*/ include "asana_fcts.php"; include "../../../../inc/plugins.php"; include "../../remote.php"; //include "/usr/share/dokuwiki/inc/plugin.php"; //include "/usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/remote.php"; // must be run within Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); class remote_plugin_asana_APILink extends DokuWiki_Remote_Plugin { //url de l'API d'Asana, on la garni en fonction de la requete var $url_base = "https://app.asana.com/api/1.0"; var $api_key = ""; //initialisation de l'objet de requete utilisant curl var $ch; //workspace par default var $workspace = ""; //text to render var $text = ""; var $workspaces = array(); var $projects = array(); var $assignees = array(); var $tags = array(); var $workspace_filter = array(); var $assignees_filter= array(); var $tags_filter= array(); var $projects_filter = array(); var $strings_filter = array(); /** * Construct curl object to collecte Asana's intelligences * Api from this user in prameter **/ public function __construct(){ //echo "Initialisation de l'objet CURL\n"; $this->ch= curl_init(); //obtenir la réponse comme un return curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true); //définie le header de la requete curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , array('Content-type: application/json')); //définie option ssl curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , FALSE); } public function __destruct(){ curl_close($this->ch); } /** * Register RPC methods and their arguments */ public function _getMethods() { return array( 'plugin.asana.connecte' => array( 'args' => array('string'), 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => "Connecte un user à son compte Asana via sa clé API" ), 'plugin.asana.render_user' => array( 'args' => array('string'), 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => "Donne le rendu des taches Asana d'un user sous forme d'un tableau" ) ); } /** * Connection à l\'api via la demande de clé api pour le site Asana **/ function connect(){ $api_key_user = $this->getConf('api_key'); //echo "Définition de la clé API\n"; if( $api_key_user != "Asana's API key"){ $this->api_key = $api_key_user; } else { return "

Vous devez spécifier une clé API d'Asana depuis le menu de configuration du plugin Asana.

"; } //définie l'utilisateur et mdp ( ici pas de mdp) curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD , $this->api_key . ":"); $this->workspaces = $this->workspaces(); //ici on ira cherché le workspace contenu dans la partie conf foreach( $this->workspaces as $work_key => $work_value ){ if( $work_key == $this->getConf('workspace')){ $this->workspace_filter['name']= $work_key; $this->workspace_filter['id']=$work_value; } } if(!empty($this->workspace_filter)){ $this->projects = $this->workspace_projects($this->workspace_filter['id']); $this->assignees = $this->workspace_users($this->workspace_filter['id']); $this->tags = $this->workspace_tags($this->workspace_filter['id']); } return ""; } /* /** * render le tableau contenant les infromations sur les taches * le format du render text est surrement à modifier **/ function render_user(){ if(empty($this->workspace_filter)){ return "

Vous devez spécifier un nom de workspace. Soit dans la configuration du plugin. Soit dans la syntaxe.

"; } else{ $text = "
"; $text = $text . "

Tâches Asana ( Asana's Tasks )

"; $text = $text . "

". $this->workspace_filter['name'] . "

"; $text = $text . "".$this->render_workspaces($this->workspace_filter['id'])."
"; $text = $text . "

