Lines Matching refs:page

60   * #529: Fixed tags extend beyond page limits (@tmo26)
81 * #500: Fixed regression in the preview image size in detail page (@IanGoo)
123 After log development cycle a new release of Bootstrap Template is issued with Iconify support, new Detail page and Footer layout, stability and new plugins support (**Struct**, **Bureaucracy** and other popular DokuWiki plugins). Now Bootswatch Wrapper ``callout`` syntax follow the original Bootswatch contextual colors.
132 * Added `PageIconsMenu` menu DokuWiki menu system and migrated all "page icons" items
137 * #428: Added Iconify support for increase the rendering performance and reduce the page size and download bandwidth
144 * Used DokuWiki events for modify the appearance of the page
145 * Used DokuWiki hooks for customize login and profile page (register, edit and delete)
150 * Changed the layout of "detail" page
163 * #427: Fixed only the first page is printed out (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
173 After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release use the [new DokuWiki menu system]( introduced in *Greebo* release (included the compatibility classes for older DokuWiki releases). Switched all FontAwesome icons to Material Design Icon (added WebFont and SVG icons) and added option for enable the Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar. Re-designed detail page for display EXIF and other useful photo metadata. Added new hook (`:usermenu`) for add a custom menu in User Menu. Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootswatch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability and `simple_html_dom` to v1.8.1 to increase the performance. This release now use a `Template` class for increase the performance during the rendering of page (1.2~1.5 second faster than the previous release).
184 * #364: Added link and media syntax for page and media id (thanks to @onkobu for idea)
186 * #412: Added `:usermenu` hook for add new items in user menu using a standard DokuWiki page
188 * Added support of Material Design icons on DokuWiki edit page
206 * #348: Removed `.page-header` class for Bootstrap Wrapper panel component in sidebar (thanks to @per-hed)
216 * #394, #395 PR: Send correct search URL, and keep current page (thanks to @schplurtz)
225 After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release introduce a DOM Engine (in pure PHP) can speedup a rendering of the page (estimated in 0.3 ~ 0.8 seconds per page) on client-side, by removing most of JS Hack code. Improved the Avatar support with Gravatar, Libravatar, Office365 and local DokuWiki `:user` namespace media. Added new DokuWiki hooks (`:header` and `:topheader`), configuration options and new fresh layout for search bar, footer, user menu and admin page.
237 * Added `showPurgePageCache` option for display in Page Tools a link to `?purge=true` useful to purge current page
238 * Added `domParserMaxPageSize` option to set the Max page size for DOM Parser
240 * Added "permalink" (dokuwiki URL + page + revision ID) in Page Icons section
242 * Added `active` class on link menu for current Admin page
279 In this release new TOC and Page Tools layout, improved speed page loading, stability for third party plugins and UX and updated all assets (Bootstrap, Font-Awesome). Introduced new configurations and special data attribute for customize the template or single page or NS.
294 * Added HTML5 Data Attributes to identify and styling current page/namespace via JS and CSS
296 * Added configuration (``sidebarShowPageTitle``: on) to display the page title of sidebar on mobile layout
297 * Added DokuWiki Semantic webservice integration. Now is possible display a popup with a brief text of DokuWiki page when the user over on DokuWiki link
304 * Moved Help page (``:help`` hook) into a modal popup
324 In this release improved stability and performance during rendering of the page. Fixed more issues, added new features and plugin support and updated the assets (Bootswatch, FontAwesome and AnchorJS). Added Bootstrap Documentation style for TOC (Table of Contents).
331 * #162: Added new option ("tocCollapseOnScroll" - default is "on") to enable/disable automatic collapse of the TOC during the scroll of the page (thanks to @tysoncecka)
347 * Layout: Changed default Bootstrap layout and "page-id" font-size
348 * Configuration Manager: Moved Bootstrap section builder from JS to PHP to increase the performance during rendering of the page
351 * Engine: Added some Bootstrap elements/classes (alerts, table, images, page-heading) via PHP engine instead of JS engine
353 * Layout: Added Bootstrap style to Difference page and optimized layout for Revisions and Recents pages
381 In this release improved the stability, speed and the user experience with new layout for **Detail page** and new icons for **Admin pages** and **3th party plugins** and new options. Added support for **Loadskin** plugin. Updated **FontAwesome** and **AnchorJS** to latest release.
409 * Using CSS instead of ``<i>`` tag to add icons in page, to reduce page size
421 * #154: Fixed multiple count syntax in same page (thanks to @duenni)
424 * #163: Added new regex pattern to fix a ``.page-header`` with ``H1-H2`` tags in sidebar (thanks to @blacklord049)
435 In this release improved the user experience with new icons for print, share the link (via mail and social network -- eg Google+, Fb, Twitter, WhatsApp) and new little-hook to an help page. Enjoy SEO user, with the OOTB integration with Google Analytics. Fixed some issues, reorganized and added new configurations.
439 * Added icons (on top of page) to Print, Send url via e-mail, Share to social network (g+, FB, Linkedin, Whatsapp, etc) and the link to Help page (``:help``) of current NS
467 * Added little margin on top for the first ``.page-header`` element in page
478 * #100, #105, #123: Fix for page tools visibility on mobile and fluid-container
481 * #129: Added initial support to display the previous title of every namespace of current page on the browser title (thanks to Alekk and @polyzen)
487 * Optimization to TOC, sidebars and JS engine to increase the page speed and UX
488 * Added ``.page-header`` class for all H[1-6] tags in (left and right) sidebar
491 * General optimization of PHP code to increase the page speed
507 * #114: Fixed picker not expanded in edit page (thanks to @Yuriy46)
532 In this release improved the user experience with new icons for Configuration Manager and Page Tools (for third-party plugins). Reduced the page loading and execution of JS hacks by moving the icons from JS to CSS. Now Configuration Manager, Login and Register pages have a responsive layout for small and tablet devices. Fixed some issue and added new configurations.
534 * Moved all icons from JS to CSS to increase the performance during the execution of the page
542 * Added "tagsOnTop" configuration (default:on) for move (or not) all tags on top of the page (thanks to @chtiland on issue #95)
543 * Added "showPageId" configuration (default:on) for display/hide the pageId on top of the page (thanks to @armanabraham on #99 issue)
555 * ``:pageheader`` and ``:pagefooter`` for the wiki article and ``:footer`` of the page
557 These hooks permits to create differents and personalized "navbar" (with sub-menu), "drop-down page" (eg. for an index menu or a brief descriptions), header/footer for wiki article (eg. for navitagion menu or back/forward link) and footer per namespaces (like the sidebar behavior).
569 * Re-implemented some DokuWiki functions to increase the client-side performance during the rendering the page (eg. for breadcrumbs and you-are-here)
573 * Improvements in Cookie Law. Now the Policy button is displayed only when the DokuWiki page exists