*/ if (!defined('DOKU_LF')) define('DOKU_LF', "\n"); if (!defined('DOKU_TAB')) define('DOKU_TAB', "\t"); if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); if(!defined('DOKU_DATA')) define('DOKU_DATA',DOKU_INC.'data/pages/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_anewssystem extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /******************************************************************************/ /* return some info */ function getInfo(){ return confToHash(dirname(__FILE__).'/plugin.info.txt'); } function getType(){ return 'substition';} function getPType(){ return 'block';} function getSort(){ return 167;} /******************************************************************************/ /* Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode){ $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{anss>[^}]*\}\}',$mode,'plugin_anewssystem'); } /******************************************************************************/ /* handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos,Doku_Handler &$handler) { global $ID, $conf; $match = substr($match,strlen('{{anss>'),-2); //strip markup from start and end //handle params $data = array(); /******************************************************************************/ /* parameter 1 can be one of the following: xs-author, flash /******************************************************************************/ $params = $match; // if you will have more parameters and choose ',' to delim them //Default Value $ans_conf = array(); $ans_conf['newsroot'] = 'news'; $ans_conf['newspage'] = 'newsdata'; $ans_conf['newstemplate'] = DOKU_PLUGIN.'anewssystem/tpl/newstemplate_'.$conf['lang'].'.txt'; $ans_conf['param'] = $params; if (!$params) { msg('Syntax of anewssystem detected but unknown parameter was attached.', -1); } else { return $ans_conf;} } /******************************************************************************/ /* render output * @author Taggic */ function render($mode,Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $ans_conf) { global $ID, $conf; $xhtml_renderer = new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); $records = file(DOKU_PLUGIN.'anewssystem/tpl/newstemplate_'.$conf['lang'].'.txt'); unset($records[0]); $target = $this->getConf('news_datafile'); $targetpage = htmlspecialchars(trim($target)); $prefix = 'anss'; $del = 'anss_del'; $cut_prefx = 'news_input_'; $allnewsdata1 = $this->getConf('news_output'); $allnewsdata = wl( (isset($allnewsdata1) ? $allnewsdata1 : 'news:newsdata') ); $i = strripos($allnewsdata, ":"); $news_root = substr($allnewsdata, 0, $i); // check if user has write permission on that ID $current_usr = pageinfo(); // necessary for the back link of a show one article per page (SOAPP) if(stripos($_GET['archive'],'archive')!== false) $ans_conf['param'] = $_GET['archive']; $_GET['archive']=""; // 1. read template (plugins/anewssystem/template.php) $template = file_get_contents(DOKU_PLUGIN.'anewssystem/tpl/newstemplate.txt'); /*------- add news action part -----------------------------------------*/ $post_prefix = $_POST["xs-".$prefix]; $delete_record = $_POST["anss_del_record"]; $delete_anchor = $_POST["anss_del_anchor"]; // msg($delete_record." = |".$delete_anchor.'|',0); if(!isset($delete_anchor)) $delete_anchor = $delete_record; // if anchor field was deleted on input if( (strlen($post_prefix)>2) && (auth_quickaclcheck($targetpage) >= AUTH_EDIT) ) { // this will be called to store the news article to the others $id_count = 1; foreach( $_POST as $postkey => $postvalue ) { if( strpos($postkey, "news_input_") === 0 ) { $key = substr($postkey, strlen($cut_prefx)); $key = trim($key); if( strpos(trim($postvalue), "\n") !== false ) { // this is a multilined value, so we need to prepend a linebreak // to achieve a multilined value for the template plugin $postvalue = "\n" . $postvalue; $postvalue = str_replace(chr(13),"",$postvalue); } // if( strpos(trim($postvalue), "\n\n") !== false ) $postvalue = str_replace('\n\n','\n',$postvalue); if(strpos('anchor',$key)>0) { $postvalue =''.$postvalue.''; } $newrecord .= " * " . $key . ": " . $postvalue . "\n"; } } $newrecord = '====== '.$_POST['news_input_head'].' ======'.chr(10).chr(10).$newrecord.chr(10); $oldrecord = rawWiki($targetpage); saveWikiText($targetpage, $newrecord.