Lines Matching refs:SyntaxError

15 use Twig\Error\SyntaxError;  alias
266 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected unary operator "%s".', $token->getValue()), $token->getL…
283 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected operator of value "%s". Did you try to use "===" or "!==…
285 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected token "%s" of value "%s".', Token::typeToEnglish($token-…
385 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('A hash key must be a quoted string, a number, a name, or an express…
424 …throw new SyntaxError('Calling "parent" outside a block is forbidden.', $line, $this->parser->getS…
428 …throw new SyntaxError('Calling "parent" on a template that does not extend nor "use" another templ…
435 …throw new SyntaxError('The "block" function takes one argument (the block name).', $line, $this->p…
442 …throw new SyntaxError('The "attribute" function takes at least two arguments (the variable and the…
491 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Expected name or number, got value "%s" of type %s.', $token->getVa…
496 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Dynamic macro names are not supported (called on "%s").', $node->ge…
585 * @throws SyntaxError
613 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('A parameter name must be a string, "%s" given.', \get_class($value)…
621 …throw new SyntaxError('A default value for an argument must be a constant (a boolean, a string, a …
661 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('You cannot assign a value to "%s".', $value), $token->getLine(), $s…
732 … $e = new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unknown "%s" test.', $name), $line, $stream->getSourceContext());
762 …$e = new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unknown "%s" function.', $name), $line, $this->parser->getStream()->…
788 …$e = new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unknown "%s" filter.', $name), $line, $this->parser->getStream()->ge…