* Copyright 2016, Marcus Schwarz * Licensed under MIT or GPLv3, see LICENSE */ namespace LesserPHP; use Exception; use LesserPHP\Functions\AbstractFunctionCollection; use LesserPHP\Utils\Color; use LesserPHP\Utils\Util; use stdClass; /** * The LESS compiler and parser. * * Converting LESS to CSS is a three stage process. The incoming file is parsed * by `Parser` into a syntax tree, then it is compiled into another tree * representing the CSS structure by `Lessc`. The CSS tree is fed into a * formatter, which then outputs CSS as a string. * * During the first compile, all values are *reduced*, which means that their * types are brought to the lowest form before being dumped as strings. This * handles math equations, variable dereferences, and the like. * * The `compile` function of `Lessc` is the entry point. * * In summary: * * The `Lessc` class creates an instance of the parser, feeds it LESS code, * then transforms the resulting tree to a CSS tree. This class also holds the * evaluation context, such as all available mixins and variables at any given * time. * * The `Parser` class is only concerned with parsing its input. * * The `Formatter` takes a CSS tree, and dumps it to a formatted string, * handling things like indentation. */ class Lessc { /** @var string A list of directories used to search for imported files */ protected $importDir = []; /** @var bool Should imports be disabled? */ protected bool $importDisabled = false; /** @var null|int Round numbers to this precision FIXME currently not settable */ protected ?int $numberPrecision = null; /** @var bool Should comments be preserved in the output? */ protected bool $preserveComments = false; /** @var array List of all functions registered to be available in LESS */ protected array $libFunctions = []; /** @var array List of all registered variables */ protected array $registeredVars = []; /** @var FormatterClassic|null The formatter for the output */ protected ?FormatterClassic $formatter = null; /** @var stdClass|null Environment FIXME should probably be its own proper class */ protected ?stdClass $env = null; /** @var stdClass|null The currently parsed block FIXME should probably be its own proper class */ protected ?stdClass $scope = null; /** @var array [file => mtime] list of all files that have been parsed, to avoid circular imports */ protected array $allParsedFiles = []; /** @var Parser|null The currently used Parser instance. Used when creating error messages */ protected ?Parser $sourceParser = null; /** @var int The position in the current parsing step (in $sourceParser) */ protected int $sourceLoc = -1; /** @var int counter to uniquely identify imports */ protected static int $nextImportId = 0; // region public API /** * Initialize the LESS Parser */ public function __construct() { $this->registerLibraryFunctions(); } /** * Compile the given LESS string into CSS * * @param string $string LESS code * @param string|null $name optional filename to show in errors * @throws Exception * @throws ParserException */ public function compile(string $string, ?string $name = null): string { $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); $parser = $this->makeParser($name); $root = $parser->parse($string); $this->env = null; $this->scope = null; $this->allParsedFiles = []; if ($this->formatter === null) $this->setFormatter(); if (!empty($this->registeredVars)) { $this->injectVariables($this->registeredVars); } $this->sourceParser = $parser; // used for error messages try { $this->compileBlock($root); } catch (Exception $e) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); $position = $this->sourceLoc !== -1 ? $this->sourceLoc : $root->count; $this->sourceParser->throwError($e->getMessage(), $position, $e); } ob_start(); $this->formatter->block($this->scope); $out = ob_get_clean(); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); return $out; } /** * Parse the given File and return the compiled CSS. * * If an output file is specified, the compiled CSS will be written to that file. * * @param string $fname LESS file * @param string|null $outFname optional output file * @return int|string number of bytes written to file, or CSS if no output file * @throws Exception * @throws ParserException */ public function compileFile(string $fname, ?string $outFname = null) { if (!is_readable($fname)) { throw new Exception('load error: failed to find ' . $fname); } $pi = pathinfo($fname); $oldImport = $this->importDir; $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; $this->importDir[] = $pi['dirname'] . '/'; $this->addParsedFile($fname); $out = $this->compile(file_get_contents($fname), $fname); $this->importDir = $oldImport; if ($outFname !