$oldrecord, "New entry", true); $_POST["xs-".$prefix] = ''; msg($this->getLang('news_added'),1); } elseif( (strlen($post_prefix)>2) && (auth_quickaclcheck($targetpage) < AUTH_EDIT) ) { msg($this->getLang('no_permission'),-1); } /*------- delete a news record -----------------------------------------*/ elseif( (strlen($delete_record)>2) && (auth_quickaclcheck($targetpage) >= AUTH_EDIT) ) { $raw_records = rawWiki($targetpage); $news_record = explode("====== ",$raw_records); foreach($news_record as $record) { if((stripos($record, $delete_record)!==false) && (stripos($record, $delete_anchor)!==false)) { // inform user // msg("Delete: $record = ".$delete_record,0); // msg("Anchor: $record = ".$delete_anchor,0); msg('News Article deleted.',1); } else { if(strlen($record)>1) $news_records.= "====== ".$record;} } // write file saveWikiText($targetpage, $news_records, "New entry", true); } /*------- show user form -----------------------------------------------*/ // this will provide the user form to add further news // 2. create input form based on template if ($ans_conf['param']==='author') { if($this->getConf('wysiwyg')==true) { $myFunc = 'onsubmit="myFunction()"'; } $output .= '
'.NL; $output .= ''.NL; foreach ($records as $record) { $fields = explode('|',$record); if (trim($fields[1]) == "textarea") { $output .= '

'.trim($fields[4]); $output .= '
'; if($this->getConf('wysiwyg')==false) { $output .= $this->news_edit_toolbar('news_input_'.trim($fields[0])); $imgBASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/anewssystem/images/toolbar/"; $output .= '

'.NL; } else { $ansTBox_ID ='anss_textBox_'.trim($fields[0]); $template = file_get_contents(DOKU_PLUGIN.'anewssystem/tpl/newstemplate.txt'); $FontRecords = file(DOKU_PLUGIN.'anewssystem/tpl/fonts.txt'); foreach ($FontRecords as $FontDef) { // $Font = font-family $Font = explode(',', $FontDef); $Font[0] = trim($Font[0]); // font-family $Font[1] = trim($Font[1]); // font $fontOptions .= ''.NL; } $output .= ''.NL; $output .= '

'.NL; } } else if (trim($fields[0]) == "anchor") { $default_anker = date("YmdHis"); if($this->getConf('soapp')>0) $link_anker = $this->getConf('act_delim').'anchor='.$default_anker; // to show only one article only on a page else $link_anker = '#'.$default_anker; // to show all news at one page but scroll to the anchor position $default_anker = '#'.$default_anker; if((stripos($fields[1],'hidden') === false) && ($this->getConf('hide_anchorID')< 1)) { $output .= '


'.NL; } else { $output .= ''.NL; } } else if (trim($fields[1]) == "date") { $default_value = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($fields[3])); $output .= '


'.NL; } else if (trim($fields[0]) == "author") { global $ID; global $conf; $current_usr = pageinfo(); //to get current user as author // real name: $current_usr['userinfo']['name'] // login: $current_usr['client'] if($conf['showuseras'] == 'loginname') { $default_value = $current_usr['client']; } elseif($conf['showuseras'] == 'username') { // real name $default_value = $current_usr['userinfo']['name']; } elseif($conf['showuseras'] == 'email') { // ofuscated mail address according mailguard settings $default_value = $current_usr['userinfo']['name']; } elseif($conf['showuseras'] == 'email_link') { $default_value = $current_usr['userinfo']['name']; } else $default_value = ""; $output .= '


'.NL; } else if (trim($fields[1]) == "link") { $default_value = wl($allnewsdata1).$link_anker; $output .= '


'.NL; } else { $output .= '


'.NL; } $id_count = $id_count + 1; } $output .= ''.NL; if($this->getConf('wysiwyg')==true) { $output .= ''.NL; } $output .= '
'; // 3. check if path/file exist on save click // 4. add the new post before the existing (e.g. news:newsdata.txt) $renderer->doc .= $output; } /*------- show perview -------------------------------------------------*/ elseif (strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'flash')!== false) { $info = array(); $tmp = substr($ans_conf['param'],strlen('flash')); //strip parameter to get set of add parameter $prefs = explode(',',$tmp); // $prefs[0] = preview length // $prefs[1] = box width // $prefs[2] = float option // $prefs[3] = max items // $prefs[4] = tags separated by pipe if(!isset($prefs[4])) $tag_flag = true; if($prefs[0]<10) $prefs[0] = $this->getConf('prev_length'); $preview_length = $prefs[0]; if(! isset($prefs[1])) { $prefs[1]=''; $item_width = '';} else { $a=0.5; $item_width = 'style="margin-right: 10px !important;"'; $prefs[2] = "float: ".$prefs[2].";"; $prefs[1] = 'style="width: '.$prefs[1].'; '.$prefs[2].'"';} if($prefs[3]==0) $prefs[3]=5; $newsitems = array(); // this will be called to display a preview $output = '
