getLang() protected $configloaded = false; // set to true by loadConfig() after loading plugin configuration variables protected $conf = []; // array to hold plugin settings, best accessed via ->getConf() /** * @see PluginInterface::getInfo() */ public function getInfo() { $class = get_class($this); $parts = sexplode('_', $class, 3); $ext = $parts[2]; if (empty($ext)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Class does not follow the plugin naming convention'); } // class like action_plugin_myplugin_ajax belongs to plugin 'myplugin' $ext = strtok($ext, '_'); $base = [ 'base' => $ext, 'author' => 'Unknown', 'email' => '', 'date' => '0000-00-00', 'name' => $ext . ' plugin', 'desc' => 'Unknown purpose - bad', 'url' => '' . $ext, ]; $file = DOKU_PLUGIN . '/' . $ext . '/'; if (file_exists($file)) { $raw = confToHash($file); // check if all required fields are present $msg = 'Extension %s does not provide a valid %s in %s'; foreach (array_keys($base) as $line) { if (empty($raw[$line])) Logger::error(sprintf($msg, $ext, $line, $file)); } return array_merge($base, $raw); } Logger::error(sprintf('Extension %s does not provide a in %s', $ext, $file)); return $base; } /** * @see PluginInterface::isSingleton() */ public function isSingleton() { return true; } /** * @see PluginInterface::loadHelper() */ public function loadHelper($name, $msg = true) { $obj = plugin_load('helper', $name); if (is_null($obj) && $msg) msg("Helper plugin $name is not available or invalid.", -1); return $obj; } // region introspection methods /** * @see PluginInterface::getPluginType() */ public function getPluginType() { [$t] = explode('_', get_class($this), 2); return $t; } /** * @see PluginInterface::getPluginName() */ public function getPluginName() { [/* t */, /* p */, $n] = sexplode('_', get_class($this), 4, ''); return $n; } /** * @see PluginInterface::getPluginComponent() */ public function getPluginComponent() { [/* t */, /* p */, /* n */, $c] = sexplode('_', get_class($this), 4, ''); return $c; } // endregion // region localization methods /** * @see PluginInterface::getLang() */ public function getLang($id) { if (!$this->localised) $this->setupLocale(); return ($this->lang[$id] ?? ''); } /** * @see PluginInterface::locale_xhtml() */ public function locale_xhtml($id) { return p_cached_output($this->localFN($id)); } /** * @see PluginInterface::localFN() */ public function localFN($id, $ext = 'txt') { global $conf; $plugin = $this->getPluginName(); $file = DOKU_CONF . 'plugin_lang/' . $plugin . '/' . $conf['lang'] . '/' . $id . '.' . $ext; if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = DOKU_PLUGIN . $plugin . '/lang/' . $conf['lang'] . '/' . $id . '.' . $ext; if (!file_exists($file)) { //fall back to english $file = DOKU_PLUGIN . $plugin . '/lang/en/' . $id . '.' . $ext; } } return $file; } /** * @see PluginInterface::setupLocale() */ public function setupLocale() { if ($this->localised) return; global $conf, $config_cascade; // definitely don't invoke "global $lang" $path = DOKU_PLUGIN . $this->getPluginName() . '/lang/'; $lang = []; // don't include once, in case several plugin components require the same language file @include($path . 'en/lang.php'); foreach ($config_cascade['lang']['plugin'] as $config_file) { if (file_exists($config_file . $this->getPluginName() . '/en/lang.php')) { include($config_file . $this->getPluginName() . '/en/lang.php'); } } if ($conf['lang'] != 'en') { @include($path . $conf['lang'] . '/lang.php'); foreach ($config_cascade['lang']['plugin'] as $config_file) { if (file_exists($config_file . $this->getPluginName() . '/' . $conf['lang'] . '/lang.php')) { include($config_file . $this->getPluginName() . '/' . $conf['lang'] . '/lang.php'); } } } $this->lang = $lang; $this->localised = true; } // endregion // region configuration methods /** * @see PluginInterface::getConf() */ public function getConf($setting, $notset = false) { if (!$this->configloaded) { $this->loadConfig(); } if (isset($this->conf[$setting])) { return $this->conf[$setting]; } else { return $notset; } } /** * @see PluginInterface::loadConfig() */ public function loadConfig() { global $conf; $defaults = $this->readDefaultSettings(); $plugin = $this->getPluginName(); foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) { if (isset($conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key])) continue; $conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key] = $value; } $this->configloaded = true; $this->conf =& $conf['plugin'][$plugin]; } /** * read the plugin's default configuration settings from conf/default.php * this function is automatically called through getConf() * * @return array setting => value */ protected function readDefaultSettings() { $path = DOKU_PLUGIN . $this->getPluginName() . '/conf/'; $conf = []; if (file_exists($path . 'default.php')) { include($path . 'default.php'); } return $conf; } // endregion // region output methods /** * @see PluginInterface::email() */ public function email($email, $name = '', $class = '', $more = '') { if (!$email) return $name; $email = obfuscate($email); if (!$name) $name = $email; $class = "class='" . ($class ?: 'mail') . "'"; return "$name"; } /** * @see PluginInterface::external_link() */ public function external_link($link, $title = '', $class = '', $target = '', $more = '') { global $conf; $link = htmlentities($link); if (!$title) $title = $link; if (!$target) $target = $conf['target']['extern']; if ($conf['relnofollow']) $more .= ' rel="nofollow"'; if ($class) $class = " class='$class'"; if ($target) $target = " target='$target'"; if ($more) $more = " " . trim($more); return "$title"; } /** * @see PluginInterface::render_text() */ public function render_text($text, $format = 'xhtml') { return p_render($format, p_get_instructions($text), $info); } // endregion }