Lines Matching refs:max

464     if (index < 0) index = Math.max(0, index + obj.length);
7957 max = null,
7966 if ((child.end_date && !child.$no_end) && (!max || max < child.end_date.valueOf()))
7967 max = child.end_date.valueOf();
7972 end_date: max ? new Date(max) : null
9958 var min = null, max = null;
9962 max = gantt.config.end_date.valueOf();
9964 if (+task.start_date > max || +task.end_date < +min)
10652 var targetIndex = parentIndex + Math.min(Math.max(index, 0), this.visibleOrder.length);
11738 var scroll_to = Math.max(date_x - this.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
11744 var left = Math.max(pos.left - this.config.task_scroll_offset, 0);
13482 … = Math.round(scroll_top + Math.max((view_height - box.offsetHeight) / 2, 0)) + "px";
13484 … = Math.round(Math.max(((view_height - box.offsetHeight) / 2), 0) + 9) + "px"; // +9 …
13500 = Math.max(_document_height, _scroll_height) + "px";
15334 scrollLeft = Math.max(0, scrollLeft);
15340 scrollTop = Math.max(0, scrollTop);
16083 var top = 1 - Math.max(prevLevel, nextLevel);
17952 if(typeof config.max === "function"){
17953 maxValue = config.max(id, column);
17955 maxValue = config.max;
18057 max = config.max || 100;
18059 …var html = "<div><input type='number' min='" + min + "' max='" + max + "' name='" + + …
18840 var dataHeight = Math.max(this.$state.height - config.scale_height, 0);
19104 var new_width = Math.max(width, min_width || 10);
20119 pos.width = Math.max(grid.$grid_data.offsetWidth - pos.x, 0);
21128 contentHeight = Math.max(contentHeight, (cellSize.height + borders.vertical));
21130 contentWidth = Math.max(contentWidth, cellSize.width + borders.horizontal);
21268 height = Math.max(height, size.height);
21270 minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, size.minHeight); // max of minHeight
21281 width = Math.max(width, size.width);
21283 minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, size.minWidth); // max of minWidth
21315 var max = xLayout ? cell.maxWidth : cell.maxWidth;
21319 if (side > max) {
21320 side = max;
21331 if (side > max) {
21332 side = max;
21344 var max = xLayout ? size.maxWidth : size.maxHeight;
21348 if (side > max) {
21349 side = max;
21777 var nonScrollableSize = Math.max(sizes[innerSizeProperty] - cellScrollSize, 0);
21778 var scrollableViewPortSize = Math.max(sizes[outerProperty] - nonScrollableSize, 0);
21876 offset = Math.max(
22240 cellSize[cell] = Math.max(cellSize[cell], otherCell[cell]);
22247 sizes.gravity = Math.max(sizes.gravity, cellSize.gravity);
23689 "line-height:" + (Math.max(height < 30 ? height - 2 : height, 0)) + 'px',
23795 maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth - 2, 0);//2px for borders
24398 var right = Math.max(startCoord, endCoord) + padding;
24476 var right = Math.max(sourceBox.left + sourceBox.width, targetBox.left + targetBox.width) + padding;
24478 …var bottom = Math.max( + sourceBox.height, + targetBox.height) + paddin…
24896 dist = Math.max(0, dist - 3);
25698 var diff = Math.max(0, diffValue);
26258 var dataHeight = Math.max(this.$config.height - config.scale_height);
26562 availWidth = Math.max(config.autosize_min_width, 0);
26809 width = Math.max((xRight - xLeft), 0);
26833 return Math.max(height, 0);