biEngineStatistics = $biEngineStatistics; } /** * @return BiEngineStatistics */ public function getBiEngineStatistics() { return $this->biEngineStatistics; } /** * @param int */ public function setBillingTier($billingTier) { $this->billingTier = $billingTier; } /** * @return int */ public function getBillingTier() { return $this->billingTier; } /** * @param bool */ public function setCacheHit($cacheHit) { $this->cacheHit = $cacheHit; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCacheHit() { return $this->cacheHit; } /** * @param string */ public function setDdlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount($ddlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount) { $this->ddlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount = $ddlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount; } /** * @return string */ public function getDdlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount() { return $this->ddlAffectedRowAccessPolicyCount; } /** * @param TableReference */ public function setDdlDestinationTable(TableReference $ddlDestinationTable) { $this->ddlDestinationTable = $ddlDestinationTable; } /** * @return TableReference */ public function getDdlDestinationTable() { return $this->ddlDestinationTable; } /** * @param string */ public function setDdlOperationPerformed($ddlOperationPerformed) { $this->ddlOperationPerformed = $ddlOperationPerformed; } /** * @return string */ public function getDdlOperationPerformed() { return $this->ddlOperationPerformed; } /** * @param DatasetReference */ public function setDdlTargetDataset(DatasetReference $ddlTargetDataset) { $this->ddlTargetDataset = $ddlTargetDataset; } /** * @return DatasetReference */ public function getDdlTargetDataset() { return $this->ddlTargetDataset; } /** * @param RoutineReference */ public function setDdlTargetRoutine(RoutineReference $ddlTargetRoutine) { $this->ddlTargetRoutine = $ddlTargetRoutine; } /** * @return RoutineReference */ public function getDdlTargetRoutine() { return $this->ddlTargetRoutine; } /** * @param RowAccessPolicyReference */ public function setDdlTargetRowAccessPolicy(RowAccessPolicyReference $ddlTargetRowAccessPolicy) { $this->ddlTargetRowAccessPolicy = $ddlTargetRowAccessPolicy; } /** * @return RowAccessPolicyReference */ public function getDdlTargetRowAccessPolicy() { return $this->ddlTargetRowAccessPolicy; } /** * @param TableReference */ public function setDdlTargetTable(TableReference $ddlTargetTable) { $this->ddlTargetTable = $ddlTargetTable; } /** * @return TableReference */ public function getDdlTargetTable() { return $this->ddlTargetTable; } /** * @param DmlStatistics */ public function setDmlStats(DmlStatistics $dmlStats) { $this->dmlStats = $dmlStats; } /** * @return DmlStatistics */ public function getDmlStats() { return $this->dmlStats; } /** * @param string */ public function setEstimatedBytesProcessed($estimatedBytesProcessed) { $this->estimatedBytesProcessed = $estimatedBytesProcessed; } /** * @return string */ public function getEstimatedBytesProcessed() { return $this->estimatedBytesProcessed; } /** * @param MlStatistics */ public function setMlStatistics(MlStatistics $mlStatistics) { $this->mlStatistics = $mlStatistics; } /** * @return MlStatistics */ public function getMlStatistics() { return $this->mlStatistics; } /** * @param BigQueryModelTraining */ public function setModelTraining(BigQueryModelTraining $modelTraining) { $this->modelTraining = $modelTraining; } /** * @return BigQueryModelTraining */ public function getModelTraining() { return $this->modelTraining; } /** * @param int */ public function setModelTrainingCurrentIteration($modelTrainingCurrentIteration) { $this->modelTrainingCurrentIteration = $modelTrainingCurrentIteration; } /** * @return int */ public function getModelTrainingCurrentIteration() { return $this->modelTrainingCurrentIteration; } /** * @param string */ public function setModelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration($modelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration) { $this->modelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration = $modelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration; } /** * @return string */ public function getModelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration() { return $this->modelTrainingExpectedTotalIteration; } /** * @param string */ public function setNumDmlAffectedRows($numDmlAffectedRows) { $this->numDmlAffectedRows = $numDmlAffectedRows; } /** * @return string */ public function getNumDmlAffectedRows() { return $this->numDmlAffectedRows; } /** * @param ExplainQueryStage[] */ public function setQueryPlan($queryPlan) { $this->queryPlan = $queryPlan; } /** * @return ExplainQueryStage[] */ public function getQueryPlan() { return $this->queryPlan; } /** * @param RoutineReference[] */ public function setReferencedRoutines($referencedRoutines) { $this->referencedRoutines = $referencedRoutines; } /** * @return RoutineReference[] */ public function getReferencedRoutines() { return $this->referencedRoutines; } /** * @param TableReference[] */ public function setReferencedTables($referencedTables) { $this->referencedTables = $referencedTables; } /** * @return TableReference[] */ public function getReferencedTables() { return $this->referencedTables; } /** * @param JobStatistics2ReservationUsage[] */ public function setReservationUsage($reservationUsage) { $this->reservationUsage = $reservationUsage; } /** * @return JobStatistics2ReservationUsage[] */ public function getReservationUsage() { return $this->reservationUsage; } /** * @param TableSchema */ public function setSchema(TableSchema $schema) { $this->schema = $schema; } /** * @return TableSchema */ public function getSchema() { return $this->schema; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatementType($statementType) { $this->statementType = $statementType; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatementType() { return $this->statementType; } /** * @param QueryTimelineSample[] */ public function setTimeline($timeline) { $this->timeline = $timeline; } /** * @return QueryTimelineSample[] */ public function getTimeline() { return $this->timeline; } /** * @param string */ public function setTotalBytesBilled($totalBytesBilled) { $this->totalBytesBilled = $totalBytesBilled; } /** * @return string */ public function getTotalBytesBilled() { return $this->totalBytesBilled; } /** * @param string */ public function setTotalBytesProcessed($totalBytesProcessed) { $this->totalBytesProcessed = $totalBytesProcessed; } /** * @return string */ public function getTotalBytesProcessed() { return $this->totalBytesProcessed; } /** * @param string */ public function setTotalBytesProcessedAccuracy($totalBytesProcessedAccuracy) { $this->totalBytesProcessedAccuracy = $totalBytesProcessedAccuracy; } /** * @return string */ public function getTotalBytesProcessedAccuracy() { return $this->totalBytesProcessedAccuracy; } /** * @param string */ public function setTotalPartitionsProcessed($totalPartitionsProcessed) { $this->totalPartitionsProcessed = $totalPartitionsProcessed; } /** * @return string */ public function getTotalPartitionsProcessed() { return $this->totalPartitionsProcessed; } /** * @param string */ public function setTotalSlotMs($totalSlotMs) { $this->totalSlotMs = $totalSlotMs; } /** * @return string */ public function getTotalSlotMs() { return $this->totalSlotMs; } /** * @param QueryParameter[] */ public function setUndeclaredQueryParameters($undeclaredQueryParameters) { $this->undeclaredQueryParameters = $undeclaredQueryParameters; } /** * @return QueryParameter[] */ public function getUndeclaredQueryParameters() { return $this->undeclaredQueryParameters; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(JobStatistics2::class, 'Google_Service_Bigquery_JobStatistics2');