Lines Matching refs:option

60 Previous/Next buttons follow links to dokuwiki on the sidebar, picked up by using querySelector(".aside > #sidebar a[data-wiki-id]"). The previous button on the first page will jump to root(/) by default. You can change this in "Start Page" option in the settings.
91 If you use the plugin, do not forget to add classes (admonition,danger,caution,note,tip) to the "noPrefix" plugin option otherwise admonitions will not be styled correctly. You need to add four types listed above and "admonition" to the option value.
97 Even though this theme works without Font Awesome, you can use Font Awesome for better looking. If you decide to use it, check the option in the configuration manager to enable it. Do not forget to set the correct tag in the following option.
103 Also, you can use google fonts for better looking. Lato and Robot fonts are set in font-family in this theme CSS. If you decide to use it, check the option in the configuration manager to enable it. Change the tags in the following option.
107 This theme supports a fixed header and footer. On the "Template Style Setting" page, enter a header height in the "Header height" option, a footer height in the "Footer height" option. The theme will add paddings according to those options on top for header, bottom for footer. You can put your own header/footer in "header.html"/"footer.html" in the "lib/tbl/readthedokus/" directory.
151 To center the content, enter the content width in the "Site width" option on the "Template Style Settings".