== null) { return file_put_contents($outFname, $out); } return $out; } // endregion // region configuration API /** * Should comments be preserved in the output? * * Default is false * * @param bool $preserve */ public function setPreserveComments(bool $preserve): void { $this->preserveComments = $preserve; } /** * Register a custom function to be available in LESS * * @param string $name name of function * @param callable $func callback */ public function registerFunction(string $name, callable $func): void { $this->libFunctions[$name] = $func; } /** * Remove a function from being available in LESS * * @param string $name The name of the function to unregister */ public function unregisterFunction(string $name): void { if (isset($this->libFunctions[$name])) { unset($this->libFunctions[$name]); } } /** * Add additional variables to the parser * * Given variables are merged with any already set variables * * @param array $variables [name => value, ...] */ public function setVariables($variables): void { $this->registeredVars = array_merge($this->registeredVars, $variables); } /** * Get the currently set variables * * @return array [name => value, ...] */ public function getVariables(): array { return $this->registeredVars; } /** * Remove a currently set variable * * @param string $name */ public function unsetVariable(string $name): void { if (isset($this->registeredVars[$name])) { unset($this->registeredVars[$name]); } } /** * Set the directories to search for imports * * Overwrites any previously set directories * * @param string|string[] $dirs */ public function setImportDir($dirs): void { $this->importDir = (array)$dirs; } /** * Add an additional directory to search for imports */ public function addImportDir(string $dir): void { $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; $this->importDir[] = $dir; } /** * Enable or disable import statements * * There is usually no need to disable imports * * @param bool $enable * @return void */ public function enableImports(bool $enable): void { $this->importDisabled = !$enable; } /** * Set the formatter to use for output * * @param FormatterClassic|null $formatter Null for the default LessJs formatter * @return void */ public function setFormatter(?FormatterClassic $formatter = null) { if ($formatter === null) { $formatter = new FormatterLessJs(); } $this->formatter = $formatter; } // endregion /** * Register all the default functions */ protected function registerLibraryFunctions() { $files = glob(__DIR__ . '/Functions/*.php'); foreach ($files as $file) { $name = basename($file, '.php'); if (substr($name, 0, 8) == 'Abstract') continue; $class = '\\LesserPHP\\Functions\\' . $name; $funcObj = new $class($this); if ($funcObj instanceof AbstractFunctionCollection) { foreach ($funcObj->getFunctions() as $name => $callback) { $this->registerFunction($name, $callback); } } } } /** * attempts to find the path of an import url, returns null for css files * * @internal parser internal method */ public function findImport(string $url): ?string { foreach ((array)$this->importDir as $dir) { $full = $dir . (substr($dir, -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') . $url; if ($this->fileExists($file = $full . '.less') || $this->fileExists($file = $full)) { return $file; } } return null; } /** * Check if a given file exists and is actually a file * * @param string $name file path * @return bool */ protected function fileExists(string $name): bool { return is_file($name); } /** * @internal parser internal method */ public static function compressList($items, $delim) { if (!isset($items[1]) && isset($items[0])) return $items[0]; else return ['list', $delim, $items]; } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function tryImport($importPath, $parentBlock, $out) { if ($importPath[0] == 'function' && $importPath[1] == 'url') { $importPath = $this->flattenList($importPath[2]); } $str = $this->coerceString($importPath); if ($str === null) return false; $url = $this->compileValue($this->unwrap($str)); // don't import if it ends in css if (substr_compare($url, '.css', -4, 4) === 0) return false; $realPath = $this->findImport($url); if ($realPath === null) return false; if ($this->importDisabled) { return [false, '/* import disabled */']; } if (isset($this->allParsedFiles[realpath($realPath)])) { return [false, null]; } $this->addParsedFile($realPath); $parser = $this->makeParser($realPath); $root = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($realPath)); // set the parents of all the block props foreach ($root->props as $prop) { if ($prop[0] == 'block') { $prop[1]->parent = $parentBlock; } } // copy mixins into scope, set their parents // bring blocks from import into current block // TODO: need to mark the source