*/ class admin_plugin_advanced_config extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { private $allowedFiles = array(); private $fileInfo = array(); /** * @return int sort number in admin menu */ public function getMenuSort() { return 1; } /** * @return bool true if only access for superuser, false is for superusers and moderators */ public function forAdminOnly() { return true; } public function getMenuIcon() { return dirname(__FILE__) . '/../svg/cogs.svg'; } public function getMenuText($language) { return $this->getLang('menu_config'); } /** * handle user request */ public function handle() { global $INPUT; if (!isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { return; } if (!checkSecurityToken()) { return; } $cmd = $INPUT->extract('cmd')->str('cmd'); if ($cmd) { $cmd = "cmd_$cmd"; $this->$cmd(); } } /** * Get configuration file info * * @return array */ private function getFileInfo() { global $INPUT; global $conf; global $config_cascade; $file = $INPUT->str('file'); $tab = $INPUT->str('tab'); $file_local = null; $file_default = null; $file_protected = null; if (!$file || !$tab) { return array(); } switch ($tab) { case 'config': $configs = $config_cascade[$file]; $file_default = @$configs['default'][0]; $file_local = @$configs['local'][0]; $file_protected = @$configs['protected'][0]; break; case 'userstyle': case 'userscript': $configs = $config_cascade[$tab][$file]; # Detect new DokuWiki release config (css, less) if (is_array(@$configs)) { $file_local = @$configs[0]; } else { $file_local = $configs; } break; case 'hook': $file_local = DOKU_CONF . "$file.html"; $file_default = tpl_incdir() . "$file.html"; break; case 'plugin': $file_local = DOKU_CONF . $file; break; } switch ($file) { case 'styleini': $file_local = str_replace('%TEMPLATE%', $conf['template'], $file_local); $file_default = str_replace('%TEMPLATE%', $conf['template'], $file_default); break; case 'acl': $file_local = DOKU_CONF . 'acl.auth.php'; $file_default = DOKU_CONF . 'acl.auth.php.dist'; break; case 'users': $file_local = DOKU_CONF . 'users.auth.php'; $file_default = DOKU_CONF . 'users.auth.php.dist'; break; case 'htaccess': $file_default = DOKU_INC . '.htaccess.dist'; $file_local = DOKU_INC . '.htaccess'; break; case 'userscript': $configs = $config_cascade['userscript']; if (is_array(@$configs['default'])) { $file_local = @$configs['default'][0]; } else { $file_local = @$configs['default']; } $file_default = null; break; } $file_info = array( 'tab' => $tab, 'file' => $file, 'default' => $file_default, 'local' => $file_local, 'protected' => $file_protected, 'local_name' => basename($file_local), 'default_name' => basename($file_default), 'protected_name' => basename($file_protected), 'local_last_modify' => (file_exists($file_local) ? dformat(filemtime($file_local)) : ''), 'protected_last_modify' => (file_exists($file_protected) ? dformat(filemtime($file_protected)) : ''), 'default_last_modify' => (file_exists($file_default) ? dformat(filemtime($file_default)) : ''), 'help' => 'config/' . $file, ); return $file_info; } public function cmd_save() { global $INPUT; $file_info = $this->getFileInfo(); $file_path = $file_info['local']; $file_name = $file_info['localName']; $file_backup = sprintf('%s.%s.gz', $file_path, date('YmdHis')); $content_old = io_readFile($file_path); $content_new = cleanText($INPUT->post->str('content')); if (md5($content_old) === md5($content_new)) { return false; } if (io_saveFile($file_path, $content_new)) { if ($this->getConf('backup')) { io_saveFile($file_backup, $content_old); } // Create a backup msg(sprintf($this->getLang('conf_file_save_success'), $file_name), 1); } else { msg(sprintf($this->getLang('conf_file_save_fail'), $file_name), -1); } } public function cmd_wordblock_update() { $file_info = $this->getFileInfo(); $blacklist_url = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Spam_blacklist?action=raw'; $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $http->timeout = 25; $http->keep_alive = false; $blacklist = $http->get($blacklist_url); $blacklist = trim(preg_replace('/#(.*)$/m', '', $blacklist)); # Remove all comments from file $blacklist = trim(preg_replace('/[\n]+/m', "\n", $blacklist)); # Remove multiple new line if (io_saveFile($file_info['local'], $blacklist)) { msg($this->getLang('conf_blacklist_update'), 1); } else { msg($this->getLang('conf_blacklist_failed'), -1); } } private function help($file) { echo $this->locale_xhtml($file); return true; } private function getDefault() { $this->getDefaultConfig('default'); $this->getDefaultConfig('protected'); } private function getDefaultConfig($file) { global $lang; $file_info = $this->fileInfo; if (!$file_info[$file]) { return; } $file_name = $file_info[$file . '_name']; $file_path = $file_info[$file]; $file_lastmod = $file_info[$file . '_last_modify']; echo '
'; echo '

' . "$file_name

"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '

'; echo $file_path; echo (file_exists($file_path) ? ' · ' . $lang['lastmod'] . ' ' . $file_lastmod : ''); echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; return true; } private function editForm() { global $lang; $file_info = $this->fileInfo; $file_path = $file_info['local']; $file_data = (file_exists($file_path) ? io_readFile($file_path) : ''); $file_lastmod = $file_info['local_last_modify']; $file_name = $file_info['local_name']; $lng_edit = $this->getLang('conf_edit'); $lng_upd = $this->getLang('conf_blacklist_download'); echo "

$lng_edit $file_name

"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '

'; echo $file_path; echo (file_exists($file_path) ? ' · ' . $lang['lastmod'] . ' ' . $file_lastmod : ''); echo '

'; echo '


'; formSecurityToken(); echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; if ($file_info['tab'] == 'userstyle' || $file_info['file'] == 'userscript') { $purge_type = (($file_info['tab'] == 'userstyle') ? 'css' : 'js'); echo ' '; } if ($file_info['file'] == 'wordblock') { echo ' '; } echo ''; echo '
'; return true; } /** * output appropriate html */ public function html() { global $INPUT; global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; $lang['toc'] = $this->getLang('menu_config'); $this->fileInfo = $file_info = $this->getFileInfo(); echo '
'; echo $this->locale_xhtml('config/intro'); echo '


'; if ($current_tab = $this->currentTab()) { $tab_label = $this->getTabs(); echo '

' . $tab_label[$current_tab] . '

'; echo '

'; } if ($current_tab == 'config' && !isset($file_info['file'])) { $this->help('config'); } if ($current_tab == 'userstyle' && !isset($file_info['file'])) { $this->help('config/userstyle'); } if ($current_tab == 'hook' && !isset($file_info['file'])) { $this->help('config/hooks'); } if (isset($file_info['file']) && in_array($file_info['file'], $this->allowedFiles)) { $this->help($file_info['help']); echo '


'; $this->getDefaultConfig('default'); $this->getDefaultConfig('protected'); $this->editForm(); } echo '
'; } public function getTabs() { return array( 'config' => $this->getLang('conf_tab_configurations'), 'userstyle' => $this->getLang('conf_tab_styles'), 'hook' => $this->getLang('conf_tab_hooks'), 'other' => $this->getLang('conf_tab_others'), ); } public function getTab($tab) { global $conf; global $plugin_controller; $current_section = $this->currentTab(); // DokuWiki config $toc_configs = array( 'acronyms' => $this->getLang('conf_abbrev'), 'entities' => $this->getLang('conf_entities'), 'interwiki' => $this->getLang('conf_iwiki'), 'mime' => $this->getLang('conf_mime'), 'smileys' => $this->getLang('conf_smiley'), 'scheme' => $this->getLang('conf_scheme'), 'wordblock' => $this->getLang('conf_blacklist'), 'license' => $this->getLang('conf_license'), 'main' => $this->getLang('conf_main'), 'manifest' => $this->getLang('conf_manifest'), 'plugins' => $this->getLang('conf_plugins'), 'styleini' => $this->getLang('conf_styleini'), 'userscript' => $this->getLang('conf_ujs'), ); // User Style $toc_styles = array( 'screen' => 'Screen', 'print' => 'Print', 'feed' => 'Feed', 'all' => 'All', ); // Template Hooks $toc_hooks = array( 'meta' => 'Meta', 'sidebarheader' => $this->getLang('conf_sidebar') . ' (' . $this->getLang('conf_header') . ')', 'sidebarfooter' => $this->getLang('conf_sidebar') . ' (' . $this->getLang('conf_footer') . ')', 'pageheader' => 'Page (' . $this->getLang('conf_header') . ')', 'pagefooter' => 'Page (' . $this->getLang('conf_footer') . ')', 'header' => $this->getLang('conf_header'), 'footer' => $this->getLang('conf_footer'), ); // Other config $toc_others = array( 'htaccess' => '.htaccess', ); if ($conf['useacl']) { $toc_configs['acl'] = 'ACL'; } if ($conf['authtype'] == 'authplain') { $toc_configs['users'] = 'Users'; } // Specific Template Hooks switch ($conf['template']) { case 'bootstrap3': $toc_hooks['topheader'] = $this->getLang('conf_topheader'); $toc_hooks['rightsidebarheader'] = $this->getLang('conf_rsidebar') . ' (' . $this->getLang('conf_header') . ')'; $toc_hooks['rightsidebarfooter'] = $this->getLang('conf_rsidebar') . ' (' . $this->getLang('conf_footer') . ')'; $toc_hooks['social'] = 'Social'; $toc_others['bootstrap3.themes.conf'] = 'Bootstrap3 NS Themes'; break; } $plugin_list = $plugin_controller->getList('', true); if (!is_array($plugin_list)) { $plugin_list = array(); } $toc_plugins = array(); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { switch ($plugin) { case 'explain': $toc_plugins['explain.conf'] = 'Explain'; break; } } $toc_items = array( 'config' => $toc_configs, 'userstyle' => $toc_styles, 'hook' => $toc_hooks, 'other' => $toc_others, 'plugin' => $toc_plugins, ); if ($current_section) { $this->allowedFiles = array_keys($toc_items[$current_section]); } if (!isset($toc_items[$tab])) { return array(); } return $toc_items[$tab]; } /** * Create an URL * * @param string $tab tab to load, empty for current tab * @param array $params associative array of parameter to set * @param string $sep seperator to build the URL * @param bool $absolute create absolute URLs? * @return string */ public function tabURL($tab = '', $params = array(), $sep = '&', $absolute = false) { global $ID; $defaults = array( 'do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'advanced_config', 'tab' => $tab, ); return wl($ID, array_merge($defaults, $params), $absolute, $sep); } public function currentTab() { global $INPUT; $tab = $INPUT->str('tab'); if (in_array($tab, array_keys($this->getTabs()))) { return $tab; } return null; } public function getTOC() { global $ID; foreach ($this->getTabs() as $section => $section_title) { $toc[] = array( 'link' => wl($ID, array( 'do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'advanced_config', 'tab' => $section) ), 'title' => $section_title, 'level' => 1, 'type' => 'ul', ); } return $toc; } }