Lines Matching refs:to

10 - Auto generated “Previous”, “Next” buttons to follow the pages on the sidebar
14 Use DokuWiki's Extention Manager to install the template. If you want to install manually, you can download from [here.](
25 |Use DokuWiki breadcrums|Check to use DokuWiki style breadcrumbs.|
26 |Show toolbox even when logged out|Check to show the Toolbox always. By default, it is not shown unless you log in.|
28 |Enable Font Awesome|Check if you want to use Font Awesome. Don't forget to put the necessary tags in the option below. Technically, this option only puts the tags specified in the head tag.|
29 |Specify a tag to include Font Awesome|Specify tags to include FontAwesome.The tags specified here are put in the head tag.|
30 |Enable Google Fonts|Check if you want to use Google Fonts. Don't forget to put the necessary tags in the option below. Technically, this option only puts the tags specified in the head tag.|
31 |Specify tags to include Google Fonts|Specify tags to include Google Fonts. The tags specified here are put in the head tag.|
35 These are some of the options on "Template Style Settings". Other options are available to change various colors used in this template.
42 |Header height|Header height. The theme puts padding on the top of the page according to this value.|
43 |Footer height|Footer height. The theme puts padding on the bottom of the page according to this value.|
72 Previous/Next buttons follow links to DokuWiki on the sidebar, picked up by using querySelector(".aside > #sidebar a[data-wiki-id]"). The previous button on the first page will jump to root(/) by default. You can change this in "Start Page" option in the settings.
74 ### Link to Login Page ###
76 This theme doesn't have any links to the login page by default. Go directly to the login page by appending “&do=login” to the current URL. Or, check the “Show toolbox even when logged out” option in the settings to show the Toolbox always which has the link to the login page.
95 You can use "Wrap Plugin" to make it a bit simpler.
103 If you use the plugin, do not forget to add classes (admonition,danger,caution,note,tip) to the "noPrefix" in the Wrap plugin option otherwise admonitions will not be styled correctly.
109 Even though this theme works without Font Awesome, you can use Font Awesome for better looking. If you decide to use it, check the option in the configuration manager to enable it. Do not forget to set the correct tag in the following option.
115 Also, you can use google fonts for better looking. Lato and Robot fonts are set in font-family in this theme CSS. If you decide to use it, check the option in the configuration manager to enable it. Change the tags in the following option.
119 This theme supports a fixed header and footer. On the "Template Style Setting" page, enter a header height in the "Header height" option, a footer height in the "Footer height" option. The theme will add paddings according to those options on top for header, bottom for footer. You can put your own header/footer in "header.html"/"footer.html" in the "lib/tbl/readthedokus/" directory.
131 Here is a sample header.html. This example also shows how to toggle a sidebar. Clicking the string "Header" toggles the sidebar.
153 You might want to hide a mobile menu since both the sticky header and the mobile menu are displayed at the same time on mobile devices. To hide the mobile menu add below to the CSS file (DokuWiki folder)/conf/userall.css