# Slika - simple image handling for PHP This is a library that covers only the bare basics you need when handling images: * resizing * cropping * rotation It can use either PHP's libGD or a locally installed ImageMagick binary. ## Installation Use composer composer require splitbrain/slika ## Usage Simply get an Adapter from the Slika factory, run some operations on it and call `save`. Operations can be chained together. Consider the chain to be one command. Do not reuse the adapter returned by `run()`, it is a single use object. All operations can potentially throw a `\splitbrain\slika\Exception`. Options (see below) can be passed as a second parameter to the `run` factory. ```php use \splitbrain\slika\Slika; use \splitbrain\slika\Exception; $options = [ 'quality' => 75 ]; try { Slika::run('input.png', $options) ->resize(500,500) ->rotate(Slika::ROTATE_CCW ->save('output.jpg', 'jpg'); } catch (Exception $e) { // conversion went wrong, handle it } ``` Please also check the [API Docs](https://splitbrain.github.io/slika/) for details. ## Operations ### resize All resize operations will keep the original aspect ratio of the image. There will be no distortion. Keeping either width or height at zero will auto calculate the value for you. ```php # fit the image into a bounding box of 500x500 pixels Slika::run('input.jpg')->resize(500,500)->save('output.png', 'png'); # adjust the image to a maximum width of 500 pixels Slika::run('input.jpg')->resize(500,0)->save('output.png', 'png'); # adjust the image to a maximum height of 500 pixels Slika::run('input.jpg')->resize(0,500)->save('output.png', 'png'); ``` ### crop Similar to resizing, but this time the image will be cropped to fit the new aspect ratio. ```php Slika::run('input.jpg')->crop(500,500)->save('output.png', 'png'); ``` ### rotate Rotates the image. The parameter passed is one of the EXIF orientation flags: ![orientation flags](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BFqgu.gif) For your convenience there are three Constants defined: * `Slika::ROTATE_CCW` counter clockwise rotation * `Slika::ROTATE_CW` clockwise rotation * `Slika::ROTATE_TOPDOWN` full 180 degree rotation ```php Slika::run('input.jpg')->rotate(Slika::ROTATE_CW)->save('output.png', 'png'); ``` ### autorotate Rotates the image according to the EXIF rotation tag if found. ```php Slika::run('input.jpg')->autorotate()->save('output.png', 'png'); ``` ## Options Options can be passed as associatiave array as the second parameter in `Slika::run`. The following options are availble currently: | Option | Default | Description | |-------------|--------------------|--------------------------------------------| | `imconvert` | `/usr/bin/convert` | The path to ImageMagick's `convert` binary | | `quality` | `92` | The quality when writing JPEG images |