*/ function strftime (string $format, $timestamp = null, ?string $locale = null) : string { if (!($timestamp instanceof DateTimeInterface)) { $timestamp = is_int($timestamp) ? '@' . $timestamp : (string) $timestamp; try { $timestamp = new DateTime($timestamp); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$timestamp argument is neither a valid UNIX timestamp, a valid date-time string or a DateTime object.', 0, $e); } } $timestamp->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); if (class_exists('\\IntlDateFormatter') && !isset($_SERVER['STRFTIME_NO_INTL'])) { $locale = \Locale::canonicalize($locale ?? setlocale(LC_TIME, '0')); $locale_formatter = new \PHP81_BC\strftime\IntlLocaleFormatter($locale); } else { $locale_formatter = new \PHP81_BC\strftime\DateLocaleFormatter($locale); } // Same order as https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php $translation_table = [ // Day '%a' => $locale_formatter, '%A' => $locale_formatter, '%d' => 'd', '%e' => function ($timestamp) { return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('j')); }, '%j' => function ($timestamp) { // Day number in year, 001 to 366 return sprintf('%03d', $timestamp->format('z')+1); }, '%u' => 'N', '%w' => 'w', // Week '%U' => function ($timestamp) { // Number of weeks between date and first Sunday of year $day = new DateTime(sprintf('%d-01 Sunday', $timestamp->format('Y'))); return sprintf('%02u', 1 + ($timestamp->format('z') - $day->format('z')) / 7); }, '%V' => 'W', '%W' => function ($timestamp) { // Number of weeks between date and first Monday of year $day = new DateTime(sprintf('%d-01 Monday', $timestamp->format('Y'))); return sprintf('%02u', 1 + ($timestamp->format('z') - $day->format('z')) / 7); }, // Month '%b' => $locale_formatter, '%B' => $locale_formatter, '%h' => $locale_formatter, '%m' => 'm', // Year '%C' => function ($timestamp) { // Century (-1): 19 for 20th century return floor($timestamp->format('Y') / 100); }, '%g' => function ($timestamp) { return substr($timestamp->format('o'), -2); }, '%G' => 'o', '%y' => 'y', '%Y' => 'Y', // Time '%H' => 'H', '%k' => function ($timestamp) { return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('G')); }, '%I' => 'h', '%l' => function ($timestamp) { return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('g')); }, '%M' => 'i', '%p' => 'A', // AM PM (this is reversed on purpose!) '%P' => 'a', // am pm '%r' => 'h:i:s A', // %I:%M:%S %p '%R' => 'H:i', // %H:%M '%S' => 's', '%T' => 'H:i:s', // %H:%M:%S '%X' => $locale_formatter, // Preferred time representation based on locale, without the date // Timezone '%z' => 'O', '%Z' => 'T', // Time and Date Stamps '%c' => $locale_formatter, '%D' => 'm/d/Y', '%F' => 'Y-m-d', '%s' => 'U', '%x' => $locale_formatter, ]; $out = preg_replace_callback('/(?format($replace); } else { $result = $replace($timestamp, $pattern); } switch ($prefix) { case '_': // replace leading zeros with spaces but keep last char if also zero return preg_replace('/\G0(?=.)/', ' ', $result); case '#': case '-': // remove leading zeros but keep last char if also zero return preg_replace('/^0+(?=.)/', '', $result); } return $result; }, $format); $out = str_replace('%%', '%', $out); return $out; }