"; return $text."
"; } } /** * render un worspace, c'est à dire créé un tableau * met dans text les données structurant le tableau **/ function render_workspaces($workspace){; $text = "Project Task Name Assignee Due date Comments/Tags "; $tasks = array(); if( empty($this->assignees_filter)){ if(empty($this->projects_filter)){ //non assignee non project $this->projects = $this->workspace_projects($workspace); foreach( $this->projects as $project_key => $project_value ){ $tasks_current = $this->project_tasks($project_value); foreach($tasks_current as $task_key => $task_value){ $task_value['project']=$project_key; $tasks_current[$task_key]=$task_value; } $tasks = array_merge($tasks,$tasks_current); } } else{ //non assignee project foreach( $this->projects_filter as $project_key => $project_value){ $tasks_current = $this->project_tasks($project_value); foreach($tasks_current as $task_key => $task_value){ $task_value['project']=$project_key; $tasks_current[$task_key]=$task_value; } $tasks = array_merge($tasks,$tasks_current); } } } else{ if(empty($this->projects_filter)){ //assignee non project foreach( $this->assignees_filter as $assignee){ foreach( $this->projects as $project_key => $project_value ){ $tasks_current = $this->project_tasks_assignee($project_value, $assignee); foreach($tasks_current as $task_key => $task_value){ $task_value['project']=$project_key; $tasks_current[$task_key]=$task_value; } $tasks = array_merge($tasks,$tasks_current); } } } else{ //assignee project foreach( $this->projects_filter as $project_key => $project_value){ foreach( $this->assignees_filter as $assignee){ $tasks_current = $this->project_tasks_assignee($project_value,$assignee); //var_dump($tasks_current); foreach($tasks_current as $task_key => $task_value){ $task_value['project']=$project_key; $tasks_current[$task_key]=$task_value; } $tasks = array_merge($tasks,$tasks_current); } } } } if( !empty($this->tags_filter)){ foreach($this->tags_filter as $tag_key => $tag_value){ $tasks = $this->tag_filter($tag_key,$tasks); } } if( !empty($this->strings_filter)){ foreach($this->strings_filter as $string){ $tasks = $this->string_filter($string, $tasks); } } $tasks = $this->due_date_sort($tasks); foreach( $tasks as $task){ $text .= " ".$task['project'] . " " . "".$task['name'] ."". " " .$task['assignee']['name'] . " " . $task['due_date'] . " " . $this->comment_head($task['id'],$this->render_comments($task['id']).$this->render_tags($task['tags']))." "; } return $text; } /* * donne le code html pour afficher les commentaires de chaque tâches * on affiche une fenêtre modale contenant les commentaires sous forme de liste **/ function comment_head($div_id,$text){ return "

Fermer les commentaires


Afficher le masque

"; } /* render des commentaires d'une tache * liste des textes des commentaires **/ function render_comments($task){ $text = "

Comments :

"; $text .= ""; } /** * render des tags * liste des noms de tags **/ function render_tags($tags){ $text = "

Tags :

