Lines Matching refs:a

12     * #596, #597: Warnings after upgrade to 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum"
65 This release increase the compatibility with Hogfather and fix regressions, old bugs and a security vulnerability with Iconify (thanks to @issmirnov). Optimized all JS "hack" scripts, dropped support for very old DokuWiki releases and added support for upcoming [Icons]( plugin release with Iconify.
89 This release introduce a support for Hogfather DokuWiki release and the support for Bitnami DokuWiki image (Docker), DokuWiki image (Docker), Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Changed the JS and CSS loading for increase the performance.
123 After log development cycle a new release of Bootstrap Template is issued with Iconify support, new Detail page and Footer layout, stability and new plugins support (**Struct**, **Bureaucracy** and other popular DokuWiki plugins). Now Bootswatch Wrapper ``callout`` syntax follow the original Bootswatch contextual colors.
173 After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release use the [new DokuWiki menu system]( introduced in *Greebo* release (included the compatibility classes for older DokuWiki releases). Switched all FontAwesome icons to Material Design Icon (added WebFont and SVG icons) and added option for enable the Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar. Re-designed detail page for display EXIF and other useful photo metadata. Added new hook (`:usermenu`) for add a custom menu in User Menu. Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootswatch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability and `simple_html_dom` to v1.8.1 to increase the performance. This release now use a `Template` class for increase the performance during the rendering of page (1.2~1.5 second faster than the previous release).
186 * #412: Added `:usermenu` hook for add new items in user menu using a standard DokuWiki page
225 After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release introduce a DOM Engine (in pure PHP) can speedup a rendering of the page (estimated in 0.3 ~ 0.8 seconds per page) on client-side, by removing most of JS Hack code. Improved the Avatar support with Gravatar, Libravatar, Office365 and local DokuWiki `:user` namespace media. Added new DokuWiki hooks (`:header` and `:topheader`), configuration options and new fresh layout for search bar, footer, user menu and admin page.
237 * Added `showPurgePageCache` option for display in Page Tools a link to `?purge=true` useful to purge current page
258 * Fix duplicate `</a>` in plugin_move intergration
297 * Added DokuWiki Semantic webservice integration. Now is possible display a popup with a brief text of DokuWiki page when the user over on DokuWiki link
304 * Moved Help page (``:help`` hook) into a modal popup
369 * Fixed a Right Sidebar bahavior. Now the Right Sidebar is indipendent from Left Sidebar
384 * #164: Introduced new PHP function to wrap a DokuWiki content to replace/add or adjust code/tags/classes on server-side
424 * #163: Added new regex pattern to fix a ``.page-header`` with ``H1-H2`` tags in sidebar (thanks to @blacklord049)
460 * #157: Printing out with a lot of space (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln and @Soeldner)
469 * Fixed a regression for TOC position in affix mode (thank to @polyzen)
515 * #124, #118, #109 (and more...): Added a new config ('showHomePageLink' - default: 0) to enable/disable the Home-Page link in navbar
532 In this release improved the user experience with new icons for Configuration Manager and Page Tools (for third-party plugins). Reduced the page loading and execution of JS hacks by moving the icons from JS to CSS. Now Configuration Manager, Login and Register pages have a responsive layout for small and tablet devices. Fixed some issue and added new configurations.
557 These hooks permits to create differents and personalized "navbar" (with sub-menu), "drop-down page" (eg. for an index menu or a brief descriptions), header/footer for wiki article (eg. for navitagion menu or back/forward link) and footer per namespaces (like the sidebar behavior).