Lines Matching refs:link

184   * #364: Added link and media syntax for page and media id (thanks to @onkobu for idea)
237 * Added `showPurgePageCache` option for display in Page Tools a link to `?purge=true` useful to purge current page
242 * Added `active` class on link menu for current Admin page
245 * #286: Added "homePageURL" config option to add custom Home-Page link (thanks to @rgleason)
297 * Added DokuWiki Semantic webservice integration. Now is possible display a popup with a brief text of DokuWiki page when the user over on DokuWiki link
311 * #248: Fixed unhexpected behavior for TOC when the user click on anchor link (special thanks to @algorys, @Digitalin and @polyzen)
319 * Corrected link style on footer
435 In this release improved the user experience with new icons for print, share the link (via mail and social network -- eg Google+, Fb, Twitter, WhatsApp) and new little-hook to an help page. Enjoy SEO user, with the OOTB integration with Google Analytics. Fixed some issues, reorganized and added new configurations.
439 * Added icons (on top of page) to Print, Send url via e-mail, Share to social network (g+, FB, Linkedin, Whatsapp, etc) and the link to Help page (``:help``) of current NS
515 * #124, #118, #109 (and more...): Added a new config ('showHomePageLink' - default: 0) to enable/disable the Home-Page link in navbar
557 These hooks permits to create differents and personalized "navbar" (with sub-menu), "drop-down page" (eg. for an index menu or a brief descriptions), header/footer for wiki article (eg. for navitagion menu or back/forward link) and footer per namespaces (like the sidebar behavior).