Lines Matching refs:lang

5 $lang['__background_site__'] = 'Color for the very background (behind the content box)';
6 $lang['__link__'] = 'The general link color';
7 $lang['__existing__'] = 'The color for links to existing pages';
8 $lang['__missing__'] = 'The color for links to non-existing pages';
9 $lang['__site_width__'] = 'The width of the full site (can be any length unit: %, px, em, ...)';
10 $lang['__sidebar_width__'] = 'The width of the sidebar, if any (can be any length unit: %, px, em, …
11 $lang['__tablet_width__'] = 'Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to tablet mode';
12 $lang['__phone_width__'] = 'Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to phone mode';
13 $lang['__theme_color__'] = 'Theme color of the web app';
14 $lang['__pre_text_color__'] = 'Color for inline code text formatting';
15 $lang['__pre_background_color__'] = 'Color for the background of the inline code formatting';
16 $lang['__selection_color__'] = 'Color for the text selected with the mouse';
17 $lang['__selection_background_color__'] = 'Background color for the text selected with the mouse';
18 $lang['__scrollbar_color_track__'] = 'Color for the scrollbar';
19 $lang['__scrollbar_color_thumb__'] = 'Color for the scrollbar Button';
22 $lang['__text_color_dark__'] = 'Main text color in dark color scheme';
23 $lang['__background_color_dark__'] = 'Main background color in dark color scheme';
24 $lang['__text_alt_color_dark__'] = 'Alternative text color in dark color scheme';
25 $lang['__background_alt_color_dark__'] = 'Alternative background color in dark color scheme';
26 $lang['__text_neu_color_dark__'] = 'Neutral text color in dark color scheme';
27 $lang['__background_neu_color_dark__'] = 'Neutral background color in dark color scheme';
28 $lang['__border_color_dark__'] = 'Frame color in dark color scheme';
29 $lang['__highlight_color_dark__'] = 'Highlight color (mainly for search results) in dark color sche…
30 $lang['__background_site_color_dark__'] = 'Color for page background (behind content area) in dark …
31 $lang['__pre_text_color_dark__'] = 'Color for inline code text formatting in dark color scheme';
32 $lang['__pre_background_color_dark__'] = 'Color for the background of the inline code formatting in…
33 $lang['__link_color_dark__'] = 'General link color in dark color scheme';
34 $lang['__existing_color_dark__'] = 'Color for links to existing pages in dark color scheme';
35 $lang['__missing_color_dark__'] = 'Color for links to non-existing pages in dark color scheme';
36 $lang['__selection_color_dark__'] = 'Color for the text selected with the mouse in the dark color s…
37 $lang['__selection_background_color_dark__'] = 'Background color for mouse selected text in dark co…
38 $lang['__scrollbar_track_color_dark__'] = 'Color for the scrollbar in dark color scheme';
39 $lang['__scrollbar_thumb_color_dark__'] = 'Color for the scrollbar button in dark color scheme…
42 $lang['themeSwitch'] = 'Toggle theme';
45 $lang['__note_plugin_classic_color__'] = 'Note Plugin Base color for "classic"';
46 $lang['__note_plugin_important_color__'] = 'Note Plugin Base color for "important"';
47 $lang['__note_plugin_warning_color__'] = 'Note Plugin base color for "warning"';
48 $lang['__note_plugin_tip_color__'] = 'Note plugin base color for "tip"';