*/ class cli_plugin_aichat extends AbstractCLI { /** @var helper_plugin_aichat */ protected $helper; /** @inheritDoc */ protected function setup(Options $options) { parent::setup($options); $options->setHelp( 'Manage and query the AI chatbot data. Please note that calls to your LLM provider will be made. ' . 'This may incur costs.' ); $options->registerOption( 'model', 'Overrides the chat and rephrasing model settings and uses this model instead', '', 'model' ); $options->registerCommand( 'embed', 'Create embeddings for all pages. This skips pages that already have embeddings' ); $options->registerOption( 'clear', 'Clear all existing embeddings before creating new ones', 'c', false, 'embed' ); $options->registerCommand('maintenance', 'Run storage maintenance. Refer to the documentation for details.'); $options->registerCommand('similar', 'Search for similar pages'); $options->registerArgument('query', 'Look up chunks similar to this query', true, 'similar'); $options->registerCommand('ask', 'Ask a question'); $options->registerArgument('question', 'The question to ask', true, 'ask'); $options->registerCommand('chat', 'Start an interactive chat session'); $options->registerCommand('models', 'List available models'); $options->registerCommand('info', 'Get Info about the vector storage and other stats'); $options->registerCommand('split', 'Split a page into chunks (for debugging)'); $options->registerArgument('page', 'The page to split', true, 'split'); $options->registerCommand('page', 'Check if chunks for a given page are available (for debugging)'); $options->registerArgument('page', 'The page to check', true, 'page'); $options->registerOption('dump', 'Dump the chunks', 'd', false, 'page'); $options->registerCommand('tsv', 'Create TSV files for visualizing at http://projector.tensorflow.org/' . ' Not supported on all storages.'); $options->registerArgument('vector.tsv', 'The vector file', false, 'tsv'); $options->registerArgument('meta.tsv', 'The meta file', false, 'tsv'); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function main(Options $options) { parent::main($options); auth_setup(); // make sure ACLs are initialized $model = $options->getOpt('model'); if ($model) { $this->helper->updateConfig( ['chatmodel' => $model, 'rephasemodel' => $model] ); } switch ($options->getCmd()) { case 'embed': $this->createEmbeddings($options->getOpt('clear')); break; case 'maintenance': $this->runMaintenance(); break; case 'similar': $this->similar($options->getArgs()[0]); break; case 'ask': $this->ask($options->getArgs()[0]); break; case 'chat': $this->chat(); break; case 'models': $this->models(); break; case 'split': $this->split($options->getArgs()[0]); break; case 'page': $this->page($options->getArgs()[0], $options->getOpt('dump')); break; case 'info': $this->showinfo(); break; case 'tsv': $args = $options->getArgs(); $vector = $args[0] ?? 'vector.tsv'; $meta = $args[1] ?? 'meta.tsv'; $this->tsv($vector, $meta); break; default: echo $options->help(); } } /** * @return void */ protected function showinfo() { $stats = [ 'embed model' => (string) $this->helper->getEmbeddingModel(), 'rephrase model' => (string) $this->helper->getRephraseModel(), 'chat model' => (string) $this->helper->getChatModel(), ]; $stats = array_merge( $stats, $this->helper->getRunData(), $this->helper->getStorage()->statistics() ); $this->printTable($stats); } /** * Print key value data as tabular data * * @param array $data * @param int $level * @return void */ protected function printTable($data, $level = 0) { $tf = new TableFormatter($this->colors); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { echo $tf->format( [$level * 2, 20, '*'], ['', $key, ''], [Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE] ); $this->printTable($value, $level + 1); } else { echo $tf->format( [$level * 2, 20, '*'], ['', $key, $value], [Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTGRAY] ); } } } /** * Check chunk availability for a given page * * @param string $page * @return void */ protected function page($page, $dump = false) { $indexer = new Indexer(); $pages = $indexer->getPages(); $pos = array_search(cleanID($page), $pages); if ($pos === false) { $this->error('Page not found'); return; } $storage = $this->helper->getStorage(); $chunks = $storage->getPageChunks($page, $pos * 100); if ($chunks) { $this->success('Found ' . count($chunks) . ' chunks'); if ($dump) { echo json_encode($chunks, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } } else { $this->error('No chunks found'); } } /** * Split the given page into chunks and print them * * @param string $page * @return void * @throws Exception */ protected function split($page) { $chunks = $this->helper->getEmbeddings()->createPageChunks($page, 0); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { echo $chunk->getText(); echo "\n"; $this->colors->ptln('--------------------------------', Colors::C_LIGHTPURPLE); } $this->success('Split into ' . count($chunks) . ' chunks'); } /** * Interactive Chat Session * * @return void * @throws Exception */ protected function chat() { $history = []; while ($q = $this->readLine('Your Question')) { $this->helper->getChatModel()->resetUsageStats(); $this->helper->getRephraseModel()->resetUsageStats(); $this->helper->getEmbeddingModel()->resetUsageStats(); $result = $this->helper->askChatQuestion($q, $history); $this->colors->ptln("Interpretation: {$result['question']}", Colors::C_LIGHTPURPLE); $history[] = [$result['question'], $result['answer']]; $this->printAnswer($result); } } /** * Print information about the available models * * @return void */ protected function models() { $result = (new ModelFactory($this->conf))->getModels(); $td = new TableFormatter($this->colors); $cols = [30, 20, 