Lines Matching refs:class

13 class Template
572 $out = '<ul class="list-inline">';
575 $out .= '<li>' . iconify('mdi:file-document-outline', ['class' => 'text-muted']) . ' <span title="' . $fn_full . '">' . $fn . '</span></li>';
579 $out .= '<li>' . iconify('mdi:calendar', ['class' => 'text-muted']) . ' ' . $lang['lastmod'] . ' <span title="' . dformat($INFO['lastmod']) . '">' . $date . '</span></li>';
591 $user_img = '<img src="' . $avatar_img . '" alt="" width="16" height="16" class="img-rounded" /> ';
596 $out .= '<li class="text-muted">' . $lang['by'] . ' <bdi>' . $user . '</bdi></li>';
603 $out .= '<li>' . iconify('mdi:lock', ['class' => 'text-muted']) . ' ' . $lang['lockedby'] . ' ' . editorinfo($INFO['locked']) . '</li>';
681 print '<div class="alert alert-' . $level . '">';
682 print iconify($icon, ['class' => 'mr-2']);
723 $output .= '<a href="' . $license_url . '" title="' . $license_name . '" target="' . $target . '" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="license" rel="license" class="license">';
852 print '<ol class="breadcrumb">';
861 print($i == $last) ? '<li class="active">' : '<li>';
902 echo '<ol class="breadcrumb" itemscope itemtype="">';
909 '<span itemprop="name">' . iconify('mdi:home') . '<span class="sr-only">Home</span></span>',
936 $link = str_replace(['<span class="curid">', '</span>'], '', $link);
963 echo '<li class="active" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">';
965 $link = str_replace(['<span class="curid">', '</span>'], '', html_wikilink($page));
1121 $class = implode(' ', $classes);
1124 ['<ul class="', '<ul>'],
1125 ["<ul class=\"$class ", "<ul class=\"$class\">"],
1158 $elm->outertext = str_replace(['<span class="curid">', '</span>'], '', $elm->outertext);
1163 $elm->outertext = str_replace(['<div class="li">', '</div>'], '', $elm->outertext);
1175 $elm->class .= ' active';
1234 $navbar = preg_replace('/<li class="level([0-9]) node"> (.*)/',
1235 '<li class="level$1 node dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-target="#" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">$2 <span class="caret"></span></a>', $navbar);
1237 $navbar = preg_replace('/<li class="level([0-9]) node active"> (.*)/',
1238 '<li class="level$1 node active dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-target="#" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">$2 <span class="caret"></span></a>', $navbar);
1243 $navbar = preg_replace('/<li class="level1"> (.*)/',
1244 '<li class="level1 dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-target="#" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">$1 <span class="caret"></span></a>', $navbar);
1247 $navbar = preg_replace('/<ul class="(.*)">\n<li class="level2(.*)">/',
1248 '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">' . PHP_EOL . '<li class="level2$2">', $navbar);
1274 if (preg_match('/panel-title/', $elm->class)) {
1278 $elm->class .= ' page-header';
1310 $dropdown = '<ul class="nav navbar-nav dw__dropdown_page">' .
1311 '<li class="dropdown dropdown-large">' .
1312 '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" title="">' .
1314 ' <span class="caret"></span></a>' .
1315 '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-large" role="menu">' .
1316 '<li><div class="container small">' .