parser these came from this file foreach ($root->children as $childName => $child) { if (isset($parentBlock->children[$childName])) { $parentBlock->children[$childName] = array_merge( $parentBlock->children[$childName], $child ); } else { $parentBlock->children[$childName] = $child; } } $pi = pathinfo($realPath); $dir = $pi['dirname']; [$top, $bottom] = $this->sortProps($root->props, true); $this->compileImportedProps($top, $parentBlock, $out, $parser, $dir); return [true, $bottom, $parser, $dir]; } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileImportedProps($props, $block, $out, $sourceParser, $importDir) { $oldSourceParser = $this->sourceParser; $oldImport = $this->importDir; // TODO: this is because the importDir api is stupid $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; array_unshift($this->importDir, $importDir); foreach ($props as $prop) { $this->compileProp($prop, $block, $out); } $this->importDir = $oldImport; $this->sourceParser = $oldSourceParser; } /** * Recursively compiles a block. * * A block is analogous to a CSS block in most cases. A single LESS document * is encapsulated in a block when parsed, but it does not have parent tags * so all of it's children appear on the root level when compiled. * * Blocks are made up of props and children. * * Props are property instructions, array tuples which describe an action * to be taken, eg. write a property, set a variable, mixin a block. * * The children of a block are just all the blocks that are defined within. * This is used to look up mixins when performing a mixin. * * Compiling the block involves pushing a fresh environment on the stack, * and iterating through the props, compiling each one. * * @throws Exception * @see compileProp() */ protected function compileBlock($block) { switch ($block->type) { case 'root': $this->compileRoot($block); break; case null: $this->compileCSSBlock($block); break; case 'media': $this->compileMedia($block); break; case 'directive': $name = '@' . $block->name; if (!empty($block->value)) { $name .= ' ' . $this->compileValue($this->reduce($block->value)); } $this->compileNestedBlock($block, [$name]); break; default: throw new Exception("unknown block type: $block->type\n"); } } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileCSSBlock($block) { $env = $this->pushEnv(); $selectors = $this->compileSelectors($block->tags); $env->selectors = $this->multiplySelectors($selectors); $out = $this->makeOutputBlock(null, $env->selectors); $this->scope->children[] = $out; $this->compileProps($block, $out); $block->scope = $env; // mixins carry scope with them! $this->popEnv(); } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileMedia($media) { $env = $this->pushEnv($media); $parentScope = $this->mediaParent($this->scope); $query = $this->compileMediaQuery($this->multiplyMedia($env)); $this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock($media->type, [$query]); $parentScope->children[] = $this->scope; $this->compileProps($media, $this->scope); if (count($this->scope->lines) > 0) { $orphanSelelectors = $this->findClosestSelectors(); if (!is_null($orphanSelelectors)) { $orphan = $this->makeOutputBlock(null, $orphanSelelectors); $orphan->lines = $this->scope->lines; array_unshift($this->scope->children, $orphan); $this->scope->lines = []; } } $this->scope = $this->scope->parent; $this->popEnv(); } protected function mediaParent($scope) { while (!empty($scope->parent)) { if (!empty($scope->type) && $scope->type != 'media') { break; } $scope = $scope->parent; } return $scope; } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileNestedBlock($block, $selectors) { $this->pushEnv($block); $this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock($block->type, $selectors); $this->scope->parent->children[] = $this->scope; $this->compileProps($block, $this->scope); $this->scope = $this->scope->parent; $this->popEnv(); } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileRoot($root) { $this->pushEnv(); $this->scope = $this->makeOutputBlock($root->type); $this->compileProps($root, $this->scope); $this->popEnv(); } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileProps($block, $out) { foreach ($this->sortProps($block->props) as $prop) { $this->compileProp($prop, $block, $out); } $out->lines = $this->deduplicate($out->lines); } /** * Deduplicate lines in a block. Comments are not deduplicated. If a * duplicate rule is detected, the comments immediately preceding each * occurrence are consolidated. */ protected function deduplicate($lines) { $unique = []; $comments = []; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strpos($line, '/*') === 0) { $comments[] = $line; continue; } if (!in_array($line, $unique)) { $unique[] = $line; } array_splice($unique, array_search($line, $unique), 0, $comments); $comments = []; } return array_merge($unique, $comments); } protected function sortProps($props, $split = false) { $vars = []; $imports = []; $other = []; $stack = []; foreach ($props as $prop) { switch ($prop[0]) { case 'comment': $stack[] = $prop; break; case 'assign': $stack[] = $prop; if (isset($prop[1][0]) && $prop[1][0] == Constants::VPREFIX) { $vars = array_merge($vars, $stack); } else { $other = array_merge($other, $stack); } $stack = []; break; case 'import': $id = self::$nextImportId++; $prop[] = $id; $stack[] = $prop; $imports = array_merge($imports, $stack); $other[] = ['import_mixin', $id]; $stack = []; break; default: $stack[] = $prop; $other = array_merge($other, $stack); $stack = []; break; } } $other = array_merge($other, $stack); if ($split) { return [array_merge($vars, $imports, $vars), $other]; } else { return array_merge($vars, $imports, $vars, $other); } } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function compileMediaQuery($queries) { $compiledQueries = []; foreach ($queries as $query) { $parts = []; foreach ($query as $q) { switch ($q[0]) { case 'mediaType': $parts[] = implode(' ', array_slice($q, 1)); break; case 'mediaExp': if (isset($q[2])) { $parts[] = "($q[1]: " . $this->compileValue($this->reduce($q[2])) . ')'; } else { $parts[] = "($q[1])"; } break; case 'variable': $parts[] = $this->compileValue($this->reduce($q)); break; } } if (count($parts) > 0) { $compiledQueries[] = implode(' and ', $parts); } } $out = '@media'; if (!empty($parts)) { $out .= ' ' . implode($this->formatter->selectorSeparator, $compiledQueries); } return $out; } protected function multiplyMedia($env, $childQueries = null) { if (is_null($env) || !empty($env->block->type) && $env->block->type != 'media') { return $childQueries; } // plain old block, skip if (empty($env->block->type)) { return $this->multiplyMedia($env->parent, $childQueries); } $out = []; $queries = $env->block->queries; if (is_null($childQueries)) { $out = $queries; } else { foreach ($queries as $parent) { foreach ($childQueries as $child) { $out[] = array_merge($parent, $child); } } } return $this->multiplyMedia($env->parent, $out); } protected function expandParentSelectors(&$tag, $replace): int { $parts = explode("$&$", $tag); $count = 0; foreach ($parts as &$part) { $part = str_replace(Constants::PARENT_SELECTOR, $replace, $part, $c); $count += $c; } $tag = implode(Constants::PARENT_SELECTOR, $parts); return $count; } protected function findClosestSelectors() { $env = $this->env; $selectors = null; while ($env !== null) { if (isset($env->selectors)) { $selectors = $env->selectors; break; } $env = $env->parent; } return $selectors; } // multiply $selectors against the nearest selectors in env protected function multiplySelectors($selectors) { // find parent selectors $parentSelectors = $this->findClosestSelectors(); if (is_null($parentSelectors)) { // kill parent reference in top level selector foreach ($selectors as &$s) { $this->expandParentSelectors($s, ''); } return $selectors; } $out = []; foreach ($parentSelectors as $parent) { foreach ($selectors as $child) { $count = $this->expandParentSelectors($child, $parent); // don't prepend the parent tag if & was used if ($count > 0) { $out[] = trim($child); } else { $out[] = trim($parent . ' ' . $child); } } } return $out; } /** * reduces selector expressions * @throws Exception */ protected function compileSelectors($selectors) { $out = []; foreach ($selectors as $s) { if (is_array($s)) { [, $value] = $s; $out[] = trim($this->compileValue($this->reduce($value))); } else { $out[] = $s; } } return $out; } protected function eq($left, $right) { return $left == $right; } /** * @return bool * @throws Exception */ protected function patternMatch($block, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs) { // match the guards if it has them // any one of the groups must have all its guards pass for a match if (!empty($block->guards)) { $groupPassed = false; foreach ($block->guards as $guardGroup) { foreach ($guardGroup as $guard) { $this->pushEnv(); $this->zipSetArgs($block->args, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs); $negate = false; if ($guard[0] == 'negate') { $guard = $guard[1]; $negate = true; } $passed = $this->reduce($guard) == Constants::TRUE; if ($negate) $passed = !$passed; $this->popEnv(); if ($passed) { $groupPassed = true; } else { $groupPassed = false; break; } } if ($groupPassed) break; } if (!