'; if($this->getConf('newsflash_link') == false) { $output .= '
'.NL; } else { $output .= ''.NL; } $output .= '
'.NL; // 1. read news file (e.g. news:newsdata.txt) $oldrecord = rawWiki($targetpage); // $entries = explode("\n----\n\n",$oldrecord); $entries = explode("======",$oldrecord); foreach($entries as $entry) { // split news block into line items $temp_array = explode("\n * ",$entry); unset($temp_array[0]); $wysiwyg = false; // 2. create preview output // split line items into key and data $aFlag = false; $bFlag = false; foreach ($temp_array as $item) { list($key, $value) = split(":",trim($item),2); $tag_flag = false; if($key=='anchor') { $anchor = trim($value); } elseif(($key=='start') && strtotime(trim($value)) < time()) { $aFlag = true; $value = date($this->getConf('d_format'), strtotime($value)); $news_date = ' ('. $value ; } elseif(($key=='stop') && strtotime(trim($value)) > time()) { $bFlag = true; } elseif($key=='wysiwyg'){ $wysiwyg = 1; } elseif($key=='text'){ if($bFlag !== true) break; // replace media links $linkx = array(); $pattern = '/\{\{.*?\}\}/i'; $linkx = $this->replace_links($pattern, $value, 'medi'); // replace hyperlinks $links = array(); $pattern = '/\[\[.*?\]\]/i'; $links = $this->replace_links($pattern, $value, 'url'); // shrink the output according settings //$prvw_string = substr( preg_replace ('/\<.*?\>/', ' ', $value ) , 0, $preview_length ); $check = explode(' ', $value); $i=0; $prvw_string =''; foreach($check as $a) { $prvw_string .= $a.' '; $i++; if($i>$preview_length) {break;} } if(count($check)-1>$preview_length) $prvw_string .= ' ...'; // replace placeholder $links = $this->replace_placeholder($links, $prvw_string, 'url'); $linkx = $this->replace_placeholder($linkx, $prvw_string, 'medi'); if ($wysiwyg==false) $prvw_string = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($prvw_string),$info); $preview_string = '' . $prvw_string .''. NL; } // head has to be before the link in the template ! elseif($key=='head'){ $news_head = $value; // add edit button to section edit the article if edit // permission is given to that current user for this ID if($current_usr["perm"]>1) { // detect start and stop of section $news_rawcontent = rawWiki($targetpage); $start= stripos($news_rawcontent,$value)-5; $tmp = explode("====== ",$news_rawcontent); foreach($tmp as $temps) { if(stripos($temps,$value)!==false) { $stop = strlen($temps)+$start+6; break; } } // assemble the pieces for the button and form. $url = wl($this->getConf('news_datafile'),'',true); $ank = '
 '; // add a delete button and $POST $ank .= '
'; } else $ank=''; } elseif($key=='link'){ $prev_id++; $news_head = ''. $news_head .''.NL; // generate an overlap div with Thumbshot picture if link is provided by conf if($this->getConf('convert')) { if(is_string($response)) { msg($response,-1); } else { list($link,$image) = $response; $anID = explode("id=",$value); if($anID[1]) $theLink = DOKU_URL.'doku.php?id='.$anID[1]; else $theLink = $value; $theLink = sprintf($this->getConf('convert'), $theLink); $news_head .= ' '.NL; // anchorid, pos, glidetime, revealbehavior $news_head .= ''.NL; } } } elseif($key=='author'){ $news_date .= ', '. $value; } elseif(($key=='tags') && (isset($prefs[4]) !== false)) { $tags = explode(',',$value); foreach($tags as $tag) { if(($tag!==false) && (stripos($prefs[4],trim($tag))!==false)){ $tag_flag = true; break; } } } } if(isset($prefs[4]) == false) $tag_flag = true; $news_date .= ')

'.NL; if(($aFlag === true) && ($bFlag === true) && ($tag_flag === true)) { $output .= '
'.NL; $item_counter = $item_counter + 1; // stop if max number of items is reached if (isset($prefs[3]) && ($item_counter == $prefs[3])) { break; } } } if($item_counter==0) { $output .= '
'.NL; } $output .= '
