Lines Matching refs:page

13 -   Subnavbar support (using a page named submenu)
72 - `navbarShowSub` : show the sub navbar. This menu is pulled from the `submenu` page in the current or parent namespaces. The menu is also shown on child pages. If no page is found, the sub navbar is automatically hidden
87 - `searchUseTypeahead` : use [Typeahead]( page suggestions in search bar
92 - `tagsConsolidate` : Consolidate tags found in the current page and display it in the hero, content header or sidebar
95 - `breadcrumbPosition` : where to display the breadcrumbs, either under the navbar, in the hero element or above the page content
102 - `youareherePosition` : where to display the you are here, either under the navbar, in the hero element or above the page content
107 - `youarehereHome` : change the you are here home item to none, page title of root page, 'home' or an icon/image. The 'home' text is pulled from the `home` language value
120 - `pageToolsFloating` : when and if to show the floating page tools
140 The following pages can be either html files in the root of the template or a page in the namespace. Namespace pages take priority.
143 - `header` : content include below the navbar but above the page content
144 - `contentheader` : content to include above the page content
145 - `contentfooter` : content to include below the page content
167 - `title` : The hero title is sourced from the page title. The page title is removed from the page content
168 - `subtitle` : Pages can set the subtitle by inserting `~~hero-subtitle TEXT~~` in the page content
169 - `image` : The hero image is sourced from an image named hero in the current or parental namespace. Namespace searching can be confined by the `includePagePropagate` setting. Pages can also override the image by inserting `~~hero-image URL~~` in the page content. DokuWiki and external URLs are supported. The height of the image area is 240px while the width is 33% of the window width. It is recommended to use an image of at least 480x240 (2:1)
172 Namespaces can also apply the above hero settings in child pages by including the above settings in a page named `theme`.
180 - `header` : content below the navbar but above the page content
181 - `hero` : the page hero bar
182 - `contentheader` : content above the page content
183 - `contentfooter` : content below the page content
203 By default, Dokuwiki inserts the text `start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/04 10:57...` on each page. This can now be customized in the config.
205 You can use the follow placeholders to insert page attributes:
207 - `{file}` - The file name of the page
208 - `{date}` - The last modification date of the page
209 - `{user}` - The user whom last edited the page
210 - `{locked}` - The user whom has the page currently locked
218 Optionals can also be stacked, for example `Hello[LOGGEDIN=[USER= by {user}]]`. the `by {user}` would only be present if there is a logged in user AND the page has a user editor set.
220 Of course, you can leave the setting blank to hide the page info altogether.
253 If the plugin is installed, the **Template Styles Settings** page will be expanded to allow directly editing the plugin element styling.
266 - Added access key support to page elements [#64] ( Thanks rebeka-catalina.
284 - Added ability to customize the page footer info text.
289 - Fixed panels on the Administration page sometimes showing dots as part of the name.
297 - Added color picker selector back to style page. Requested by Jan.
301 - Fixed bug where external page tools where not showing in the tool bar. Thanks Jan.
336 - Fixed blank page being displayed instead of media detail [#48]( Thanks spratinatin
341 - Fixed issue of wiki page style (existing and missing) not taking priority of link colouring
342 - Added support for styling link pseudo classes (visited, hover, active) for links and page links [#47]( Thanks chrbinder
369 - Fixed page tools in footer not being horizontal [#38]( Thanks chitland
380 - Added option to hide menu and page tool items [#32]( Thanks annievoss.
408 - Added support to hide page elements [#18](
443 - Floating page tools is now a UL element with classes applied from getType and getLinkAttributes. Fixes popup dialogs initiated from the a page menu [#7](
450 - Footer is no longer shown outside of page view
451 - Public messages are now displayed on the page
457 - Added option to show wiki footer in page content
475 - Fixed an issue with the simple_html_dom library when editing a section of a page caused page corruption [#3](
479 - Added id=dokuwiki\_\_content identifier for the page content element
481 - Fixed page width overflow issues