*/ $lang['local_llm_baseurl'] = 'Base URL of your local LLM API endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:8000)'; $lang['local_llm_apikey'] = 'API key for local LLM authentication (leave empty if not required)'; // Error messages that might be shown in the admin interface $lang['error_no_url'] = 'Local LLM base URL is not configured'; $lang['error_invalid_url'] = 'Invalid Local LLM base URL format'; $lang['error_connection'] = 'Could not connect to Local LLM API'; // Success messages $lang['success_test'] = 'Successfully connected to Local LLM API'; // Help texts for configuration $lang['local_llm_baseurl_help'] = 'Enter the full URL where your local LLM API is running. Make sure the API is OpenAI-compatible and includes the necessary endpoints.'; $lang['local_llm_apikey_help'] = 'If your local LLM requires authentication, enter the API key here. The key will be sent as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.';