$groupPassed) { return false; } } if (empty($block->args)) { return $block->isVararg || empty($orderedArgs) && empty($keywordArgs); } $remainingArgs = $block->args; if ($keywordArgs) { $remainingArgs = []; foreach ($block->args as $arg) { if ($arg[0] == 'arg' && isset($keywordArgs[$arg[1]])) { continue; } $remainingArgs[] = $arg; } } $i = -1; // no args // try to match by arity or by argument literal foreach ($remainingArgs as $i => $arg) { switch ($arg[0]) { case 'lit': if (empty($orderedArgs[$i]) || !$this->eq($arg[1], $orderedArgs[$i])) { return false; } break; case 'arg': // no arg and no default value if (!isset($orderedArgs[$i]) && !isset($arg[2])) { return false; } break; case 'rest': $i--; // rest can be empty break 2; } } if ($block->isVararg) { return true; // not having enough is handled above } else { $numMatched = $i + 1; // greater than because default values always match return $numMatched >= count($orderedArgs); } } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function patternMatchAll($blocks, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs, $skip = []) { $matches = null; foreach ($blocks as $block) { // skip seen blocks that don't have arguments if (isset($skip[$block->id]) && !isset($block->args)) { continue; } if ($this->patternMatch($block, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs)) { $matches[] = $block; } } return $matches; } /** * attempt to find blocks matched by path and args * @throws Exception */ protected function findBlocks($searchIn, $path, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs, $seen = []) { if ($searchIn == null) return null; if (isset($seen[$searchIn->id])) return null; $seen[$searchIn->id] = true; $name = $path[0]; if (isset($searchIn->children[$name])) { $blocks = $searchIn->children[$name]; if (count($path) == 1) { $matches = $this->patternMatchAll($blocks, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs, $seen); if (!empty($matches)) { // This will return all blocks that match in the closest // scope that has any matching block, like lessjs return $matches; } } else { $matches = []; foreach ($blocks as $subBlock) { $subMatches = $this->findBlocks( $subBlock, array_slice($path, 1), $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs, $seen ); if (!is_null($subMatches)) { foreach ($subMatches as $sm) { $matches[] = $sm; } } } return count($matches) > 0 ? $matches : null; } } if ($searchIn->parent === $searchIn) return null; return $this->findBlocks($searchIn->parent, $path, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs, $seen); } /** * sets all argument names in $args to either the default value * or the one passed in through $values * * @throws Exception */ protected function zipSetArgs($args, $orderedValues, $keywordValues) { $assignedValues = []; $i = 0; foreach ($args as $a) { if ($a[0] == 'arg') { if (isset($keywordValues[$a[1]])) { // has keyword arg $value = $keywordValues[$a[1]]; } elseif (isset($orderedValues[$i])) { // has ordered arg $value = $orderedValues[$i]; $i++; } elseif (isset($a[2])) { // has default value $value = $a[2]; } else { throw new Exception('Failed to assign arg ' . $a[1]); } $value = $this->reduce($value); $this->set($a[1], $value); $assignedValues[] = $value; } else { // a lit $i++; } } // check for a rest $last = end($args); if ($last !== false && $last[0] === 'rest') { $rest = array_slice($orderedValues, count($args) - 1); $this->set($last[1], $this->reduce(['list', ' ', $rest])); } // wow is this the only true use of PHP's + operator for arrays? $this->env->arguments = $assignedValues + $orderedValues; } /** * compile a prop and update $lines or $blocks appropriately * @throws Exception */ protected function compileProp($prop, $block, $out) { // set error position context $this->sourceLoc = $prop[-1] ?? -1; switch ($prop[0]) { case 'assign': [, $name, $value] = $prop; if ($name[0] == Constants::VPREFIX) { $this->set($name, $value); } else { $out->lines[] = $this->formatter->property( $name, $this->compileValue($this->reduce($value)) ); } break; case 'block': [, $child] = $prop; $this->compileBlock($child); break; case 'ruleset': case 'mixin': [, $path, $args, $suffix] = $prop; $orderedArgs = []; $keywordArgs = []; foreach ((array)$args as $arg) { switch ($arg[0]) { case 'arg': if (!isset($arg[2])) { $orderedArgs[] = $this->reduce(['variable', $arg[1]]); } else { $keywordArgs[$arg[1]] = $this->reduce($arg[2]); } break; case 'lit': $orderedArgs[] = $this->reduce($arg[1]); break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown arg type: ' . $arg[0]); } } $mixins = $this->findBlocks($block, $path, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs); if ($mixins === null) { $block->parser->throwError("{$prop[1][0]} is undefined", $block->count); } if (strpos($prop[1][0], "$") === 0) { //Use Ruleset Logic - Only last element $mixins = [array_pop($mixins)]; } foreach ($mixins as $mixin) { if ($mixin === $block && !