroupStats::class, 'Google_Service_Clouderrorreporting_Resource_ProjectsGroupStats');