Lines Matching refs:pos

7044 		checkPositionChange: function (pos) {  argument
7045 var diff_x = pos.x - this.config.pos.x;
7046 var diff_y = pos.y - this.config.pos.y;
7162 pos: this.getPosition(e), property in DnD.dragStart.config
7184 var pos = this.getPosition(source);
7186 if (gantt.config.touch || this.checkPositionChange(pos)) {
7205 source.pos = this.getPosition(source);
7206 = source.pos.x + "px";
7207 = source.pos.y + "px";
10414 $removeAt:function(pos,len){ argument
10415 if (pos>=0) this.splice(pos,(len||1));
10422 $insertAt:function(data,pos){ argument
10423 if (!pos && pos!==0) //add to the end by default
10426 var b = this.splice(pos,(this.length-pos));
10427 this[pos] = data;
11742 var pos = this.getTaskPosition(this.getTask(id));
11744 var left = Math.max(pos.left - this.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
11749 top =;
11751 top = - (dataHeight - this.config.row_height)/2;
12213 var pos = this.getScrollState();
12214 var posX = pos ? pos.x : 0;
12230 if(this.config.preserve_scroll && pos){
12235 if(!(+visible_date == +new_date && new_pos.y == pos.y)){
12239 if(pos.y)
12240 gantt.scrollTo(undefined, pos.y);
15317 function need_scroll(pos, boxSize, startCoord) { argument
15318 if ((pos - scrollRange < 0) && (pos < startCoord))
15320 else if ((pos > boxSize - scrollRange) && (pos > startCoord))
17476 var pos = _getEditorPosition(itemId, columnName);
17486 "top:" + + "px",
17487 "left:" + pos.left + "px",
17488 "width:" + pos.width + "px",
17489 "height:" + pos.height + "px"
19623 var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
19626 var x = pos.x;
19627 var y = e.pos.y - 10;
19631 if (y < pos.y) y = pos.y;
19633 if (y > pos.y + gridHeight - config.row_height) y = pos.y + gridHeight - config.row_height;
19635 pos.x = x;
19636 pos.y = y;
19637 return pos;
19640 var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
19642 var y = e.pageY - pos.y + (grid.$state.scrollTop || 0);
19664 var pos = dnd._getGridPos(e);
19670 = pos.x + 10 + "px";
19671 = pos.y + "px";
20078 var pos = gridToPageCoordinates({x: 0, y: grid.getItemTop(id)}, grid);
20082 = pos.y + "px";
20083 = pos.x + "px";
20090 var pos = {x:0, y:0}; class in AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f0100.AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f1e500.getLineMarkerPosition
20104 pos.y = itemTop;
20112 pos.y = itemTop + itemHeight + childCount*itemHeight;
20114 pos.y = itemTop + itemHeight;
20118 pos.x = iconWidth + level * indent;
20119 pos.width = Math.max(grid.$grid_data.offsetWidth - pos.x, 0);
20120 return gridToPageCoordinates(pos, grid);
20123 function gridToPageCoordinates(pos, grid){ argument
20125 pos.x += gridPos.x - grid.$grid.scrollLeft;
20126 pos.y += gridPos.y - grid.$grid_data.scrollTop;
20127 return pos;
20131 var pos = domHelpers.getNodePosition(grid.$grid_data);
20135 var x = pos.x;
20140 if (y < pos.y) y = pos.y;
20142 if (y > pos.y + gridHeight - config.row_height) y = pos.y + gridHeight - config.row_height;
20144 pos.x = x;
20145 pos.y = y;
20146 return pos;
23027 point: function (pos) { argument
23028 this.current_pos = gantt.copy(pos);
23038 line_to: function (pos) { argument
23039 var next = gantt.copy(pos);
23130 var pos = this.get_wrapper_sizes(v, view);
23133 "top:" + + "px",
23134 "left:" + pos.left + "px",
23135 "height:" + pos.height + "px",
23136 "width:" + pos.width + "px"
23349 var pos = view.getItemPosition(task);
23353 pos.left -= milestoneWidth / 2;
23354 pos.width = milestoneWidth;
23356 return pos;
23638 var pos = view.getItemPosition(task);
23653 pos.left -= Math.round(height / 2);
23654 pos.width = height;
23659 var width = Math.round(pos.width);
23686 "left:" + pos.left + "px",
23687 "top:" + (padd + + 'px',
24666 var pos = {x: taskPos.x, y: taskPos.y}; class in AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f0100.AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f21700.initLinksDND.getLinePos
24668 pos.x = taskPos.xEnd;
24672 pos.y += gantt.config.row_height/2;
24680 pos.x += (to_start ? -1 : 1)*shift - offset;
24681 return pos;
24685 var pos = getTaskPosition(task);
24688 x: pos.left,
24689 y:,
24690 width: pos.width,
24691 height: pos.height
24710 res.width = pos.xEnd - pos.x;
24760 var pos = getPosition(e, dd.marker);
24761 advanceMarker(dd.marker, pos);
24874 function advanceMarker(marker, pos){ argument
24875 = pos.x + "px";
24876 = pos.y + "px";
25101 var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
25102 var date = gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x);
25649 pos: null, property in AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f0100.AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f22d00.createTaskDND.drag
25696 var diffValue = !config.rtl ? (drag.pos.x - coords_x.start) : (coords_x.start - drag.pos.x);
25759 var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
25768 }, pos) > 20)) {
25800 var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, timeline.$task_data);
25801 if (drag.pos && drag.pos.x == pos.x)
25804 drag.pos = pos;
25806 var curr_date = gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x);
25811 var shift = pos.x - drag.start_x;
25899 var pos = domHelpers.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
25901 drag.start_x = pos.x;
25902 drag.start_y = pos.y;
26707 var pos = this._tasks.left[Math.min(wholeCells, this._tasks.width.length - 1)];
26709 pos += this._tasks.width[this._tasks.width.length - 1];
26715 pos += this._tasks.width[wholeCells] * (partCell % 1);
26717 pos += 1;
26722 var roundPos = Math.round(pos);
26756 var pos = new Date(date).valueOf();
26762 if (pos <= state.min_date) {
26771 if (pos >= state.max_date) {
26779 var dateIndex = _findBinary(days, pos);