"; $text .= ""; } function addProjectFilter($project_target_name){ foreach($this->projects as $project_key => $project_value){ if($project_key==$project_target_name){ $this->projects_filter[$project_key]=$project_value; return 1; } } return 0; } function addAssigneeFilter($assignee_target_name){ foreach($this->assignees as $assignee_key => $assignee_value){ if($assignee_key==$assignee_target_name){ $this->assignees_filter[$assignee_key]=$assignee_value; return 1; } } return 0; } function addTagFilter($tag_target_name){ foreach($this->tags as $tag_key => $tag_value){ if($tag_key==$tag_target_name){ $this->tags_filter[$tag_key]=$tag_value; return 1; } } return 0; } function addStringFilter($string_filter){ $this->strings_filter[]= $string_filter; } function changeWorkspace($workspace_target_name){ foreach($this->workspaces as $work_key => $work_value){ if( $work_key == $workspace_target_name){ $this->workspace_filter = array( 'name' => $work_key , 'id' => $work_value ); $this->projects = $this->workspace_projects($this->workspace_filter['id']); $this->assignees = $this->workspace_users($this->workspace_filter['id']); $this->tags = $this->workspace_tags($this->workspace_filter['id']); return 1; } } return 0; } //donne la liste des workspace de l'utilisateur courant function workspaces(){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/users/me"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); //var_dump($data_rep); $workspaces = array(); foreach($data_rep['data']['workspaces'] as $workspace){ $workspaces[$workspace['name']]=$workspace['id']; } return $workspaces; } // donne la liste des utilisateur du workspace spécifié // retourne la liste sous forme clé : nom, valeur : id function workspace_users($workspace_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/workspaces/".$workspace_ID."/users"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); $users = array(); foreach($data_rep['data'] as $nom){ $users[$nom['name']]=$nom['id']; } return $users; } //donne les projets d'un workspace donné function workspace_projects($workspace_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/workspaces/".$workspace_ID."/projects"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); //var_dump($data_rep); $projects = array(); foreach($data_rep['data'] as $project){ $projects[$project['name']]=$project['id']; } return $projects; } function workspace_tags($workspace_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/workspaces/".$workspace_ID."/tags"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); //var_dump($data_rep); $tags = array(); foreach($data_rep['data'] as $tag){ $tags[$tag['name']]=$tag['id']; } return $tags; } //donne les tache d'un project selon un assignee function project_tasks_assignee($project_ID,$assignee_id){ $data_rep = $this->project_tasks($project_ID); $tasks = array(); foreach($data_rep as $task){ if( $task['assignee']['id'] == $assignee_id ){ $tasks[]=$task; } } return $tasks; } //donne les tache d'un projet donné function project_tasks($project_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/projects/".$project_ID."/tasks"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); //var_dump($data_rep); $tasks = array(); foreach($data_rep['data'] as $task){ $tasks[]=$this->task($task['id']); } return $tasks; } //donne les détails d'un tache donné function task($task_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL , $this->url_base."/tasks/".$task_ID); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); //var_dump($data_rep); $task = array(); $task_elt = $data_rep['data']; $task=array( 'id' => $task_elt['id'] , 'name' =>$task_elt['name'], 'tags' => $task_elt['tags'], 'due_date' => $task_elt['due_on'], 'assignee' => $task_elt['assignee'], 'desc' => $task_elt['notes']); return $task; } //donne les commentaires d'une tache function task_comments($task_ID){ curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url_base."/tasks/".$task_ID."/stories"); $data_rep = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch),true); $comments = array(); foreach( $data_rep['data'] as $storie){ if($storie['type'] == 'comment'){ $comments[$storie['text']] = $storie['id']; } } return $comments; } //fonction de comparaison de deux date dans un tableau de taches static function compare_date($task1, $task2){ date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); if( $task1['due_date'] == "" ){ //si la date 1 n'existe pas if( $task2['due_date'] == "" ){ //si la date 2 n'existe pas return 0; } else{ //si la date 2 existe return 1; } } else{ //si la date 1 existe if( $task2['due_date'] == "" ){ //si la date 2 n'existe pas return -1; } else{ // les deux dates existent donc on les comparent vraiment $date1 = strtotime($task1['due_date']); $date2 = strtotime($task2['due_date']); if( $date1<$date2){ return -1; } elseif( $date1 == $date2){ return 0; } else{ return 1; } } } } // trie un tableau de taches par leur deadline function due_date_sort($tasks){ uasort($tasks,array('remote_plugin_asana_APILink','compare_date')); return $tasks; } //permet de trouver l'id du projet dans le workspace selon le nom du projet function project_find($projects,$project_target_name){ foreach( $projects as $project_name => $project_id ){ if( $project_name == $project_target_name){ return $project_id; } } return 0; } function string_filter($string, $tasks){ $tasks_cp = array(); while( count($tasks) !=0 ){ $task = array_shift($tasks); if(strstr($task['name'],$string) or strstr($task['desc'],$string)){ $tasks_cp[] = $task; } } return $tasks_cp; } //filtre un tableau de tache selon un tag function tag_filter($tag_name, $tasks){ $tasks_cp = array(); while( count($tasks) !=0 ){ $task = array_shift($tasks); if($this->tags_compare($tag_name,$task) == 1){ $tasks_cp[] = $task; } } return $tasks_cp; } //compare le tag d'une tache à un nom de tag function tags_compare($tag_name,$task){ foreach( $task['tags'] as $tag ){ if( $tag['name'] == $tag_name ){ return 1; } } return 0; } }