'.NL.NL; $output = ''.$output; $renderer->doc .= $output; } /* --- Display a cloud of News Tags --------------------------------*/ elseif (strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'cloud')!== false) { $tmp = substr($ans_conf['param'],strlen('cloud')); //strip parameter to get set of add parameter $oldrecord = rawWiki($targetpage); $entries = explode("======",$oldrecord); // loop through configured all news page foreach($entries as $entry) { // split news block into line items $temp_array = explode("\n * ",$entry); unset($temp_array[0]); $aFlag = false; $bFlag = false; $tag_flag = false; // if perishing date is not exceeded then collect the tags foreach ($temp_array as $item) { list($key, $value) = split(":",trim($item),2); if(($key=='start') && strtotime(trim($value)) < time()) { $aFlag = true; $value = date($this->getConf('d_format'), strtotime($value)); $news_date = ' ('. $value ; } elseif(($key=='stop') && strtotime(trim($value)) > time()) { $bFlag = true; } if($key=='tags') { if(($aFlag !== true) || ($bFlag !== true)) break; $aFlag = false; $bFlag = false; $tags = explode(',',$value); if(count($tags) >0 ) { foreach($tags as $tag) { $tags_result[$tag]++; } break; } } } } // evaluate the styling parameters $tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $tmp,-1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $div_class = 'newsclouddiv'; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (preg_match('/^\d*\.?\d+(%|px|em|ex|pt|cm|mm|pi|in)$/', $token)) { $styles .= ' width: '.$token.';'; continue; } if (preg_match('/^( (\#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6}))| #color value (rgb\(([0-9]{1,3}%?,){2}[0-9]{1,3}%?\)) #rgb triplet )$/x', $token)) { $styles .= ' background-color: '.$token.';'; continue; } if((stripos($token,'tleft') !== false) || (stripos($token,'tright') !== false) || (stripos($token,'tcenter') !== false) || (stripos($token,'tjustify') !== false) || (stripos($token,'tinherit') !== false)) { $styles .= ' text-align: '.substr(trim($token),1).';'; //style the tabs properly if(stripos($token,'tright')!== false) { $tab_right = ""; $tab_left = DOKU_TAB; } else { $tab_right = ""; $tab_left = DOKU_TAB; } continue; } if((stripos($token,'fleft') !== false) || (stripos($token,'fright') !== false) || (stripos($token,'fnone') !== false) || (stripos($token,'finherit') !== false)) { $styles .= ' float: '.substr(trim($token),1).';'; continue; } if((stripos($token,'uppercase') !== false) || (stripos($token,'capitalize') !== false) || (stripos($token,'lowercase') !== false)) { $styles .= ' text-transform: '.$token.';'; continue; } if(stripos($token,'newsclouddiv') !== false) { $div_class = $token; continue; } } // output the tags as links $output = '
'.NL; // loop through the tags array and evaluate the size per tag $min = 1000; $max = 1; if(count($tags_result)<1) $output.='no tags found'; else { foreach($tags_result as $tag => $val) { $min = min($val,$min); $max = max($val,$max); } $delta = ($max-$min)/16; foreach($tags_result as $tag => $val) { if ($val < $min+round($delta)) $class = 'newscloud1'; elseif ($val < $min+round(2*$delta)) $class = 'newscloud2'; elseif ($val < $min+round(4*$delta)) $class = 'newscloud3'; elseif ($val < $min+round(8*$delta)) $class = 'newscloud4'; else $class = 'newscloud5'; $output .= $tab_left.''.$tag.''.$tab_right.NL; } } $output .= '
'.NL; $renderer->doc .= $output; } /* --- Show all news -------------------------------------------------*/ elseif ((strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'allnews')!== false)) { // check if page ID was called with tag filter $tmp = ','.$_GET['tag']; // this will overrule the page syntax setting $info = array(); if(strlen($tmp)<2) { // strip parameter to get set of add parameter // there exist either 'tag' or 'anchor', never both at the same time $tmp = substr($ans_conf['param'],strlen('allnews')); } $prefs = explode(',',$tmp); // one or multiple tag filters: $prefs[1] ... [n] // $prefs[0] = preview length // $prefs[1] = not used but comme must be existing to delim further params // $prefs[2] = not used but comme must be existing to delim further params // $prefs[3] = max items // $prefs[4] = tags separated by pipe if($prefs[0]<10) $prefs[0] = $this->getConf('prev_length'); $preview_length = $prefs[0]; $prefs['anchor'] = $_GET['anchor']; // this will overrule the page syntax setting to // show just the one article instead all of them // necessary for the back link of a show one article per page (SOAPP) // if($_GET['archive']=='archive') $ans_conf['param'] = 'archive'; $newsitems = array(); // this will be called to display all news articles $page = wl( (isset($targetpage) ? $targetpage : 'news:newsdata') ); $output = '
