tags to enable formatting * using CSS. * * @author Pascal Van Hecke * @since 1.7 */ class HTMLCreator extends FeedCreator { protected $contentType = "text/html"; /** * Contains HTML to be output at the start of the feed's html representation. */ public $header; /** * Contains HTML to be output at the end of the feed's html representation. */ public $footer; /** * Contains HTML to be output between entries. A separator is only used in * case of multiple entries. */ public $separator; /** * Used to prefix the stylenames to make sure they are unique * and do not clash with stylenames on the user's page. */ public $stylePrefix; /** @var bool Determines whether the links open in a new window or not. */ public $openInNewWindow = true; /** @var string image alignments in output */ public $imageAlign = "right"; /** * In case of very simple output you may want to get rid of the style tags, * hence this variable. There's no equivalent on item level, but of course you can * add strings to it while iterating over the items ($this->stylelessOutput .= ...) * and when it is non-empty, ONLY the styleless output is printed, the rest is ignored * in the function createFeed(). */ public $stylelessOutput = ""; /** * Writes the HTML. * * @inheritdoc */ public function createFeed() { // if there is styleless output, use the content of this variable and ignore the rest if ($this->stylelessOutput != "") { return $this->stylelessOutput; } //if no stylePrefix is set, generate it yourself depending on the script name if ($this->stylePrefix == "") { $this->stylePrefix = str_replace(".", "_", $this->_generateFilename())."_"; } //set an openInNewWindow_token_to be inserted or not if ($this->openInNewWindow) { $targetInsert = " class='target_blank'"; } else { $targetInsert = ''; } // use this array to put the lines in and implode later with "document.write" javascript $feedArray = array(); if ($this->image != null) { $imageStr = "". "".
                FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->image->title), 100).
                "image->width) { $imageStr .= " width='".$this->image->width."' "; } if ($this->image->height) { $imageStr .= " height='".$this->image->height."' "; } $imageStr .= "/>"; $feedArray[] = $imageStr; } if ($this->title) { $feedArray[] = "
". FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->title), 100)."
"; } if ($this->getDescription()) { $feedArray[] = "
". str_replace("]]>", "", str_replace("getDescription())). "
"; } if ($this->header) { $feedArray[] = "
"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) { if ($this->separator and $i > 0) { $feedArray[] = "
"; } if ($this->items[$i]->title) { if ($this->items[$i]->link) { $feedArray[] = "
".FeedCreator::iTrunc( htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)), 100 ). "
"; } else { $feedArray[] = "
". FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)), 100). "
"; } } if ($this->items[$i]->getDescription()) { $feedArray[] = "
". str_replace("]]>", "", str_replace("items[$i]->getDescription())). "
"; } } if ($this->footer) { $feedArray[] = "
"; } $feed = "".implode("\r\n", $feedArray); return $feed; } /** * Overrides parent to produce .html extensions * * @return string the feed cache filename * @since 1.4 * @access private */ protected function _generateFilename() { $fileInfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); return substr($fileInfo["basename"], 0, -(strlen($fileInfo["extension"]) + 1)).".html"; } }