$orderedArgs) { continue; } $haveScope = false; if (isset($mixin->parent->scope)) { $haveScope = true; $mixinParentEnv = $this->pushEnv(); $mixinParentEnv->storeParent = $mixin->parent->scope; } $haveArgs = false; if (isset($mixin->args)) { $haveArgs = true; $this->pushEnv(); $this->zipSetArgs($mixin->args, $orderedArgs, $keywordArgs); } $oldParent = $mixin->parent; if ($mixin != $block) $mixin->parent = $block; foreach ($this->sortProps($mixin->props) as $subProp) { if ($suffix !== null && $subProp[0] == 'assign' && is_string($subProp[1]) && $subProp[1][0] != Constants::VPREFIX) { $subProp[2] = ['list', ' ', [$subProp[2], ['keyword', $suffix]]]; } $this->compileProp($subProp, $mixin, $out); } $mixin->parent = $oldParent; if ($haveArgs) $this->popEnv(); if ($haveScope) $this->popEnv(); } break; case 'raw': case 'comment': $out->lines[] = $prop[1]; break; case 'directive': [, $name, $value] = $prop; $out->lines[] = "@$name " . $this->compileValue($this->reduce($value)) . ';'; break; case 'import': [, $importPath, $importId] = $prop; $importPath = $this->reduce($importPath); if (!isset($this->env->imports)) { $this->env->imports = []; } $result = $this->tryImport($importPath, $block, $out); $this->env->imports[$importId] = $result === false ? [false, '@import ' . $this->compileValue($importPath) . ';'] : $result; break; case 'import_mixin': [, $importId] = $prop; $import = $this->env->imports[$importId]; if ($import[0] === false) { if (isset($import[1])) { $out->lines[] = $import[1]; } } else { [, $bottom, $parser, $importDir] = $import; $this->compileImportedProps($bottom, $block, $out, $parser, $importDir); } break; default: $block->parser->throwError("unknown op: $prop[0]\n", $block->count); } } /** * Compiles a primitive value into a CSS property value. * * Values in lessphp are typed by being wrapped in arrays, their format is * typically: * * array(type, contents [, additional_contents]*) * * The input is expected to be reduced. This function will not work on * things like expressions and variables. * @throws Exception * @internal parser internal method */ public function compileValue($value) { switch ($value[0]) { case 'list': // [1] - delimiter // [2] - array of values return implode($value[1], array_map([$this, 'compileValue'], $value[2])); case 'raw_color': if (!empty($this->formatter->compressColors)) { return $this->compileValue(Color::coerceColor($value)); } return $value[1]; case 'keyword': // [1] - the keyword return $value[1]; case 'number': [, $num, $unit] = $value; // [1] - the number // [2] - the unit if ($this->numberPrecision !== null) { $num = round($num, $this->numberPrecision); } return $num . $unit; case 'string': // [1] - contents of string (includes quotes) [, $delim, $content] = $value; foreach ($content as &$part) { if (is_array($part)) { $part = $this->compileValue($part); } } return $delim . implode($content) . $delim; case 'color': // [1] - red component (either number or a %) // [2] - green component // [3] - blue component // [4] - optional alpha component [, $r, $g, $b] = $value; // pre-round to work around more precice rounding in PHP 8.4+ // see https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/16930 $r = round(round($r, 13)); $g = round(round($g, 13)); $b = round(round($b, 13)); if (count($value) == 5 && $value[4] != 1) { // rgba return 'rgba(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ',' . $value[4] . ')'; } $h = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $r, $g, $b); if (!empty($this->formatter->compressColors)) { // Converting hex color to short notation (e.g. #003399 to #039) if ($h[1] === $h[2] && $h[3] === $h[4] && $h[5] === $h[6]) { $h = '#' . $h[1] . $h[3] . $h[5]; } } return $h; case 'function': [, $name, $args] = $value; return $name . '(' . $this->compileValue($args) . ')'; default: // assumed to be unit throw new Exception("unknown value type: $value[0]"); } } /** * Utility func to unquote a string * * @todo this not really a good name for this function * @internal parser internal method */ public function unwrap(array $arg): array { switch ($arg[0]) { case 'list': $items = $arg[2]; if (isset($items[0])) { return self::unwrap($items[0]); } throw new Exception('unrecognised input'); case 'string': $arg[1] = ''; return $arg; case 'keyword': return $arg; default: return ['keyword', $this->compileValue($arg)]; } } /** * Convert the rgb, rgba, hsl color literals of function type * as returned by the parser into values of color type. * * @throws Exception */ protected function funcToColor($func) { $fname = $func[1]; if ($func[2][0] != 'list') return false; // need a list of arguments $rawComponents = $func[2][2]; if ($fname == 'hsl' || $fname == 'hsla') { $hsl = ['hsl']; $i = 