'.NL; // 1. read news file (e.g. news:newsdata.txt) $oldrecord = rawWiki($targetpage); $entries = explode("======",$oldrecord); $info = array(); $yh_level = $this->getConf('yh_level'); $mh_level = $this->getConf('mh_level'); $h_level = $this->getConf('h_level'); foreach($entries as $entry) { // split news block into line items $temp_array = explode("\n * ",$entry); unset($temp_array[0]); $wysiwyg = false; // 2. create output // split line items into key and data $aFlag = false; $bFlag = false; foreach ($temp_array as $item) { list($key, $value) = split(":",trim($item),2); $tag_flag = false; if($key=='anchor') { $anchor = trim($value); } elseif(($key=='start') && strtotime(trim($value)) < time()) { $aFlag = true; $value = date($this->getConf('d_format'), strtotime($value)); /* if (strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'archive')!== false) { $news_date = ' ('. $value; } else */$news_date = ' ('. $value ; } elseif(($key=='stop') && strtotime(trim($value)) > time()) { $bFlag = true; } elseif($key=='wysiwyg'){ $wysiwyg = 1; } elseif($key=='text'){ // replace media links $linkx = array(); $pattern = '/\{\{.*?\}\}/i'; $linkx = $this->replace_links($pattern, $value, 'medi'); // replace hyperlinks $links = array(); $pattern = '/\[\[.*?\]\]/i'; $links = $this->replace_links($pattern, $value, 'url'); if(isset($prefs['anchor'])!==true) { // shrink the output according settings //$prvw_string = substr( preg_replace ('/\<.*?\>/', ' ', $value ) , 0, $preview_length ); $check = explode(' ', $value); $i=0; $prvw_string =''; foreach($check as $a) { $prvw_string .= $a.' '; $i++; if($i>$preview_length) {break;} } if(count($check)-1>$preview_length) $prvw_string .= ' ...'; } else { $prvw_string = $value; } // replace placeholder $links = $this->replace_placeholder($links, $prvw_string, 'url'); $linkx = $this->replace_placeholder($linkx, $prvw_string, 'medi'); if ($wysiwyg==false) $prvw_string = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($prvw_string),$info); $preview_string = '' . $prvw_string .''. NL; } // head has to be before the link in the template ! elseif($key=='head'){ $news_head = trim($value); // add edit button to section edit the article if edit // permission is given to that current user for this ID if($current_usr["perm"]>1) { // detect start and stop of section $news_rawcontent = rawWiki($targetpage); $start= stripos($news_rawcontent,$value)-5; $tmp = explode("====== ",$news_rawcontent); foreach($tmp as $temps) { if(stripos($temps,$value)!==false) { $stop = strlen($temps)+$start+6; break; } } // assemble the pieces for the button and form. $url = wl($this->getConf('news_datafile'),'',true); $ank = '
 '; // add a delete button and $POST $ank .= '
'; } else $ank=''; } elseif($key=='subtitle'){ $news_subtitle = '
'.trim($value).''.NL; } elseif($key=='link'){ $news_head = ''. $news_head .''.NL; } elseif($key=='author'){ $news_date .= ', '. $value; } elseif(($key=='tags') && (isset($prefs[1]) !== false)) { $tags = explode(',',$value); foreach($tags as $tag) { if(($tag!==false) && (stripos($prefs[1],trim($tag))!==false)){ $tag_flag = true; break; } } } } $news_date .= ')
'.NL; // prevent output of date and author of ho parameter is given as off if ((strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'ho=off')!== false)) { $news_date =''; } if((isset($prefs[1]) === false) || (strlen($prefs[1]) <2)) $tag_flag = true; if(($aFlag === true) && ($bFlag === true) && ($tag_flag === true)) { $output .= '
'.NL; $item_counter++; } elseif(isset($prefs['anchor'])===true) { // show the single article independently if it is current or outdated $output .= '
'.NL; } $news_subtitle=''; // --- just ouput only the linked article on the page ---------- $archive_lnkTitle = $this->getConf('lnk_newsarchive'); if($archive_lnkTitle=='') $archive_lnkTitle = "News Archive"; if((strlen($anchor)>2) && (isset($prefs['anchor'])!==false)) { if(stripos($anchor,$prefs['anchor']) !== false) { $backlink = ''.$this->getLang('lnk_back').''; $backlink .= '  |  '.$this->getLang('allnews').''; $output = '
'.$backlink.NL. ' | '.$archive_lnkTitle.'

