Lines Matching refs:plugin

24     * Display tag plugin only on "show" action
29 * #530: Added tabbox plugin support
30 * #551: Fixed regression with tagalerts plugin
65 This release increase the compatibility with Hogfather and fix regressions, old bugs and a security vulnerability with Iconify (thanks to @issmirnov). Optimized all JS "hack" scripts, dropped support for very old DokuWiki releases and added support for upcoming [Icons]( plugin release with Iconify.
70 * Added support for upcoming release of Icons plugin with Iconify
102 * Moved CSS and JS asset into standard DokuWiki CSS/JS dispatcher (``/lib/exe/{js,css}.php``) for better plugin compatibility
108 * Removed ``.wikilink2`` class in navbar & list and in SimpleNavi plugin
135 * Added support for PlantUML plugin (thanks to @giper45)
139 * #296: Added support for Move plugin in tree-based move manager (@Digitalin)
158 * #389: Fixex Translation plugin issue when use `translation»dropdown` option (@tmo26 and @dominiquesamson)
160 * #422: Fixed graphic incompatibility for Folded plugin (thanks to @virk)
182 * #349: Added integration of `tagalerts` plugin (thanks to @per-hed)
183 * #359: Lookup thumbnail photo from ActiveDirectory for Avatar support (thanks to @swordfischer). This integration require `authad` plugin and `$conf['plugin']['authad']['additional']` config with `thumbnailphoto` value.
187 * Added support of `tplinc` plugin (
207 * #347: Re-added "bootstrap3:tabs" event for plugins that use DokuWiki tab styling (eg tabbox plugin) (special thanks to @martk70)
260 * #288: Fixed Database2 plugin conflict with Bootstrap's label class (thanks to @justemu)
267 * #342: Fixed Purplenumbers renderer plugin issue (thanks to @molefunk)
285 * #186: Added "Add New Page" plugin support into navbar (thanks to @blacklord049 for idea)
292 * #242: Added Dir plugin support (thanks to @huksley for the patch)
308 * #115: Fixed inlinetoc plugin visibility (thanks to @baxq)
324 In this release improved stability and performance during rendering of the page. Fixed more issues, added new features and plugin support and updated the assets (Bootswatch, FontAwesome and AnchorJS). Added Bootstrap Documentation style for TOC (Table of Contents).
335 * #219: Added Overlay plugin support (thanks to @lattekun)
337 * #239: Added Table Width plugin support (thanks to @Lethert and @lukderp)
381 In this release improved the stability, speed and the user experience with new layout for **Detail page** and new icons for **Admin pages** and **3th party plugins** and new options. Added support for **Loadskin** plugin. Updated **FontAwesome** and **AnchorJS** to latest release.
387 * #175: Added **Loadskin plugin** support
430 * Fixed unhexpected behavior in TOC for SQLite and Advanced plugin
450 * #149: Fixed warning message of the translation plugin (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
452 * #154: Tables generated with tag and csv plugin don't use Bootstrap style (thanks to @duenni)
453 * Removed unnecessary code for new version of DataTables plugin
454 * Fixed sidebar title headings to prevent issue with Bootstrap Wrapper plugin (thanks to @AlekSet via giterlizzi/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper#24 issue)
459 * #154: Fixed tables generated with Tag and CSV plugin don't use Bootstrap style (thanks to @duenni and @blacklord049
486 * Updated and rewritten ``plugin.less``
518 * #107: Added initial support for plugin:userhomepage
537 * Added some "font" icons for third-party plugin in Page Tools
545 * Fixed #86 and #98 issue for Data plugin (thanks to @virk and @miocat)
546 * Fixed #101 issue for missing tooltip in Rename button from plugin:move (thanks to @polyzen)
547 * Fixed issue for Bootstrap Wrapper Plugin (giterlizzi/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper#16). Thanks to @Shadoward
558 * Switched to LESS to maintain the code clean and modular. In the future i have the plan to integrate the template with Styling plugin