Lines Matching refs:a

8 …* Fix a security issue when in a sandbox: the `sort` filter must require a Closure for the `arrow`…
14 * Allow more null arguments when Twig expects a string (for better 8.1 support)
18 * Allow null when Twig expects a string (for better 8.1 support)
26 * Fix a deprecated message
36 …* Revert "Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been …
41 …* Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supporte…
63 * Add support for ES2015 style object initialisation shortcut { a } is the same as { 'a': a }
69 * Fix a regression when not using a space before an operator
76 * Fix "Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension::getCountryName()" to accept "null" as a first argument
85 * Add a check to ensure that iconv() is defined
95 * fixed number formatter in Intl extra extension when using a formatter prototype
132 * fixed macro auto-import when a template contains only macros
152 * macros imported "globally" in a template are now available in macros without re-importing them
154 * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in a block in a nested block
155 * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in the template in another macro
162 * fixed partial output leak when a PHP fatal error occurs
167 * deprecated returning "false" to remove a Node from NodeVisitorInterface::leaveNode()
170 * added the "apply" tag as a replacement for the "filter" tag
173 * fixed "import" when macros are stored in a template string
180 * deprecated passing a 3rd, 4th, and 5th arguments to the Sandbox exception classes
189 * added the possibility to give a nice name to string templates (template_from_string function)
192 * added support for a new whitespace trimming option ({%~ ~%}, {{~ ~}}, {#~ ~#})
198 * fixed CheckToStringNode implementation (broken when a function/filter is variadic)
224 …* deprecated passing a Twig\Template to Twig\Environment::load()/Twig\Environment::resolveTemplate…
225 * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
229 * added a spaceless filter
249 * fixed ArrayObject access with a null value
250 * fixed embedded templates starting with a BOM
251 * fixed using a Twig_TemplateWrapper instance as an argument to extends
253 * deprecated passing a string as a source on Twig_Error
256 * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
260 * made sure twig_include returns a string
269 * deprecated using the spaceless tag at the root level of a child template (noop anyway)
270 * deprecated the possibility to define a block in a non-capturing block in a child template
271 * added the Symfony ctype polyfill as a dependency
279 * fixed a regression when using the "default" filter or the "defined" test on non-existing arrays
292 * fixed a regression in the way the profiler is registered in templates
346 * fixed a race condition handling when writing cache files
352 * added error message when calling `parent()` in a block that doesn't exist in the parent template
356 * added a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
375 * made the loader a required argument of Twig_Environment constructor
381 …* removed the ability to register a global variable after the runtime or the extensions have been …