'.NL. '
'. $output. '
'.$backlink.NL. ' | '.$archive_lnkTitle.'

'.NL; break; // due to the single linked article is loaded into $output } } if(isset($prefs['anchor']) === true) { $output = ''; // to strip away all other articles } } if($item_counter==0) { $output .= ''.$this->getLang('noNews').''.NL; } $output .= '
'.NL.NL; $renderer->doc .= $output; } /* --- Show archive ----------------------------------------------------------*/ elseif ((strpos($ans_conf['param'], 'archive')!== false)) { // date ... consider all news of a defined month of a year (mm.yyyy, empty per default) // qty ... limits the number of news headlines starting with most recent (either integer or all, default:all) // tag ... consider all news where news article owns the given tag string (empty per default) tag delimiter is "|" // style ... css style string as used in HTML (except quotation marks) for the outer element div // class ... css style for usecase toc, page or box // ho ... headlinesonly will list the news headlines without timestamp and author (on/off, default: off) // p_signs ... number of previewed signs of the article // cws ... define if less simple styling to be kept (or none if the parameter is missing) // check if page ID was called with tag filter // $tmp .= ','.$_GET['tag']; // this will overrule the page syntax setting if(strlen($tmp)<2) { // strip parameter to get set of add parameter $tmp = substr($ans_conf['param'],strlen('allnews')); } $split_array = explode(',',$tmp); // one or multiple tag filters: $prefs[1] ... [n] $archive_options = array(); // split parameter into array with key and data foreach ($split_array as $item) { list($key, $value) = split("=",trim($item),2); $archive_options = $archive_options + array($key => $value); } // echo $archive_options['tag'].'
'; if(($archive_options['qty']=='') || ($archive_options['qty']<1)) $archive_options['qty'] = 'all'; if(array_key_exists('class',$archive_options) === false) $archive_options['class'] = 'page'; if(array_key_exists('ho',$archive_options) === false) $archive_options['ho'] = 'off'; $page = wl( (isset($targetpage) ? $targetpage : 'news:newsdata') ); // load raw news file (e.g. news:newsdata.txt) $oldrecord = rawWiki($targetpage); // split the news articles $newsitems = explode("======",$oldrecord); $info = array(); // get the headline level from config $yh_level = $this->getConf('yh_level'); $mh_level = $this->getConf('mh_level'); $h_level = $this->getConf('h_level'); // 1. read news file (e.g. news:newsdata.txt) foreach($newsitems as $article) { // split news block into line items $article_array = explode("\n * ",$article); unset($article_array[0]); // 2. create output // split line items into key and data $aFlag = false; // flag: start date value exists and start is not in future foreach ($article_array as $item) { list($key, $value) = split(":",trim($item),2); $tag_flag = false; if($key=='anchor') { $anchor = trim($value); } elseif(($key=='start') && strtotime(trim($value)) < time()) { $value = date($this->getConf('d_format'), strtotime($value)); $news_date = ' ('. $value; // get month and year to compare with $archive_options['date'] if(isset($archive_options['date']) && ($archive_options['date'] !== date('m.Y',strtotime($value)))) break; $aFlag = true; } // head has to be before the link in the template ! elseif($key=='head'){ $news_head = trim($value); } elseif($key=='subtitle'){ $news_subtitle = '
'.trim($value).''.NL; } elseif($key=='link'){ $news_head = ''. trim($news_head) .''.NL; } elseif($key=='wysiwyg'){ $news_wysiwyg = $value; } elseif($key=='text'){ $news_content = $value; } elseif($key=='author'){ $news_date .= ', '. $value; } elseif(($key=='tags') && (isset($archive_options['tag']) !== false)) { $tags = explode(',',$value); foreach($tags as $tag) { if(($tag!==false) && (stripos($archive_options['tag'],trim($tag))!==false)){ $tag_flag = true; break; } } } } $news_date .= ')
