# Add New Page (Deluxe) Plugin for DokuWiki Copyright (c) 2024 Bjoern Ellebrecht (forked from Damien Regad https://github.com/dregad/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpage) The plugin lets users put *add new page* (deluxe version) forms within pages, with optional namespace selection. ## License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the [GNU General Public License, version 2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) or later. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ## Installation and Configuration Please refer to [the plugin's wiki page](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:addnewpage) for information on how to install, configure and use this plugin in DokuWiki. ## Support Source code and support for this plugin can be found at ## Credits The plugin was originally written by [Benjamin Santalucia](https://github.com/ben8p) (aka iDo) in 2006. It was forked after the 2009-02-14 release of Dokuwiki, and moved to GitHub by [Robert McLeod](https://github.com/hamstar) in 2012. Refer to the [Legacy Releases section](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:addnewpage#legacy_releases) in the plugin's home page for details on what happened in those early, pre-GitHub years. In 2013, [Sam Wilson](https://github.com/samwilson) picked up the plugin's maintenance and actively supported it until he stopped using DokuWiki at the end of 2016. During this time, he merged several improvements and fixes contributed by these fine people: - [Michael Braun](https://github.com/michael-dev) - [RĂ³bert Toth](https://github.com/FurloSK) - [Gerrit Uitslag](https://github.com/klap-in) added support for newpagetemplate plugin in 2014 - [Albert Chern](https://github.com/achern), disabling of restricted parent namespaces in 2015 In May 2023, [Damien Regad](https://github.com/dregad) decided to take over the plugin's maintenance. Forked from [Bjoern Ellebrecht](https://github.com/c0de8) in February 2024 to create an deluxe version. Thanks to [all the people who contributed](https://github.com/dregad/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpage/graphs/contributors) to this plugin over the years.