<?php /** * A class to build and send multi part mails (with HTML content and embedded * attachments). All mails are assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding. * * Attachments are handled in memory so this shouldn't be used to send huge * files, but then again mail shouldn't be used to send huge files either. * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> */ use dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString; use dokuwiki\Utf8\Clean; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; /** * Mail Handling */ class Mailer { protected $headers = []; protected $attach = []; protected $html = ''; protected $text = ''; protected $boundary = ''; protected $partid = ''; protected $sendparam; protected $allowhtml = true; protected $replacements = ['text' => [], 'html' => []]; /** * Constructor * * Initializes the boundary strings, part counters and token replacements */ public function __construct() { global $conf; /* @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; $server = parse_url(DOKU_URL, PHP_URL_HOST); if (strpos($server, '.') === false) $server .= '.localhost'; $this->partid = substr(md5(uniqid(random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()), true)), 0, 8) . '@' . $server; $this->boundary = '__________' . md5(uniqid(random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()), true)); $listid = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('/', DOKU_BASE))) . $server; $listid = strtolower(trim($listid, '.')); $messageid = uniqid(random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()), true) . "@$server"; $this->allowhtml = (bool)$conf['htmlmail']; // add some default headers for mailfiltering FS#2247 if (!empty($conf['mailreturnpath'])) { $this->setHeader('Return-Path', $conf['mailreturnpath']); } $this->setHeader('X-Mailer', 'DokuWiki'); $this->setHeader('X-DokuWiki-User', $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')); $this->setHeader('X-DokuWiki-Title', $conf['title']); $this->setHeader('X-DokuWiki-Server', $server); $this->setHeader('X-Auto-Response-Suppress', 'OOF'); $this->setHeader('List-Id', $conf['title'] . ' <' . $listid . '>'); $this->setHeader('Date', date('r'), false); $this->setHeader('Message-Id', "<$messageid>"); $this->prepareTokenReplacements(); } /** * Attach a file * * @param string $path Path to the file to attach * @param string $mime Mimetype of the attached file * @param string $name The filename to use * @param string $embed Unique key to reference this file from the HTML part */ public function attachFile($path, $mime, $name = '', $embed = '') { if (!$name) { $name = PhpString::basename($path); } $this->attach[] = [ 'data' => file_get_contents($path), 'mime' => $mime, 'name' => $name, 'embed' => $embed ]; } /** * Attach a file * * @param string $data The file contents to attach * @param string $mime Mimetype of the attached file * @param string $name The filename to use * @param string $embed Unique key to reference this file from the HTML part */ public function attachContent($data, $mime, $name = '', $embed = '') { if (!$name) { [, $ext] = explode('/', $mime); $name = count($this->attach) . ".$ext"; } $this->attach[] = [ 'data' => $data, 'mime' => $mime, 'name' => $name, 'embed' => $embed ]; } /** * Callback function to automatically embed images referenced in HTML templates * * @param array $matches * @return string placeholder */ protected function autoEmbedCallBack($matches) { static $embeds = 0; $embeds++; // get file and mime type $media = cleanID($matches[1]); [, $mime] = mimetype($media); $file = mediaFN($media); if (!file_exists($file)) return $matches[0]; //bad reference, keep as is // attach it and set placeholder $this->attachFile($file, $mime, '', 'autoembed' . $embeds); return '%%autoembed' . $embeds . '%%'; } /** * Add an arbitrary header to the mail * * If an empy value is passed, the header is removed * * @param string $header the header name (no trailing colon!) * @param string|string[] $value the value of the header * @param bool $clean remove all non-ASCII chars and line feeds? */ public function setHeader($header, $value, $clean = true) { $header = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('-', ' ', $header)))); // streamline casing if ($clean) { $header = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ \-\.