Lines Matching refs:CSS

58   * #499: Changed CSS load order for Bootstrap and DokuWiki styles when using `themeByNamespace` option (@Digitalin)
77 * #499: Changed CSS load order for Bootstrap and DokuWiki styles when using `themeByNamespace` option (@Digitalin)
89 This release introduce a support for Hogfather DokuWiki release and the support for Bitnami DokuWiki image (Docker), DokuWiki image (Docker), Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Changed the JS and CSS loading for increase the performance.
98 * #470: Added Docker image support for Iconify and CSS.php (thanks to @Ryonez)
102 * Moved CSS and JS asset into standard DokuWiki CSS/JS dispatcher (``/lib/exe/{js,css}.php``) for better plugin compatibility
168 * #460 PR: Bootswatch fonts / CSS file fixes (thanks to @takuy)
294 * Added HTML5 Data Attributes to identify and styling current page/namespace via JS and CSS
405 * Splitted plugins hacks (CSS and JS) in different files
409 * Using CSS instead of ``<i>`` tag to add icons in page, to reduce page size
420 * #26: Fixed regression image alignment after moving Bootstrap CSS before the custom CSS (thanks to @duenni)
532 In this release improved the user experience with new icons for Configuration Manager and Page Tools (for third-party plugins). Reduced the page loading and execution of JS hacks by moving the icons from JS to CSS. Now Configuration Manager, Login and Register pages have a responsive layout for small and tablet devices. Fixed some issue and added new configurations.
534 * Moved all icons from JS to CSS to increase the performance during the execution of the page