1425 $link->class .= ' curid';
1432 $elm->outertext = str_replace(['<span class="curid">', '</span>'], '', $elm->outertext);
1442 if (!preg_match('/picker/', $elm->class)) {
1443 $elm->class .= ' sr-only';
1449 if (!preg_match('/(nav|dropdown-menu)/', $elm->class)) {
1450 $elm->class .= ' fix-media-list-overlap';
1457 $elm->class .= ' btn';
1462 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1467 $elm->class = 'nav nav-tabs';
1473 $parent = $elm->parent()->class .= ' active';
1477 # TODO this class will be removed in Bootstrap >= 4.0 version
1479 $elm->class .= ' page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-0'; # TODO replace page-header with border-bottom in BS4
1483 foreach ($html->find('img[class^=media]') as $elm) {
1484 $elm->class .= ' img-responsive';
1489 $elm->class .= ' checkbox-inline';
1494 $elm->class .= ' radio-inline';
1499 $elm->class .= ' control-label';
1505 $elm->class .= ' form-control';
1512 if (!preg_match('/form-horizontal/', $elm->class)) {
1513 $elm->class .= ' form-inline';
1519 switch ($elm->class) {
1521 $elm->class = 'alert alert-info';
1526 $elm->class = 'alert alert-danger';
1531 $elm->class = 'alert alert-success';
1537 $elm->class = 'alert alert-warning';
1547 foreach ($this->getConf('tableStyle') as $class) {
1548 if ($class == 'responsive') {
1550 $elm->class = 'table-responsive';
1553 $table_classes .= " table-$class";
1558 $elm->class .= " $table_classes";
1562 $elm->class = trim(str_replace('table', '', $elm->class));
1569 $elm->class .= " $table_classes";
1588 $elm->class .= ' btn-primary';
1589 $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:magnify', ['class' => 'mr-2']) . $elm->innertext;
1608 if (preg_match('/open/', $parent->class)) {
1609 $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:folder-open', ['class' => 'text-primary mr-2']) . $elm->innertext;
1612 if (preg_match('/closed/', $parent->class)) {
1613 $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:folder', ['class' => 'text-primary mr-2']) . $elm->innertext;
1618 $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:file-document-outline', ['class' => 'text-muted mr-2']) . $elm->innertext;
1637 $admin_pagetitle->class .= ' ' . hsc($INPUT->str('page'));
1645 $elm->class .= ' btn-success';
1656 $elm->class .= ' btn-primary';
1669 $elm->class .= ' btn-primary';
1676 $elm->class .= ' btn-success';
1688 $elm->class .= ' btn-success';
1698 $save_button = '<div class="pull-right">' . $elm->outertext . '</div>';
1712 $elm->class = str_replace('notes', '', $elm->class);
1734 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-danger';
1739 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-success';
1744 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-success';
1749 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-primary';
1754 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-primary';
1759 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1764 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1769 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1774 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1783 $elm->class .= ' pl-4 btn-group btn-group-xs';
1787 $elm->class .= ' btn-danger';
1792 $elm->class .= ' btn-success';
1797 $elm->class .= ' btn-warning';
1802 $elm->class .= ' btn-primary';
1807 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-success';
1812 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-primary';
1817 $elm->class .= ' pull-left';
1824 $admin_task->class .= ' list-group';
1827 $item->class .= ' list-group-item';
1836 $item->innertext = iconify('mdi:puzzle', ['class' => 'text-success']);
1841 $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:puzzle', ['class' => 'text-success']) . ' ' . $elm->innertext;
1845 $admin_plugins->class .= ' col-sm-4';
1848 $item->outertext = '</ul><ul class="' . $admin_plugins->class . '">' . $item->outertext;
1855 $admin_version->innertext = '<div class="dokuwiki__version"><img src="' . DOKU_BASE . 'lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/logo.png" class="p-2" alt="" width="32" height="32" /> ' . $admin_version->innertext . '</div>';
1859 $admin_version->innertext .= '<div class="template__version"><img src="' . tpl_basedir() . 'images/bootstrap.png" class="p-2" height="32" width="32" alt="" />Template ' . $template_version . '</div>';
1884 $legend->innertext = iconify('mdi:puzzle', ['class' => 'text-success']) . ' ' . $legend->innertext . ' <br/><h6>' . $extension->getDescription() . ' <a class="urlextern" href="' . $extension->getURL() . '" target="_blank">Docs</a></h6>';
1889 $legend->innertext = iconify('mdi:puzzle', ['class' => 'text-success']) . ' ' . $legend->innertext;
1940 '/<span class="outkey">(tpl»bootstrap3»' . $search . ')<\/span>/',
1941 '<h3 id="bootstrap3__' . $section . '" class="mt-5">' . iconify($icon) . ' ' . tpl_getLang("config_$section") . '</h3></td><td></td></tr><tr><td class="label"><span class="outkey">$1</span>',
1957 $elm->class .= ' text-center px-3';
1960 $elm->class .= ' bg-success';
1963 $elm->class .= ' bg-danger';
1968 $elm->class .= ' w-50';
1972 $elm->class .= ' bg-danger';
1976 $elm->class .= ' bg-success';
1980 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1985 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1990 $elm->class .= ' btn btn-default';
1995 $elm->class .= ' text-muted';
2008 $iconify_attrs = ['class' => 'mr-2'];
2073 $svg_attrs = ['class' => 'iconify mr-2'];
2298 $out .= '<div class="dw-toc hidden-print">' . DOKU_LF;
2299 $out .= '<nav id="dw__toc" role="navigation" class="toc-panel panel panel-default small">' . DOKU_LF;
2300 $out .= '<h6 data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#dw__toc .toc-body" title="' . $lang['toc'] . '" class="panel-heading toc-title">' . iconify('mdi:view-list') . ' ';
2302 $out .= ' <i class="caret"></i></h6>' . DOKU_LF;
2303 $out .= '<div class="panel-body toc-body collapse ' . (!$this->getConf('tocCollapsed') ? 'in' : '') . '">' . DOKU_LF;
2341 $html = '<li class="' . $active . '">';