Lines Matching refs:styles

5122 	"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml": "styles",
5123 "application/": "styles",
5300 styles: { /* Styles */ class in CT_LIST
5301 xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml",
5302 xlsb: "application/"
5310 coreprops:[], extprops:[], custprops:[], themes:[], styles:[],
5333 = ct.styles.length > 0 ? ct.styles[0] : "";
5406 ['strs', 'styles'].forEach(f1);
5433 STY: "",
10593 function parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts) { argument
10594 styles.Borders = [];
10607 styles.Borders.push(border);
10668 function parse_fills(t, styles, themes, opts) { argument
10669 styles.Fills = [];
10679 fill = {}; styles.Fills.push(fill); break;
10685 case '</gradientFill>': styles.Fills.push(fill); fill = {}; break;
10734 function parse_fonts(t, styles, themes, opts) { argument
10735 styles.Fonts = [];
10746 styles.Fonts.push(font);
10854 function parse_numFmts(t, styles, opts) { argument
10855 styles.NumberFmt = [];
10857 for(var i=0; i < k.length; ++i) styles.NumberFmt[k[i]] = table_fmt[k[i]];
10866 styles.NumberFmt[j] = f;
10869 for(j = 0x188; j > 0x3c; --j) if(styles.NumberFmt[j] == null) break;
10870 styles.NumberFmt[j] = f;
10895 function parse_cellXfs(t, styles, opts) { argument
10896 styles.CellXf = [];
10912 if(styles.NumberFmt && xf.numFmtId > 0x188) {
10913 …for(i = 0x188; i > 0x3c; --i) if(styles.NumberFmt[xf.numFmtId] == styles.NumberFmt[i]) { xf.numFmt…
10915 styles.CellXf.push(xf); break;
10971 var styles = {};
10972 if(!data) return styles;
10978 if((t=data.match(numFmtRegex))) parse_numFmts(t, styles, opts);
10981 if((t=data.match(fontsRegex))) parse_fonts(t, styles, themes, opts);
10984 if((t=data.match(fillsRegex))) parse_fills(t, styles, themes, opts);
10987 if((t=data.match(bordersRegex))) parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts);
10993 if((t=data.match(cellXfRegex))) parse_cellXfs(t, styles, opts);
11000 return styles;
11228 var styles = {};
11229 styles.NumberFmt = ([]/*:any*/);
11230 for(var y in table_fmt) styles.NumberFmt[y] = table_fmt[y];
11232 styles.CellXf = [];
11233 styles.Fonts = [];
11239 styles.NumberFmt[val[0]] = val[1]; SSF__load(val[1], val[0]);
11242 styles.Fonts.push(val);
11254 styles.CellXf.push(val);
11286 return styles;
12501 function parse_ds_bin(/*::data:any, opts, idx:number, rels, wb, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ { r…
12502 function parse_ds_xml(/*::data:any, opts, idx:number, rels, wb, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ { r…
12503 function parse_ms_bin(/*::data:any, opts, idx:number, rels, wb, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ { r…
12504 function parse_ms_xml(/*::data:any, opts, idx:number, rels, wb, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ { r…
15172 function get_cell_style(styles/*:Array<any>*/, cell/*:Cell*/, opts) { argument
15174 var i = 0x3c, len = styles.length;
15184 for(i = 0; i != len; ++i) if(styles[i].numFmtId === z) return i;
15185 styles[len] = { class in get_cell_style
15196 function safe_format(p/*:Cell*/, fmtid/*:number*/, fillid/*:?number*/, opts, themes, styles) { argument
15223 p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
15232 } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF && styles.Fills) throw e; }
15257 …xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*:WBWBProps*/, themes, styles)/*:Worksheet*/ { argument
15276 …tch(sheetprregex2))) parse_ws_xml_sheetpr2(sheetPr[0], sheetPr[1]||"", s, wb, idx, styles, themes);
15298 if(mtch) parse_ws_xml_data(mtch[1], s, opts, refguess, themes, styles);
15556 return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata/*:string*/, s, opts, guess/*:Range*/, themes, styles) { argument
15561 var do_format = Array.isArray(styles.CellXf), cf;
15713 cf = styles.CellXf[tag.s];
15721 safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles);
15807 /* TODO: store in WB, process styles */
16407 function parse_ws_bin(data, _opts, idx, rels, wb/*:WBWBProps*/, themes, styles)/*:Worksheet*/ { argument
16486 if((cf = styles.CellXf[val[0].iStyleRef])) safe_format(p,cf.numFmtId,null,opts, themes, styles);
16980 function parse_cs_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, themes, styles*/)/*:Wor…
17016 function parse_cs_bin(data, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ {
17844 function parse_ws(data, name/*:string*/, idx/*:number*/, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles)/*:Workshee… argument
