Lines Matching refs:scroll

11718 				horizontal.scroll(left);
11721 vertical.scroll(top);
13481 if (scroll_top) // if vertical scroll on window
13483 else // vertical scroll on body
13487 if (document.documentElement.scrollWidth > document.body.offsetWidth) // if horizontal scroll on the window
13489 else // horizontal scroll on the body
15313 scroll(scrollLeft, scrollTop);
15325 function scroll(left, top) {
16991 //so we will block native scroll and use the custom one
19030 var scroll = this.$gantt.$ui.getView(this.$config.scrollY);
19031 if (scroll)
19032 contentHeight = scroll.getScrollState().scrollSize;
20814 if(autosize[scrollbar.$config.scroll]) {
21111 if(cell.$config.view === "scrollbar" && mode[cell.$config.scroll]){
21551 this.$config = utils.mixin(config, {scroll: "x"});
21641 this.$domEvents.attach(this.$view, "scroll", this._scrollHorizontalHandler);
21656 this.$domEvents.attach(this.$view, "scroll", this._scrollVerticalHandler);
21689 this.callEvent("onScroll", [oldSize, left, this.$config.scroll]);
21708 this.callEvent("onScroll", [oldSize, top, this.$config.scroll]);
21713 return this.$config.scroll == "y";
21716 return this.$config.scroll == "x";
21782 //|| (cellScrollSize === scrollSize && sizes[outerProperty] < outerSize) // same scroll width but smaller scrollable view port
21796 ScrollbarCell.prototype.scroll = function(position){
21807 direction: this.$config.scroll,
21983 // shift+mousewheel for horizontal scroll
21996 if(res.x) return true;//no horisontal scroll, must not block scrolling
22004 // not block scroll if position hasn't changed
22015 if(res.y) return true;//no vertical scroll, must not block scrolling
22032 // not block scroll if position hasn't changed
22448 // min grid width is defined by min widths of its columns, unless grid has horizontal scroll
27001 if(name == "viewcell" && config.view == "scrollbar" && !config.scroll){
27003 config.scroll = "y";
27005 config.scroll = "x";