'.NL; if((isset($archive_options['tag']) === false) || (strlen($archive_options['tag']) <2)) $tag_flag = true; if (($aFlag === true) && ($tag_flag === true)) { //stop adding older news articles if quantity is reached $qty++; if(($qty > intval($archive_options['qty'])) && ($archive_options['qty']!=='all')) break; // list all news stories as headline linked to the story itself $elt = explode(",",$news_date); $elt[0] = trim(strip_tags(str_replace('(','',$elt[0]))); $elt[0] = date('F,Y',strtotime($elt[0])); list($new_month,$new_year) = explode(',',$elt[0]); // idea is that all stories are created one after the other // and the order within newsdata is according the start date // manipulation of Start/Perishing date possible but not expected // !!! There is no sort algorithm for year and month implemented !!! // to do such would lead into re-development of the plugin if(($old_year !== $new_year) && (($archive_options['class']==='page') || ($archive_options['ho']==='off'))) { if(trim($old_year) !== '') $close_ytag = "".NL; $output .= $close_ytag.'
  • '.$new_year.'
      '; $old_year = $new_year; } if(($old_month !== $new_month) && (($archive_options['class']==='page') || ($archive_options['ho']==='off'))) { if(trim($old_month) !== '') $close_mtag = "
    ".NL; $output .= $close_mtag.'
    • '.$new_month.'
      '; $old_month = $new_month; } if($archive_options['ho']==='on') $news_date=''; else $news_date .= '
      '; if (($archive_options['p_signs'] !== false) && ((int)$archive_options['p_signs'] >2)) { if ((int)$news_wysiwyg==false) $news_content = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($news_content),$info); // cws ... content with style syntax parameter // strip all HTML-tags except a few selected if ($archive_options['cws'] == false) $news_content = strip_tags($news_content, '
      '); elseif ((int)$archive_options['cws'] <2 && ($archive_options['cws'] !== false)) $news_content = strip_tags($news_content, '
        '); $news_content = "
        ".'' . trim(substr($news_content,0,(int)$archive_options['p_signs'])).' ...'.NL; } else $news_content=""; if(($archive_options['tag']!==false) && ($archive_options['tag']!=='off') && ($archive_options['class']=='page')) $output .= '
        '.NL; else $output .= '
        • '.trim($news_date).$news_head.$news_content.'
        '.NL; $close_ytag = ""; $close_mtag = ""; $anchor = ""; $news_date = ""; $news_head = ""; $news_subtitle = ""; $news_wysiwyg = false; $news_content = ""; $tags = ""; } } $blink_id = "news_items"; $img_ID = "img_archive__toc"; if($archive_options['class']=='toc') { $output = '
        '.NL.NL; } elseif($archive_options['class']=='box') { $output = '
        '.NL; } $renderer->doc .= $output; } // --- faulty syntax ---------------------------------------------------------- else { $renderer->doc .= msg('Syntax of anewssystem plugin detected but unknown parameter ['.$ans_conf['param'].'] was provided.', -1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // flatten the hierarchical arry to store path + file at first "column" function array_flat($array) { $out=array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($array[$k])) { $out=array_merge($out,$this->array_flat($array[$k])); } else { $out[]=$v; } } return $out; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function replace_links($pattern, &$value, $r_string) { // check for links and replace them by placeholder preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $links); $in=0; foreach($links[0] as $link) { $in++; $value = str_replace($link,$r_string.$in,$value); } return $links; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function replace_placeholder($links, &$prvw_string, $r_string) { $in=0; foreach($links[0] as $link) { $in++; $prvw_string = str_replace($r_string.$in,$link,$prvw_string); } return $links; } /******************************************************************************/ /* return html-code for news edit toolbar */ function news_edit_toolbar($type) { $imgBASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/anewssystem/images/toolbar/"; $news_edit_tb .= ''; $news_edit_tb .= '
        '.NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "','','$type')\">".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "','','$type')\">".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "','','$type')\">".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; // $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "','','$type')\">".NL; $news_edit_tb .= "
        ".NL; return $news_edit_tb; } } ?>