chatModel = $chatModel; $this->embedModel = $embedModel; $this->storage = $storage; $this->configChunkSize = $config['chunkSize']; $this->configContextChunks = $config['contextChunks']; $this->similarityThreshold = $config['similarityThreshold'] / 100; } /** * Access storage * * @return AbstractStorage */ public function getStorage() { return $this->storage; } /** * Add a logger instance * * @return void */ public function setLogger(CLI $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Get the token encoder instance * * @return Encoder */ public function getTokenEncoder() { if (!$this->tokenEncoder instanceof Encoder) { $this->tokenEncoder = new Encoder(); } return $this->tokenEncoder; } /** * Return the chunk size to use * * @return int */ public function getChunkSize() { return min( floor($this->chatModel->getMaxInputTokenLength() / 4), // be able to fit 4 chunks into the max input floor($this->embedModel->getMaxInputTokenLength() * 0.9), // only use 90% of the embedding model to be safe $this->configChunkSize, // this is usually the smallest ); } /** * Update the embeddings storage * * @param string $skipRE Regular expression to filter out pages (full RE with delimiters) * @param string $matchRE Regular expression pages have to match to be included (full RE with delimiters) * @param bool $clear Should any existing storage be cleared before updating? * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function createNewIndex($skipRE = '', $matchRE = '', $clear = false) { $indexer = new Indexer(); $pages = $indexer->getPages(); $this->storage->startCreation($clear); foreach ($pages as $pid => $page) { $chunkID = $pid * 100; // chunk IDs start at page ID * 100 if ( !page_exists($page) || isHiddenPage($page) || filesize(wikiFN($page)) < 150 || // skip very small pages ($skipRE && preg_match($skipRE, (string)$page)) || ($matchRE && !preg_match($matchRE, ":$page")) ) { // this page should not be in the index (anymore) $this->storage->deletePageChunks($page, $chunkID); continue; } $firstChunk = $this->storage->getChunk($chunkID); if ($firstChunk && @filemtime(wikiFN($page)) < $firstChunk->getCreated()) { // page is older than the chunks we have, reuse the existing chunks $this->storage->reusePageChunks($page, $chunkID); if ($this->logger instanceof CLI) $this->logger->info("Reusing chunks for $page"); } else { // page is newer than the chunks we have, create new chunks $this->storage->deletePageChunks($page, $chunkID); $chunks = $this->createPageChunks($page, $chunkID); if ($chunks) $this->storage->addPageChunks($chunks); } } $this->storage->finalizeCreation(); } /** * Split the given page, fetch embedding vectors and return Chunks * * Will use the text renderer plugin if available to get the rendered text. * Otherwise the raw wiki text is used. * * @param string $page Name of the page to split * @param int $firstChunkID The ID of the first chunk of this page * @return Chunk[] A list of chunks created for this page * @emits INDEXER_PAGE_ADD support plugins that add additional data to the page * @throws \Exception */ public function createPageChunks($page, $firstChunkID) { $chunkList = []; $textRenderer = plugin_load('renderer', 'text'); if ($textRenderer instanceof PluginInterface) { global $ID; $ID = $page; $text = p_cached_output(wikiFN($page), 'text', $page); } else { $text = rawWiki($page); } // allow plugins to modify the text before splitting $eventData = [ 'page' => $page, 'body' => '', 'metadata' => ['title' => $page, 'relation_references' => []], ]; $event = new Event('INDEXER_PAGE_ADD', $eventData); if ($event->advise_before()) { $text = $eventData['body'] . ' ' . $text; } else { $text = $eventData['body']; } $parts = $this->splitIntoChunks($text); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (trim((string)$part) == '') continue; // skip empty chunks try { $embedding = $this->embedModel->getEmbedding($part); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->logger instanceof CLI) { $this->logger->error( 'Failed to get embedding for chunk of page {page}: {msg}', ['page' => $page, 'msg' => $e->getMessage()] ); } continue; } $chunkList[] = new Chunk($page, $firstChunkID, $part, $embedding); $firstChunkID++; } if ($this->logger instanceof CLI) { if ($chunkList !== []) { $this->logger->success( '{id} split into {count} chunks', ['id' => $page, 'count' => count($chunkList)] ); } else { $this->logger->warning('{id} could not be split into chunks', ['id' => $page]); } } return $chunkList; } /** * Do a nearest neighbor search for chunks similar to the given question * * Returns only chunks the current user is allowed to read, may return an empty result. * The number of returned chunks depends on the MAX_CONTEXT_LEN setting. * * @param string $query The question * @param string $lang Limit results to this language * @return Chunk[] * @throws \Exception */ public function getSimilarChunks($query, $lang = '') { global $auth; $vector = $this->embedModel->getEmbedding($query); $fetch = min( ($this->chatModel->getMaxInputTokenLength() / $this->getChunkSize()), $this->configContextChunks ); $time = microtime(true); $chunks = $this->storage->getSimilarChunks($vector, $lang, $fetch); $this->timeSpent = round(microtime(true) - $time, 2); if ($this->logger instanceof CLI) { $this->logger->info( 'Fetched {count} similar chunks from store in {time} seconds', ['count' => count($chunks), 'time' => $this->timeSpent] ); } $size = 0; $result = []; foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { // filter out chunks the user is not allowed to read if ($auth && auth_quickaclcheck($chunk->getPage()) < AUTH_READ) continue; if ($chunk->getScore() < $this->similarityThreshold) continue; $chunkSize = count($this->getTokenEncoder()->encode($chunk->getText())); if ($size + $chunkSize > $this->chatModel->getMaxInputTokenLength()) break; // we have enough $result[] = $chunk; $size += $chunkSize; } return $result; } /** * @param $text * @return array * @throws \Exception * @todo support splitting too long sentences */ protected function splitIntoChunks($text) { $sentenceSplitter = new Sentence(); $tiktok = $this->getTokenEncoder(); $chunks = []; $sentences = $sentenceSplitter->split($text); $chunklen = 0; $chunk = ''; while ($sentence = array_shift($sentences)) { $slen = count($tiktok->encode($sentence)); if ($slen > $this->getChunkSize()) { // sentence is too long, we need to split it further if ($this->logger instanceof CLI) $this->logger->warning( 'Sentence too long, splitting not implemented yet' ); continue; } if ($chunklen + $slen < $this->getChunkSize()) { // add to current chunk $chunk .= $sentence; $chunklen += $slen; // remember sentence for overlap check $this->rememberSentence($sentence); } else { // add current chunk to result $chunk = trim($chunk); if ($chunk !== '') $chunks[] = $chunk; // start new chunk with remembered sentences $chunk = implode(' ', $this->sentenceQueue); $chunk .= $sentence; $chunklen = count($tiktok->encode($chunk)); } } $chunks[] = $chunk; return $chunks; } /** * Add a sentence to the queue of remembered sentences * * @param string $sentence * @return void */ protected function rememberSentence($sentence) { // add sentence to queue $this->sentenceQueue[] = $sentence; // remove oldest sentences from queue until we are below the max overlap $encoder = $this->getTokenEncoder(); while (count($encoder->encode(implode(' ', $this->sentenceQueue))) > self::MAX_OVERLAP_LEN) { array_shift($this->sentenceQueue); } } }