syntax * More info: * * @license GPL 2 ( * @author Sascha Leib */ class syntax_plugin_adhocmathml_abstract extends syntax_plugin_adhoctags_abstractinline { protected $pluginName = 'adhocmathml'; protected function registerTag() { return true;} function getPType(){ return 'normal';} /* sub-classes can overwrite this function: */ protected function allowSpecificAttribute(&$name, &$value) { return false; } /* allow link attributes: */ function allowAttribute(&$name, &$value) { //dbg(':allowAttribute(' . $name . ', "' . $value . '")'); switch (trim($name)) { case 'displaystyle': return (substr($value, 0, 11) !== 'javascript:'); break; case 'mathbackground': /* colours */ case 'mathcolor': return preg_match('/^[\w\d,\(\)#\% \/]+$/', trim($value)); break; case 'mathsize': /* font size specification */ return preg_match('/^[\w\d\%]+$/', trim($value)); break; case 'mathvariant': /* font variant flag */ return in_array(strtolower($value), array('normal','bold','italic','bold-italic','double-struck','bold-fraktur','script','bold-script','fraktur','sans-serif','bold-sans-serif','sans-serif-italic','sans-serif-bold-italic','monospace','initial','tailed','looped','stretched')); break; case 'scriptlevel': /* sets the math-depth of an element */ return preg_match('/^[+-]?[\d]+$/', trim($value)); break; case 'href': return in_array(strtolower($value), array('true','false')); break; default: return $this->allowSpecificAttribute($name, $value); } } }