"List of Supported Timezones" at PHP Manual (click to open a new window with the page).)';
$lang['excludeMgAndSp'] = 'Don\'t count managers and superusers? (see config "manager" and "superuser")';
$lang['exclusionList'] = 'IPs and remote hosts that will be excluded
The plugin don\'t count users with these IPs and remote hosts. This list will be useful if your website has many accesses by robot(s) from specified IP(s) and remote host(s).
The plugin gets remote hosts by IPs reverse lookup (gethostbyaddr).
Enter one IP or remote host per line.
Wildcards available:
? = one character (an alphanumeric character, a dot ".", or a hyphen "-")
* = one or more characters (alphanumeric characters, dots ".", or hyphens "-")
! = one character (a numeral)
~ = one or more characters (numerals)
e.g.: "123.456.???.123" -> 123.456.789.123, etc. (123.456.78.123 won\'t be excluded)
e.g.: "*.example.com" -> 123.456.789.123.example.com, 1-2-3-4.rooter.example.com, etc.';
$lang['reverseLookupFailed'] = 'Exclude from the counter when the reverse lookup (IPs to remote hosts) failed (IPs of robots tend to reject the reverse lookup)';
$lang['reverseLookupException'] = 'IPs which the plugin doesn\'t apply to the option "reverseLookupFailed"
Enter one IP per line.
Wildcards available:
? = one character
* = one or more characters
e.g.: "123.456.???.123" -> 123.456.789.123, etc. (123.456.78.123 won\'t be excluded)
e.g.: "123.*.789.123" -> 123.456.789.123, 123.9.789.123, etc.';
$lang['reverseLookupCntrException'] = 'Countries which the plugin doesn\'t apply to the option "reverseLookupFailed"
The plugin gets country codes by a DNS service of "cc.wariate.jp" (Details in Japanese).
Enter two-character country codes(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) separated by comma.';
$lang['usrExclusion'] = 'Users or user groups that will be excluded
The plugin don\'t count these users and users in these groups.
Enter users and user groups separated by comma.';
$lang['cntrExclusion'] = 'Countries that will be exluded
The plugin don\'t count users from these countries. This list will be useful if your website has many accesses by robot(s) from specified country(ies).
The plugin gets country codes by a DNS service of "cc.wariate.jp" (Details in Japanese).
Enter two-character country codes(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) separated by comma.';
$lang['cntrInclusion'] = 'Set specific countries to be counted
If you specify county(ies) here, the plugin will count users ONLY from these countries.
The plugin gets country codes by a DNS service of "cc.wariate.jp" (Details in Japanese).
Enter two-character country codes(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) separated by comma.';
$lang['sfsExFreq'] = 'Check the frequency score of the visitor\'s IP address not to count spammers? (Stopforumspam2 plugin required)
If the given number is "0" then the plugin won\'t do that, otherwise it\'ll do. You can define the borderline special to this function. If "-1" then the plugin will use the conf "freqBorder" of Stopforumspam2 plugin, if more than 0 then the number will be the borderline.';
$lang['sfsExConf'] = 'Check the confidence score of the visitor\'s IP address not to count spammers? (Stopforumspam2 plugin required)
If the given number is "0" then the plugin won\'t do that, otherwise it\'ll do. You can define the borderline special to this function. If "-1" then the plugin will use the conf "confidenceBorder" of Stopforumspam2 plugin, if more than 0 (and 100 or less) then the number will be the borderline.';
$lang['saveLog'] = 'Save the log of IPs, the date and the time when visitors access this wiki?
The log will be recorded for every page. This option will be useful when you decide which IPs, remote hosts, and countries to exclude from the counter.
The log files will be saved in accscounterlog
directory in your cache directory (inside the data directory in default config). Pick up and delete the log files if necessary.';
$lang['excludeMgAndSp_o_0'] ='Count both';
$lang['excludeMgAndSp_o_sp'] ='Don\'t count superusers';
$lang['excludeMgAndSp_o_mg'] ='Don\'t count managers (including superusers)';
$lang['saveLog_o_0'] = 'Don\'t save';
$lang['saveLog_o_ppage'] = 'Save (Don\'t make files for every date)';
$lang['saveLog_o_pdate'] = 'Save (Make files for every date)';
$lang['ipgdpr'] = 'Should the IP addresses be anonymized in order to meet the requirements of the GDPR?
In order to obtain the IP from spammers or BOTs, deactivate this function and then reactivate it, as well as delete / clean the logs from the server with an FTP program. The detection of BOTs and spammers is possible despite the activated function.';