Lines Matching refs:Fixed

264    -    Fixed incorrect style file names. Thanks Wolfram.
278 - Fixed snapshots not being detected and causing script loading issues [#57]( Thanks schplurtz.
280 - Fixed bug in config for showNotifications not being a dropdown.
282 - Fixed z-index bug with the sub navbar. [#60]( Thanks schplurtz.
286 - Fixed bug with tags not correctly coloured. [#59]( Thanks WetenSchaap.
295 - Fixed panels on the Administration page sometimes showing dots as part of the name.
299 - Fixed LESS engine not being discovered when DokuWiki is hosted in a sub directory. Thanks Jan.
307 - Fixed bug where external page tools where not showing in the tool bar. Thanks Jan.
311 - Fixed bug with `~~hide-parts~~` no longer working. [#52]( Thanks nathanmcguire.
316 - Fixed notifications appearing in weird places at times.
318 - Fixed languages not shown in dropdown correctly with the translate plugin when `plugin»translation»dropdown` is turned on.
319 - Fixed some css issues on small screens.
328 - Fixed tables not being styling correctly and incorrect language used in the styling config [#50]( Thanks RonaldPR.
333 - Fixed empty scrollbars being shown when TOC is set to full height [#49]( Thanks vitaprimo and RonaldPR.
342 - Fixed blank page being displayed instead of media detail [#48]( Thanks spratinatin
346 - Fixed issue of new elements not being added to CSS when a custom template style is set
347 - Fixed issue of wiki page style (existing and missing) not taking priority of link colouring
353 - Fixed breadcrumb layouts on mobile [#31](
354 - Fixed Media Manager on small displays
355 - Fixed layout compatiblity on Greebo
356 - Fixed search results layout [#41](
358 - Fixed incorrect file names listed [#45]( Thanks babudro
359 - Fixed sidebars not showing [#46]( Thanks dasbenjo
367 - Fixed searching for images in the theme directory [#42]( Thanks cmacmackin
370 - Fixed double breadcrumb options on admin pages
375 - Fixed page tools in footer not being horizontal [#38]( Thanks chitland
376 - Fixed Mikio Config headers disappearing in some cases
382 - Fixed styling issue when using the indexmenu plugin [#35]( Thanks 3ole.
383 - Fixed inconsitant tab/spaces in mikio.less and mikio.css
385 - Fixed input placeholders not hiding in prepopulated fields [#34](
387 - Fixed compadibility with BookCreator [#26]( Thanks johncourtland.
388 - Fixed Greebo styling errors not present in Hogsfather
392 - Fixed path check on Windows [#33](
410 - Fixed bad breadcrumb URL formatting on sites using userewrite [#19](
418 - Fixed a syntax error with the core css
428 - Fixed hero header parsing on some servers
429 - Fixed safari color picker issue [#14](
440 - Fixed errors with the LESS compilier on some nginx configurations
441 - Fixed styling and image display thumb size in media manager popup
442 - Fixed text field placeholders not disappearing with text entry
451 - Fixed rightsidebar php warnings
458 - Fixed icon rendering in hero bar
459 - Fixed TOC rendering bug
467 - Fixed image detail bug
471 - Fixed prewrap and sidebar search bar margins
476 - Fixed mediamanager failures on 2018-04-22a "Greebo" [#5](
481 - Fixed an issue with the simple_html_dom library when editing a section of a page caused page corruption [#3](
487 - Fixed page width overflow issues
491 - Fixed cosmetic display issues when `input[type=file]` is hidden by plugins [#2](