17845 …(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ws_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17846 return parse_ws_xml((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17849 function parse_cs(data, name/*:string*/, idx/*:number*/, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles)/*:Workshee… argument
17850 …(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_cs_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17851 return parse_cs_xml((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17854 function parse_ms(data, name/*:string*/, idx/*:number*/, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles)/*:Workshee… argument
17855 …(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ms_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17856 return parse_ms_xml((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17859 function parse_ds(data, name/*:string*/, idx/*:number*/, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles)/*:Workshee… argument
17860 …(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ds_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17861 return parse_ds_xml((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
17976 function process_style_xlml(styles, stag, opts) { argument
17983 styles[stag.ID] = stag;
17987 function parse_xlml_data(xml, ss, data, cell/*:any*/, base, styles, csty, row, arrayf, o) { argument
17993 while(styles[sid] !== undefined) {
17994 if(styles[sid].nf) nf = styles[sid].nf;
17995 if(styles[sid].Interior) interiors.push(styles[sid].Interior);
17996 if(!styles[sid].Parent) break;
17997 sid = styles[sid].Parent;
18107 var styles = {}, stag = {}; variable
18127 …tate[state.length-1][0]==/*"Comment"*/"comment"?comment:cell, {c:c,r:r}, styles, cstys[c], row, ar…
18234 if(Rn[1]==='/') process_style_xlml(styles, stag, opts);
18324 case 'styles' /*case 'Styles'*/:
18847 var styles/*:Array<string>*/ = ['<Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal"><NumberFormat/></Style>'];
18853 styles.push(writextag('Style', payload.join(""), o));
18855 return writextag("Styles", styles.join(""));
21632 /* TODO: parse styles etc */
21865 /* Note: ODS can stick styles in content.xml or styles.xml, FODS blurs lines */
22105 var number_format_map = _nfm || {}, styles = {}; variable
22174 if(ctag["style-name"] && styles[ctag["style-name"]]) q.z = styles[ctag["style-name"]];
22197 if(ctag["style-name"] && styles[ctag["style-name"]]) q.z = styles[ctag["style-name"]];
22282 case 'styles': // TODO <office:styles>
22284 case 'master-styles': // 3.15.4 <office:master-styles> -- relevant for FODS
22351 case 'automatic-styles': break; // 3.15.3 <office:automatic-styles>
22357 …if(styletag["family"] == "table-cell" && number_format_map[styletag["data-style-name"]]) styles[st…
22445 if(['master-styles'].indexOf(state[state.length-1][0]) > -1) break;
22595 case 'style:': // TODO: styles
22617 var styles = getzipstr(zip, 'styles.xml');
22618 var Styles = styles && parse_ods_styles(utf8read(styles), opts);
22635 '<office:master-styles>',
22642 '</office:master-styles>'
22645 var payload = '<office:document-styles ' + wxt_helper({
22658 }) + '>' + master_styles + '</office:document-styles>';
22926 o.push(' <office:automatic-styles>\n');
22928 /* column styles */
22947 /* row styles */
22998 o.push(' </office:automatic-styles>\n');
23089 /* TODO: these are hard-coded styles to satiate excel */
23090 f = "styles.xml";
25084 …*:string*/, sheet, idx/*:number*/, sheetRels, sheets, stype/*:string*/, opts, wb, themes, styles) { argument
25090 … case 'sheet': _ws = parse_ws(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
25091 case 'chart': _ws = parse_cs(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles);
25100 … case 'macro': _ws = parse_ms(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
25101 … case 'dialog': _ws = parse_ds(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
25179 var styles = ({}/*:any*/); variable
25186 …if( styles = parse_sty(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(,, themes,…
25286 …t(zip, path, relsPath, props.SheetNames[i], i, sheetRels, sheets, stype, opts, wb, themes, styles);
25298 Styles: styles,
25479 /* TODO: something more intelligent with styles */
25481 f = "xl/styles." + wbext;
25483 ct.styles.push(f);
25484 add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "styles." + wbext, RELS.STY);
25627 /* TODO: something more intelligent with styles */
25629 f = "xl/styles." + wbext;
25631 ct.styles.push(f);
25632 add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "styles." + wbext, RELS.STY);