\+\@]+/', '', $header); $value = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ \-\.\+\@<>]+/', '', $value); } // empty value deletes if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_map('trim', $value); $value = array_filter($value); if (!$value) $value = ''; } else { $value = trim($value); } if ($value === '') { if (isset($this->headers[$header])) unset($this->headers[$header]); } else { $this->headers[$header] = $value; } } /** * Set additional parameters to be passed to sendmail * * Whatever is set here is directly passed to PHP's mail() command as last * parameter. Depending on the PHP setup this might break mailing alltogether * * @param string $param */ public function setParameters($param) { $this->sendparam = $param; } /** * Set the text and HTML body and apply replacements * * This function applies a whole bunch of default replacements in addition * to the ones specified as parameters * * If you pass the HTML part or HTML replacements yourself you have to make * sure you encode all HTML special chars correctly * * @param string $text plain text body * @param array $textrep replacements to apply on the text part * @param array $htmlrep replacements to apply on the HTML part, null to use $textrep (urls wrapped in <a> tags) * @param string $html the HTML body, leave null to create it from $text * @param bool $wrap wrap the HTML in the default header/Footer */ public function setBody($text, $textrep = null, $htmlrep = null, $html = null, $wrap = true) { $htmlrep = (array)$htmlrep; $textrep = (array)$textrep; // create HTML from text if not given if ($html === null) { $html = $text; $html = hsc($html); $html = preg_replace('/^----+$/m', '<hr >', $html); $html = nl2br($html); } if ($wrap) { $wrapper = rawLocale('mailwrap', 'html'); $html = preg_replace('/\n-- <br \/>.*$/s', '', $html); //strip signature $html = str_replace('@EMAILSIGNATURE@', '', $html); //strip @EMAILSIGNATURE@ $html = str_replace('@HTMLBODY@', $html, $wrapper); } if (strpos($text, '@EMAILSIGNATURE@') === false) { $text .= '@EMAILSIGNATURE@'; } // copy over all replacements missing for HTML (autolink URLs) foreach ($textrep as $key => $value) { if (isset($htmlrep[$key])) continue; if (media_isexternal($value)) { $htmlrep[$key] = '<a href="' . hsc($value) . '">' . hsc($value) . '</a>'; } else { $htmlrep[$key] = hsc($value); } } // embed media from templates $html = preg_replace_callback( '/@MEDIA\(([^\)]+)\)@/', [$this, 'autoEmbedCallBack'], $html ); // add default token replacements $trep = array_merge($this->replacements['text'], $textrep); $hrep = array_merge($this->replacements['html'], $htmlrep); // Apply replacements foreach ($trep as $key => $substitution) { $text = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $text); } foreach ($hrep as $key => $substitution) { $html = str_replace('@' . strtoupper($key) . '@', $substitution, $html); } $this->setHTML($html); $this->setText($text); } /** * Set the HTML part of the mail * * Placeholders can be used to reference embedded attachments * * You probably want to use setBody() instead * * @param string $html */ public function setHTML($html) { $this->html = $html; } /** * Set the plain text part of the mail * * You probably want to use setBody() instead * * @param string $text */ public function setText($text) { $this->text = $text; } /** * Add the To: recipients * * @see cleanAddress * @param string|string[] $address Multiple adresses separated by commas or as array */ public function to($address) { $this->setHeader('To', $address, false); } /** * Add the Cc: recipients * * @see cleanAddress * @param string|string[] $address Multiple adresses separated by commas or as array */ public function cc($address) { $this->setHeader('Cc', $address, false); } /** * Add the Bcc: recipients * * @see cleanAddress * @param string|string[] $address Multiple adresses separated by commas or as array */ public function bcc($address) { $this->setHeader('Bcc', $address, false); } /** * Add the From: address * * This is set to $conf['mailfrom'] when not specified so you shouldn't need * to call this function * * @see cleanAddress * @param string $address from address */ public function from($address) { $this->setHeader('From', $address, false); } /** * Add the mail's Subject: header * * @param string $subject the mail subject */ public function subject($subject) { $this->headers['Subject'] = $subject; } /** * Return a clean name which can be safely used in mail address * fields. That means the name will be enclosed in '"' if it includes * a '"' or a ','. Also a '"' will be escaped as '\"'. * * @param string $name the name to clean-up * @see cleanAddress */ public function getCleanName($name) { $name = trim($name, " \t\""); $name = str_replace('"', '\"', $name, $count); if ($count > 0 || strpos($name, ',') !== false) { $name = '"' . $name . '"'; } return $name; } /** * Sets an email address header with correct encoding * * Unicode characters will be deaccented and encoded base64 * for headers. Addresses may not contain Non-ASCII data! * * If @$addresses is a string then it will be split into multiple * addresses. Addresses must be separated by a comma. If the display * name includes a comma then it MUST be properly enclosed by '"' to * prevent spliting at the wrong point. * * Example: * cc("föö <foo@bar.com>, me@somewhere.com","TBcc"); * to("foo, Dr." <foo@bar.com>, me@somewhere.com"); * * @param string|string[] $addresses Multiple adresses separated by commas or as array * @return false|string the prepared header (can contain multiple lines) */ public function cleanAddress($addresses) { $headers = ''; if (!is_array($addresses)) { $count = preg_match_all('/\s*(?:("[^"]*"[^,]+),*)|([^,]+)\s*,*/', $addresses, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $addresses = []; if ($count !== false && is_array($matches)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $addresses[] = rtrim($match[0], ','); } } } foreach ($addresses as $part) { $part = preg_replace('/[\r\n\0]+/', ' ', $part); // remove attack vectors $part = trim($part); // parse address if (preg_match('#(.*?)<(.*?)>#', $part, $matches)) { $text = trim($matches[1]); $addr = $matches[2]; } else { $text = ''; $addr = $part; } // skip empty ones if (empty($addr)) { continue; } // FIXME: is there a way to encode the localpart of a emailaddress? if (!Clean::isASCII($addr)) { msg(hsc("E-Mail address <$addr> is not ASCII"), -1, __LINE__, __FILE__, MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); continue; } if (!mail_isvalid($addr)) { msg(hsc("E-Mail address <$addr> is not valid"), -1, __LINE__, __FILE__, MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); continue; } // text was given if (!empty($text) && !isWindows()) { // No named recipients for To: in Windows (see FS#652) // add address quotes $addr = "<$addr>"; if (defined('MAILHEADER_ASCIIONLY')) { $text = Clean::deaccent($text); $text = Clean::strip($text); } if (strpos($text, ',') !== false || !Clean::isASCII($text)) { $text = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($text) . '?='; } } else { $text = ''; } // add to header comma seperated if ($headers != '') { $headers .= ', '; } $headers .= $text . ' ' . $addr; } $headers = trim($headers); if (empty($headers)) return false; return $headers; } /** * Prepare the mime multiparts for all attachments * * Replaces placeholders in the HTML with the correct CIDs * * @return string mime multiparts */ protected function prepareAttachments() { $mime = ''; $part = 1; // embedded attachments foreach ($this->attach as $media) { $media['name'] = str_replace(':', '_', cleanID($media['name'], true)); // create content id $cid = 'part' . $part . '.' . $this->partid; // replace wildcards if ($media['embed']) { $this->html = str_replace('%%' . $media['embed'] . '%%', 'cid:' . $cid, $this->html); } $mime .= '--' . $this->boundary . MAILHEADER_EOL; $mime .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine('Content-Type', $media['mime'] . '; id="' . $cid . '"'); $mime .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'); $mime .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine('Content-ID', "<$cid>"); if ($media['embed']) { $mime .