20, '*']; echo "==== Chat Models ====\n\n"; echo $td->format( $cols, ['Model', 'Token Limits', 'Price USD/M', 'Description'], [Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE] ); foreach ($result['chat'] as $name => $info) { echo $td->format( $cols, [ $name, sprintf(" In: %7d\nOut: %7d", $info['inputTokens'], $info['outputTokens']), sprintf(" In: %.2f\nOut: %.2f", $info['inputTokenPrice'], $info['outputTokenPrice']), $info['description'] . "\n" ], [ $info['instance'] ? Colors::C_LIGHTGREEN : Colors::C_LIGHTRED, ] ); } $cols = [30, 10, 10, 10, '*']; echo "==== Embedding Models ====\n\n"; echo $td->format( $cols, ['Model', 'Token Limits', 'Price USD/M', 'Dimensions', 'Description'], [Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE, Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE] ); foreach ($result['embedding'] as $name => $info) { echo $td->format( $cols, [ $name, sprintf("%7d", $info['inputTokens']), sprintf("%.2f", $info['inputTokenPrice']), $info['dimensions'], $info['description'] . "\n" ], [ $info['instance'] ? Colors::C_LIGHTGREEN : Colors::C_LIGHTRED, ] ); } $this->colors->ptln('Current prices may differ', Colors::C_RED); } /** * Handle a single, standalone question * * @param string $query * @return void * @throws Exception */ protected function ask($query) { $result = $this->helper->askQuestion($query); $this->printAnswer($result); } /** * Get the pages that are similar to the query * * @param string $query * @return void */ protected function similar($query) { $langlimit = $this->helper->getLanguageLimit(); if ($langlimit) { $this->info('Limiting results to {lang}', ['lang' => $langlimit]); } $sources = $this->helper->getEmbeddings()->getSimilarChunks($query, $langlimit); $this->printSources($sources); } /** * Run the maintenance tasks * * @return void */ protected function runMaintenance() { $start = time(); $this->helper->getStorage()->runMaintenance(); $this->notice('Peak memory used: {memory}', ['memory' => filesize_h(memory_get_peak_usage(true))]); $this->notice('Spent time: {time}min', ['time' => round((time() - $start) / 60, 2)]); $data = $this->helper->getRunData(); $data['maintenance ran at'] = dformat(); $this->helper->setRunData($data); } /** * Recreate chunks and embeddings for all pages * * @return void */ protected function createEmbeddings($clear) { [$skipRE, $matchRE] = $this->getRegexps(); $data = $this->helper->getRunData(); $lastEmbedModel = $data['embed used'] ?? ''; if ( !$clear && $lastEmbedModel && $lastEmbedModel != (string) $this->helper->getEmbeddingModel() ) { $this->warning('Embedding model has changed since last run. Forcing an index rebuild'); $clear = true; } $data['embed ran at'] = dformat(); $data['embed used'] = (string) $this->helper->getEmbeddingModel(); $this->helper->setRunData($data); $start = time(); $this->helper->getEmbeddings()->createNewIndex($skipRE, $matchRE, $clear); $this->notice('Peak memory used: {memory}', ['memory' => filesize_h(memory_get_peak_usage(true))]); $this->notice('Spent time: {time}min', ['time' => round((time() - $start) / 60, 2)]); } /** * Dump TSV files for debugging * * @return void */ protected function tsv($vector, $meta) { $storage = $this->helper->getStorage(); $storage->dumpTSV($vector, $meta); $this->success('written to ' . $vector . ' and ' . $meta); } /** * Print the given detailed answer in a nice way * * @param array $answer * @return void */ protected function printAnswer($answer) { $this->colors->ptln($answer['answer'], Colors::C_LIGHTCYAN); echo "\n"; $this->printSources($answer['sources']); echo "\n"; $this->printUsage(); } /** * Print the given sources * * @param Chunk[] $sources * @return void */ protected function printSources($sources) { foreach ($sources as $source) { /** @var Chunk $source */ $this->colors->ptln( "\t" . $source->getPage() . ' ' . $source->getId() . ' (' . $source->getScore() . ')', Colors::C_LIGHTBLUE ); } } /** * Print the usage statistics for OpenAI * * @return void */ protected function printUsage() { $chat = $this->helper->getChatModel()->getUsageStats(); $rephrase = $this->helper->getRephraseModel()->getUsageStats(); $embed = $this->helper->getEmbeddingModel()->getUsageStats(); $this->info( 'Made {requests} requests in {time}s to models. Used {tokens} tokens for about ${cost}.', [ 'requests' => $chat['requests'] + $rephrase['requests'] + $embed['requests'], 'time' => $chat['time'] + $rephrase['time'] + $embed['time'], 'tokens' => $chat['tokens'] + $chat['tokens'] + $embed['tokens'], 'cost' => $chat['cost'] + $chat['cost'] + $embed['cost'], ] ); } /** * Interactively ask for a value from the user * * @param string $prompt * @return string */ protected function readLine($prompt) { $value = ''; while ($value === '') { echo $prompt; echo ': '; $fh = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $value = trim(fgets($fh)); fclose($fh); } return $value; } /** * Read the skip and match regex from the config * * Ensures the regular expressions are valid * * @return string[] [$skipRE, $matchRE] */ protected function getRegexps() { $skip = $this->getConf('skipRegex'); $skipRE = ''; $match = $this->getConf('matchRegex'); $matchRE = ''; if ($skip) { $skipRE = '/' . $skip . '/'; if (@preg_match($skipRE, '') === false) { $this->error(preg_last_error_msg()); $this->error('Invalid regular expression in $conf[\'skipRegex\']. Ignored.'); $skipRE = ''; } else { $this->success('Skipping pages matching ' . $skipRE); } } if ($match) { $matchRE = '/' . $match . '/'; if (@preg_match($matchRE, '') === false) { $this->error(preg_last_error_msg()); $this->error('Invalid regular expression in $conf[\'matchRegex\']. Ignored.'); $matchRE = ''; } else { $this->success('Only indexing pages matching ' . $matchRE); } } return [$skipRE, $matchRE]; } }