Lines Matching refs:slice

58 	if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.slice(2));
59 if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.slice(2));
60 if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.slice(1);
71 … && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return $cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.slice(2))); }
232 …return [].concat.apply([], { return Array.isArray(buf) ? buf : []…
257 out.push(o.slice(0, widx));
263 out.push(o.slice(0, widx));
919 …atch(/\.[0#?]*$/)) return write_num_int(type, fmt.slice(0,fmt.lastIndexOf(".")), val) + hashq(fmt.
1031 if(o.slice(-1) !== ']') throw 'unterminated "[" block: |' + o + '|';
1345 …(Y>=0?Y: new Date().getFullYear())).slice(-4) + "-" + ("00" + (m>=1?m:1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("00" …
1348 …var timestr = (("00" + (H>=0?H:0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + (M>=0?M:0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" +…
1438 …t32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 +…
1509 …if(p.charAt(p.length - 1) == "/") return (p.slice(0,-1).indexOf("/") === -1) ? p : dirname(p.slice
1511 return (c === -1) ? p : p.slice(0, c+1);
1515 if(p.charAt(p.length - 1) == "/") return filename(p.slice(0, -1));
1517 return (c === -1) ? p : p.slice(c+1);
1608 var blob/*:CFBlob*/ = /*::(*/file.slice(0,512)/*:: :any)*/;
1622 if(ssz !== 512) { blob = /*::(*/file.slice(0,ssz)/*:: :any)*/; prep_blob(blob, 28 /* blob.l */); }
1624 var header/*:RawBytes*/ = file.slice(0,ssz);
1734 for(var i=1; i < nsectors; ++i) sectors[i-1] = file.slice(i*ssz,(i+1)*ssz);
1735 sectors[nsectors-1] = file.slice(nsectors*ssz);
1780 //return (payload.slice(start*MSSZ, start*MSSZ + size)/*:any*/);
1784 o.push(payload.slice(idx * MSSZ, idx * MSSZ + MSSZ));
1789 return (bconcat(o).slice(0, entry.size)/*:any*/);
1861 var blob/*:CFBlob*/ = /*::(*/sector.slice(i, i+128)/*:: :any)*/;
1893 o.content = (sector_list[o.start].data.slice(0,o.size)/*:any*/);
2016 } else if(nm.slice(-1) == "/") {
2135 console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
2136 _nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
2194 … { var y = x.split("/"); return y[y.length - (x.slice(-1) == "/" ? 2 : 1…
2196 if(path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* "/" */) { k = true; path = UCFullPaths[0].slice(0, -1) + path; }
2276 var out = InflRaw._processChunk(payload.slice(payload.l), InflRaw._finishFlushFlag);
2560 return buf.slice(0, off);
2634 var h1 = hcodes.slice(0, _HLIT), h2 = hcodes.slice(_HLIT);
2718 return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
2722 var data = payload.slice(payload.l||0);
2768 var EF = parse_extra_field(/*::(*/blob.slice(blob.l+namelen, blob.l+namelen+efsz)/*:: :any)*/);
2805 var ef = parse_extra_field(/*::(*/blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + efsz)/*:: :any)*/);
2820 var data = blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + _csz);
2857 fp = cfb.FullPaths[i].slice(root.length); fi = cfb.FileIndex[i];
2864 namebuf = namebuf.slice(0, namebuf.l);
2978 for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
3004 if(encoded.charAt(0) == "\n") encoded = "=0D" + encoded.slice(1);
3013 var tmp = str.slice(i, i + end);
3017 tmp = str.slice(i, i + end);
3032 …while(di <= data.length && line.charAt(line.length - 1) == "=") line = line.slice(0, line.length -…
3037 …ace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
3057 case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
3058 case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
3061 var file = cfb_add(cfb, fname.slice(root.length), fdata, {unsafe: true});
3066 …if(a2s(file.slice(0,13)).toLowerCase() != "mime-version:") throw new Error("Unsupported MAD header…
3076 row = row.slice(row.indexOf("file"));
3077 if(!root) root = row.slice(0, row.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
3078 if(row.slice(0, root.length) == root) continue;
3080 root = root.slice(0, root.length - 1);
3081 root = root.slice(0, root.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
3082 if(row.slice(0,root.length) == root) break;
3100 if(fcnt++) parse_mime(o, data.slice(start_di, di), root);
3113 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="' + boundary.slice(2) + '"',
3121 fp = cfb.FullPaths[i].slice(root.length);
3165 if(name.slice(0, fpath.length) == fpath) fpath = name;