0; foreach ($rawComponents as $c) { $val = $this->reduce($c); $val = isset($val[1]) ? floatval($val[1]) : 0; if ($i == 0) $clamp = 360; elseif ($i < 3) $clamp = 100; else $clamp = 1; $hsl[] = Util::clamp($val, $clamp); $i++; } while (count($hsl) < 4) $hsl[] = 0; return Color::toRGB($hsl); } elseif ($fname == 'rgb' || $fname == 'rgba') { $components = []; $i = 1; foreach ($rawComponents as $c) { $c = $this->reduce($c); if ($i < 4) { if ($c[0] == 'number' && $c[2] == '%') { $components[] = 255 * ($c[1] / 100); } else { $components[] = floatval($c[1]); } } elseif ($i == 4) { if ($c[0] == 'number' && $c[2] == '%') { $components[] = 1.0 * ($c[1] / 100); } else { $components[] = floatval($c[1]); } } else break; $i++; } while (count($components) < 3) $components[] = 0; array_unshift($components, 'color'); return Color::fixColor($components); } return false; } /** * @throws Exception * @internal parser internal method */ public function reduce($value, $forExpression = false) { switch ($value[0]) { case 'interpolate': $reduced = $this->reduce($value[1]); $var = $this->compileValue($reduced); $res = $this->reduce(['variable', Constants::VPREFIX . $var]); if ($res[0] == 'raw_color') { $res = Color::coerceColor($res); } if (empty($value[2])) $res = $this->unwrap($res); return $res; case 'variable': $key = $value[1]; if (is_array($key)) { $key = $this->reduce($key); $key = Constants::VPREFIX . $this->compileValue($this->unwrap($key)); } $seen =& $this->env->seenNames; if (!empty($seen[$key])) { throw new Exception("infinite loop detected: $key"); } $seen[$key] = true; $out = $this->reduce($this->get($key)); $seen[$key] = false; return $out; case 'list': foreach ($value[2] as &$item) { $item = $this->reduce($item, $forExpression); } return $value; case 'expression': return $this->evaluate($value); case 'string': foreach ($value[2] as &$part) { if (is_array($part)) { $strip = $part[0] == 'variable'; $part = $this->reduce($part); if ($strip) $part = $this->unwrap($part); } } return $value; case 'escape': [, $inner] = $value; return $this->unwrap($this->reduce($inner)); case 'function': $color = $this->funcToColor($value); if ($color) return $color; [, $name, $args] = $value; $f = $this->libFunctions[$name] ?? null; if (is_callable($f)) { if ($args[0] == 'list') $args = self::compressList($args[2], $args[1]); $ret = call_user_func($f, $this->reduce($args, true), $this); if (is_null($ret)) { return ['string', '', [$name, '(', $args, ')']]; } // convert to a typed value if the result is a php primitive if (is_numeric($ret)) $ret = ['number', $ret, '']; elseif (!is_array($ret)) $ret = ['keyword', $ret]; return $ret; } // plain function, reduce args $value[2] = $this->reduce($value[2]); return $value; case 'unary': [, $op, $exp] = $value; $exp = $this->reduce($exp); if ($exp[0] == 'number') { switch ($op) { case '+': return $exp; case '-': $exp[1] *= -1; return $exp; } } return ['string', '', [$op, $exp]]; } if ($forExpression) { switch ($value[0]) { case 'keyword': if ($color = Color::coerceColor($value)) { return $color; } break; case 'raw_color': return Color::coerceColor($value); } } return $value; } // make something string like into a string protected function coerceString($value) { switch ($value[0]) { case 'string': return $value; case 'keyword': return ['string', '', [$value[1]]]; } return null; } // turn list of length 1 into value type protected function flattenList($value) { if ($value[0] == 'list' && count($value[2]) == 1) { return $this->flattenList($value[2][0]); } return $value; } /** * evaluate an expression * @throws Exception */ protected function evaluate($exp) { [, $op, $left, $right, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter] = $exp; $left = $this->reduce($left, true); $right = $this->reduce($right, true); if ($leftColor = Color::coerceColor($left)) { $left = $leftColor; } if ($rightColor = Color::coerceColor($right)) { $right = $rightColor; } $ltype = $left[0]; $rtype = $right[0]; // operators that work on all types if ($op == 'and') { return Util::toBool($left == Constants::TRUE && $right == Constants::TRUE); } if ($op == '=') { return Util::toBool($this->eq($left, $right)); } if ($op == '+' && !is_null($str = $this->stringConcatenate($left, $right))) { return $str; } // type based operators $fname = sprintf('op_%s_%s', $ltype, $rtype); if (is_callable([$this, $fname])) { $out = $this->$fname($op, $left, $right); if (!is_null($out)) return $out; } // make the expression look it did before being parsed $paddedOp = $op; if ($whiteBefore) $paddedOp = ' ' . $paddedOp; if ($whiteAfter) $paddedOp .