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=' . $media['name']); } else { $mime .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $media['name']); } $mime .= MAILHEADER_EOL; //end of headers $mime .= chunk_split(base64_encode($media['data']), 74, MAILHEADER_EOL); $part++; } return $mime; } /** * Build the body and handles multi part mails * * Needs to be called before prepareHeaders! * * @return string the prepared mail body, false on errors */ protected function prepareBody() { // no HTML mails allowed? remove HTML body if (!$this->allowhtml) { $this->html = ''; } // check for body if (!$this->text && !$this->html) { return false; } // add general headers $this->headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'; $body = ''; if (!$this->html && !count($this->attach)) { // we can send a simple single part message $this->headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'; $this->headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'base64'; $body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->text), 72, MAILHEADER_EOL); } else { // multi part it is $body .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." . MAILHEADER_EOL; // prepare the attachments $attachments = $this->prepareAttachments(); // do we have alternative text content? if ($this->text && $this->html) { $this->headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/alternative;' . MAILHEADER_EOL . ' boundary="' . $this->boundary . 'XX"'; $body .= '--' . $this->boundary . 'XX' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->text), 72, MAILHEADER_EOL); $body .= '--' . $this->boundary . 'XX' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= 'Content-Type: multipart/related;' . MAILHEADER_EOL . ' boundary="' . $this->boundary . '";' . MAILHEADER_EOL . ' type="text/html"' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= MAILHEADER_EOL; } $body .= '--' . $this->boundary . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html), 72, MAILHEADER_EOL); $body .= MAILHEADER_EOL; $body .= $attachments; $body .= '--' . $this->boundary . '--' . MAILHEADER_EOL; // close open multipart/alternative boundary if ($this->text && $this->html) { $body .= '--' . $this->boundary . 'XX--' . MAILHEADER_EOL; } } return $body; } /** * Cleanup and encode the headers array */ protected function cleanHeaders() { global $conf; // clean up addresses if (empty($this->headers['From'])) $this->from($conf['mailfrom']); $addrs = ['To', 'From', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'Reply-To', 'Sender']; foreach ($addrs as $addr) { if (isset($this->headers[$addr])) { $this->headers[$addr] = $this->cleanAddress($this->headers[$addr]); } } if (isset($this->headers['Subject'])) { // add prefix to subject if (empty($conf['mailprefix'])) { if (PhpString::strlen($conf['title']) < 20) { $prefix = '[' . $conf['title'] . ']'; } else { $prefix = '[' . PhpString::substr($conf['title'], 0, 20) . '...]'; } } else { $prefix = '[' . $conf['mailprefix'] . ']'; } if (!str_starts_with($this->headers['Subject'], $prefix)) { $this->headers['Subject'] = $prefix . ' ' . $this->headers['Subject']; } // encode subject if (defined('MAILHEADER_ASCIIONLY')) { $this->headers['Subject'] = Clean::deaccent($this->headers['Subject']); $this->headers['Subject'] = Clean::strip($this->headers['Subject']); } if (!Clean::isASCII($this->headers['Subject'])) { $this->headers['Subject'] = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($this->headers['Subject']) . '?='; } } } /** * Returns a complete, EOL terminated header line, wraps it if necessary * * @param string $key * @param string $val * @return string line */ protected function wrappedHeaderLine($key, $val) { return wordwrap("$key: $val", 78, MAILHEADER_EOL . ' ') . MAILHEADER_EOL; } /** * Create a string from the headers array * * @returns string the headers */ protected function prepareHeaders() { $headers = ''; foreach ($this->headers as $key => $val) { if ($val === '' || $val === null) continue; $headers .