3167 if(fpath.slice(-1) != "/") fpath += "/";
3367 switch(m[i].slice(m[i].length-1)) {
3369 throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].slice(m[i].length-1));
3413 if(arr[0] == 0xFF && arr[1] == 0xFE) return utf8write(arr.slice(2).toString("utf16le"));
3414 …if(arr[1] == 0xFE && arr[2] == 0xFF) return utf8write(utf16beread(arr.slice(2).toString("binary"))…
3421 …r[0] == 0xFF && arr[1] == 0xFE) return utf8write(new TextDecoder("utf-16le").decode(arr.slice(2)));
3422 …r[0] == 0xFE && arr[1] == 0xFF) return utf8write(new TextDecoder("utf-16be").decode(arr.slice(2)));
3512 …if(data._data && data._data.getContent) return debom(cc2str(…
3523 return; method in Array
3529 function getdata(data) { return (data && === ".bin") ? getdatabin(data) : getda…
3569 …for(var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) if(k[i].slice(-1) != '/') o.push(k[i].replace(/^Root Entry[\/]/,…
3600 if(path.charAt(0) == "/") return path.slice(1);
3602 if(base.slice(-1) != "/") result.pop(); // folder path
3620 if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.slice(0, eq);
3626 q = cc.slice(0,c).trim();
3629 v = cc.slice(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
3632 if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
3637 var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
3638 if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
3665 return raw_unescapexml(s.slice(0, i)) + s.slice(i+9,j) + raw_unescapexml(s.slice(j+3));
3676 …place(charegex,function(s) { return "_x" + ("000"+s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) + "_";});
3683 …htmlcharegex,function(s) { return "&#x" + ("000"+s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) + ";"; });
3740 return out.slice(0,k).toString('ucs2');
3923 …[i]) for(var j=0,L=bufs[0][i].length;j<L;j+=w) x.push.apply(x, bufs[0][i].slice(j,j+w)); return x;…
3929 …<string>*/=[]; for(var i=s; i<s+l; ++i) ss.push(("0" + b[i].toString(16)).slice(-2)); return…
3967 …FBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/) { return $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(s,e)).replace(chr0…
3968 …awBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/) { return $cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(s,e)); };
3969 …readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(current_ansi, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) :…
3970 …UInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) :…
3971 …n = 2*__readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len-1)) : …
3972 …len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : ""…
3973 …en = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : ""…
3989 …if(has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(this) && buf_utf16le) o = this.slice(this.l, this.l+2*size).toStrin…
3998 …if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined') o = $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l,…
4034 o = $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l, this.l + size));
4105 this[this.l++] = (parseInt(val.slice(2*i, 2*i+2), 16)||0);
4184 // workaround for new Buffer(3).slice(0,0) bug in bun 0.1.3
4186 if(curbuf.length > curbuf.l) { curbuf = curbuf.slice(0, curbuf.l); curbuf.l = curbuf.length; }
4303 return { s: decode_cell(range.slice(0, idx)), e: decode_cell(range.slice(idx + 1)) };
4470 return _null ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
4515 return _null ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
4526 return _null ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
4572 return _null ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
4586 var b = data.slice(data.l, data.l + 4);
4708 if (typeof rgb == 'number') rgb = ("000000" + rgb.toString(16)).slice(-6);
4709 o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(0, 2), 16));
4710 o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(2, 4), 16));
4711 o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(4, 6), 16));
5456 return file.slice(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.slice(n+1) + ".rels";
5597 var g = "(?:"+ f[0].slice(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].slice(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
5697 props.SheetNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
5706 props.DefinedNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
