Lines Matching refs:display

173 After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release use the [new DokuWiki menu system]( introduced in *Greebo* release (included the compatibility classes for older DokuWiki releases). Switched all FontAwesome icons to Material Design Icon (added WebFont and SVG icons) and added option for enable the Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar. Re-designed detail page for display EXIF and other useful photo metadata. Added new hook (`:usermenu`) for add a custom menu in User Menu. Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootswatch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability and `simple_html_dom` to v1.8.1 to increase the performance. This release now use a `Template` class for increase the performance during the rendering of page (1.2~1.5 second faster than the previous release).
179 * Added new option (`notifyExtentionsUpdate`) for display available update of DokuWiki plugins on user menu
237 * Added `showPurgePageCache` option for display in Page Tools a link to `?purge=true` useful to purge current page
239 * Added `showWikiInfo` option for display Wiki title, logo and tagline on footer
283 * #110: Added ``sidebarOnNavbar`` (default:off) option for display the sidebar contents inside the navbar (special thanks to @chtiland for the idea)
296 * Added configuration (``sidebarShowPageTitle``: on) to display the page title of sidebar on mobile layout
297 * Added DokuWiki Semantic webservice integration. Now is possible display a popup with a brief text of DokuWiki page when the user over on DokuWiki link
339 * Added new option ("navbarLabels") to display/hide labels on navbar
481 * #129: Added initial support to display the previous title of every namespace of current page on the browser title (thanks to Alekk and @polyzen)
543 * Added "showPageId" configuration (default:on) for display/hide the pageId on top of the page (thanks to @armanabraham on #99 issue)