Lines Matching refs:a

21 /* inline-grid and align-items is a new css parameter, that didn't exist in 2012 */
24 …margin-top: 2px; /* make it off-center a bit to make it look nicer, this design has borders, you k…
54 .dokuwiki .tabs > ul li a,
56 .dokuwiki ul.tabs li a,
82 .notify a:link, .notify a:visited { color: @hyperlinkcolour !important; }
83 .dokuwiki a.wikilink1 { color: @hyperlinkcolour; }
138 #writtensidebar a:link, #writtensidebar a:active, #writtensidebar a:visited {
143 #writtensidebar li a { width: 100%; display: block; }
160 .breadcrumb bdi a {
170 .breadcrumb bdi a:after {
185 .breadcrumb bdi a:before {
200 .breadcrumb bdi:first-child a {
203 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(2) a { background: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 5%); }
204 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(2) a:after { border-left-color: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 5%); }
205 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(3) a { background: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 20%); }
206 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(3) a:after { border-left-color: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 20%); }
207 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(4) a { background: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 30%); }
208 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(4) a:after { border-left-color: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 30%); }
209 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(5) a { background: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 40%); }
210 .breadcrumb bdi:nth-of-type(5) a:after { border-left-color: darken(@breadcrumbrootback, 40%); }
212 .breadcrumb bdi:last-child a {
220 .breadcrumb bdi:last-child a:after {
223 .breadcrumb bdi a:hover { background: @highlightcolour !important; }
224 .breadcrumb bdi a:hover:after { border-left-color: @highlightcolour !important; }