= $this->wrappedHeaderLine($key, $val); } return $headers; } /** * return a full email with all headers * * This is mainly intended for debugging and testing but could also be * used for MHT exports * * @return string the mail, false on errors */ public function dump() { $this->cleanHeaders(); $body = $this->prepareBody(); if ($body === false) return false; $headers = $this->prepareHeaders(); return $headers . MAILHEADER_EOL . $body; } /** * Prepare default token replacement strings * * Populates the '$replacements' property. * Should be called by the class constructor */ protected function prepareTokenReplacements() { global $INFO; global $conf; /* @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; global $lang; $ip = clientIP(); $cip = gethostsbyaddrs($ip); $name = $INFO['userinfo']['name'] ?? ''; $mail = $INFO['userinfo']['mail'] ?? ''; $this->replacements['text'] = [ 'DATE' => dformat(), 'BROWSER' => $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'IPADDRESS' => $ip, 'HOSTNAME' => $cip, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL, 'USER' => $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'), 'NAME' => $name, 'MAIL' => $mail ]; $signature = str_replace( '@DOKUWIKIURL@', $this->replacements['text']['DOKUWIKIURL'], $lang['email_signature_text'] ); $this->replacements['text']['EMAILSIGNATURE'] = "\n-- \n" . $signature . "\n"; $this->replacements['html'] = [ 'DATE' => '<i>' . hsc(dformat()) . '</i>', 'BROWSER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'IPADDRESS' => '<code>' . hsc($ip) . '</code>', 'HOSTNAME' => '<code>' . hsc($cip) . '</code>', 'TITLE' => hsc($conf['title']), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => '<a href="' . DOKU_URL . '">' . DOKU_URL . '</a>', 'USER' => hsc($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')), 'NAME' => hsc($name), 'MAIL' => '<a href="mailto:"' . hsc($mail) . '">' . hsc($mail) . '</a>' ]; $signature = $lang['email_signature_text']; if (!empty($lang['email_signature_html'])) { $signature = $lang['email_signature_html']; } $signature = str_replace( ['@DOKUWIKIURL@', "\n"], [$this->replacements['html']['DOKUWIKIURL'], '<br />'], $signature ); $this->replacements['html']['EMAILSIGNATURE'] = $signature; } /** * Send the mail * * Call this after all data was set * * @triggers MAIL_MESSAGE_SEND * @return bool true if the mail was successfully passed to the MTA */ public function send() { global $lang; $success = false; // prepare hook data $data = [ // pass the whole mail class to plugin 'mail' => $this, // pass references for backward compatibility 'to' => &$this->headers['To'], 'cc' => &$this->headers['Cc'], 'bcc' => &$this->headers['Bcc'], 'from' => &$this->headers['From'], 'subject' => &$this->headers['Subject'], 'body' => &$this->text, 'params' => &$this->sendparam, 'headers' => '', // plugins shouldn't use this // signal if we mailed successfully to AFTER event 'success' => &$success, ]; // do our thing if BEFORE hook approves $evt = new Event('MAIL_MESSAGE_SEND', $data); if ($evt->advise_before(true)) { // clean up before using the headers $this->cleanHeaders(); // any recipients? if ( trim($this->headers['To']) === '' && trim($this->headers['Cc']) === '' && trim($this->headers['Bcc']) === '' ) return false; // The To: header is special if (array_key_exists('To', $this->headers)) { $to = (string)$this->headers['To']; unset($this->headers['To']); } else { $to = ''; } // so is the subject if (array_key_exists('Subject', $this->headers)) { $subject = (string)$this->headers['Subject']; unset($this->headers['Subject']); } else { $subject = ''; } // make the body $body = $this->prepareBody(); if ($body === false) return false; // cook the headers $headers = $this->prepareHeaders(); // add any headers set by legacy plugins if (trim($data['headers'])) { $headers .= MAILHEADER_EOL . trim($data['headers']); } if (!function_exists('mail')) { $emsg = $lang['email_fail'] . $subject; error_log($emsg); msg(hsc($emsg), -1, __LINE__, __FILE__, MSG_MANAGERS_ONLY); $evt->advise_after(); return false; } // send the thing if ($to === '') $to = '(undisclosed-recipients)'; // #1422 if ($this->sendparam === null) { $success = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); } else { $success = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $this->sendparam); } } // any AFTER actions? $evt->advise_after(); return $success; } }