= ' '; return ['string', '', [$left, $paddedOp, $right]]; } protected function stringConcatenate($left, $right) { if ($strLeft = $this->coerceString($left)) { if ($right[0] == 'string') { $right[1] = ''; } $strLeft[2][] = $right; return $strLeft; } if ($strRight = $this->coerceString($right)) { array_unshift($strRight[2], $left); return $strRight; } } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function op_number_color($op, $lft, $rgt) { if ($op == '+' || $op == '*') { return $this->op_color_number($op, $rgt, $lft); } } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function op_color_number($op, $lft, $rgt) { if ($rgt[0] == '%') $rgt[1] /= 100; return $this->op_color_color( $op, $lft, array_fill(1, count($lft) - 1, $rgt[1]) ); } /** * @throws Exception */ protected function op_color_color($op, $left, $right) { $out = ['color']; $max = count($left) > count($right) ? count($left) : count($right); foreach (range(1, $max - 1) as $i) { $lval = $left[$i] ?? 0; $rval = $right[$i] ?? 0; switch ($op) { case '+': $out[] = $lval + $rval; break; case '-': $out[] = $lval - $rval; break; case '*': $out[] = $lval * $rval; break; case '%': $out[] = $lval % $rval; break; case '/': if ($rval == 0) throw new Exception("evaluate error: can't divide by zero"); $out[] = $lval / $rval; break; default: throw new Exception('evaluate error: color op number failed on op ' . $op); } } return Color::fixColor($out); } /** * operator on two numbers * @throws Exception */ protected function op_number_number($op, $left, $right) { $unit = empty($left[2]) ? $right[2] : $left[2]; $value = 0; switch ($op) { case '+': $value = $left[1] + $right[1]; break; case '*': $value = $left[1] * $right[1]; break; case '-': $value = $left[1] - $right[1]; break; case '%': $value = $left[1] % $right[1]; break; case '/': if ($right[1] == 0) throw new Exception('parse error: divide by zero'); $value = $left[1] / $right[1]; break; case '<': return Util::toBool($left[1] < $right[1]); case '>': return Util::toBool($left[1] > $right[1]); case '>=': return Util::toBool($left[1] >= $right[1]); case '=<': return Util::toBool($left[1] <= $right[1]); default: throw new Exception('parse error: unknown number operator: ' . $op); } return ['number', $value, $unit]; } /* environment functions */ protected function makeOutputBlock($type, $selectors = null) { $b = new stdclass; $b->lines = []; $b->children = []; $b->selectors = $selectors; $b->type = $type; $b->parent = $this->scope; return $b; } // the state of execution protected function pushEnv($block = null) { $e = new stdclass; $e->parent = $this->env; $e->store = []; $e->block = $block; $this->env = $e; return $e; } // pop something off the stack protected function popEnv() { $old = $this->env; $this->env = $this->env->parent; return $old; } // set something in the current env protected function set($name, $value) { $this->env->store[$name] = $value; } /** * get the highest occurrence entry for a name * @throws Exception */ protected function get($name) { $current = $this->env; // track scope to evaluate $scope_secondary = []; $isArguments = $name == Constants::VPREFIX . 'arguments'; while ($current) { if ($isArguments && isset($current->arguments)) { return ['list', ' ', $current->arguments]; } if (isset($current->store[$name])) return $current->store[$name]; // has secondary scope? if (isset($current->storeParent)) $scope_secondary[] = $current->storeParent; $current = $current->parent ?? null; } while (count($scope_secondary)) { // pop one off $current = array_shift($scope_secondary); while ($current) { if ($isArguments && isset($current->arguments)) { return ['list', ' ', $current->arguments]; } if (isset($current->store[$name])) { return $current->store[$name]; } // has secondary scope? if (isset($current->storeParent)) { $scope_secondary[] = $current->storeParent; } $current = $current->parent ?? null; } } throw new Exception("variable $name is undefined"); } /** * inject array of unparsed strings into environment as variables * @throws Exception */ protected function injectVariables($args) { $this->pushEnv(); $parser = new Parser(__METHOD__); foreach ($args as $name => $strValue) { if ($name[0] != '@') $name = '@' . $name; $parser->count = 0; $parser->buffer = (string)$strValue; if (!$parser->propertyValue($value)) { throw new Exception("failed to parse passed in variable $name: $strValue"); } $this->set($name, $value); } } /** * Create a new parser instance * * @param string|null $name A name to identify the parser in error messages */ protected function makeParser(?string $name): Parser { $parser = new Parser($name); $parser->writeComments = $this->preserveComments; return $parser; } /** * Add the given file to the list of parsed files * * @param $file */ protected function addParsedFile($file): void { $this->allParsedFiles[realpath($file)] = filemtime($file); } }