5712 props.ChartNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
5780 var type = toks[0].slice(4), text = toks[1];
5802 if(type.slice(-1) == '/') break;
5805 } else if(x.slice(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
6019 var bytes = blob.slice(blob.l,blob.l+size);
6111 …i.n] = String(PropH[piddsi.n] >> 16) + "." + ("0000" + String(PropH[piddsi.n] & 0xFFFF)).slice(-4);
6519 if(Target.slice(0,7) == "file://") Target = Target.slice(7);
6526 Target = Target.slice(1);
6531 var Pretarget = hashidx > -1 ? Target.slice(0, hashidx) : Target;
6535 if(F & 0x08) write_HyperlinkString(hashidx > -1 ? Target.slice(hashidx+1): "", out);
6540 while(Target.slice(P*3,P*3+3)=="../"||Target.slice(P*3,P*3+3)=="..\\") ++P;
6549 return out.slice(0, out.l);
6811 var out = o.slice(0, o.l);
7015 var out = (o.length > o.l) ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
7269 return o.charCodeAt(0) == 0x03 ? o.slice(1) : o;
7570 var o = {fmt:cf, env:env, len:lcb, data:blob.slice(blob.l,blob.l+lcb)};
7763 …table !== "undefined" ? $cptable.utils.decode(current_cp, d.slice(d.l, d.l+ww)) : a2s(d.slice(d.l,…
7815 var dd = d.slice(d.l, d.l+fields[C].len); d.l+=fields[C].len;
7824 if(s.length === 8) out[R][C] = new Date(+s.slice(0,4), +s.slice(4,6)-1, +s.slice(6,8));
7861 if(opts && opts.sheetRows) out = out.slice(0, opts.sheetRows);
7895 var headers = aoa[0], data = aoa.slice(1), cols = ws["!cols"] || [];
7964 var _f = (headers[i].slice(-10) + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00").slice(0, 11);
7998 rout.write_shift(4, ("0000"+data[i][j].getFullYear()).slice(-4), "sbcs");
7999 rout.write_shift(2, ("00"+(data[i][j].getMonth()+1)).slice(-2), "sbcs");
8000 rout.write_shift(2, ("00"+data[i][j].getDate()).slice(-2), "sbcs");
8004 var _s = String(data[i][j] != null ? data[i][j] : "").slice(0, colwidths[j]);
8079 var d1904 = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10);
8087 case 'P': formats.push(rstr.slice(3).replace(/;;/g, ";")); break;
8092 case 'N': nn.Name = record[rj].slice(1); break;
8093 … case 'E': nn.Ref = (opts && opts.sheet || "Sheet1") + "!" + rc_to_a1(record[rj].slice(1)); break;
8103 case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; C_seen_X = true; break;
8105 R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; if(!C_seen_X) C = 0;
8109 val = record[rj].slice(1);
8110 if(val.charAt(0) === '"') { val = val.slice(1,val.length - 1); cell_t = "s"; }
8124 formula = rc_to_a1(record[rj].slice(1), {r:R,c:C});
8130 case 'R': _R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; break;
8131 case 'C': _C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; break;
8157 case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; ++F_seen; break;
8159 R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1; /*C = 0;*/
8162 case 'M': Mval = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10) / 20; break;
8166 next_cell_format = formats[parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)];
8172 cw = record[rj].slice(1).split(" ");
8178 C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1;
8182 R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1), 10)-1;
8198 if(opts && opts.sheetRows) arr = arr.slice(0, opts.sheetRows);
8319 data = data.slice(1,data.length-1);
8321 if(DIF_XL && data && data.match(/^=".*"$/)) data = data.slice(2, -1);
8327 if(opts && opts.sheetRows) arr = arr.slice(0, opts.sheetRows);
8418 if(opts && opts.sheetRows) arr = arr.slice(0, opts.sheetRows);
8522 set_text_arr(lines[R].slice(0, start).trim(), arr, R, C, o);
8524 set_text_arr(lines[R].slice(start+(C-1)*10,start+C*10).trim(),arr,R,C,o);
8526 if(o.sheetRows) arr = arr.slice(0, o.sheetRows);
8577 if(str.slice(0,4) == "sep=") {
8580 sep = str.charAt(4); str = str.slice(7);
8584 sep = str.charAt(4); str = str.slice(6);
8586 else sep = guess_sep(str.slice(0,1024));
8589 else sep = guess_sep(str.slice(0,1024));
8594 var s = str.slice(start, end); if(s.slice(-1) == "\r") s = s.slice(0, -1);
8596 if(s.charAt(0) == '"' && s.charAt(s.length - 1) == '"') s = s.slice(1,-1).replace(/""/g,'"');
8601 …== 0x22 && s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) == 0x22) { cell.t = 's'; cell.v = s.slice(2,-1).replace(/""/…
8602 else if(fuzzyfmla(s)) { cell.t = 'n'; cell.f = s.slice(1); }
8645 if(str.slice(0,4) == "sep=") return dsv_to_sheet_str(str, opts);
8664 if(bytes[0] == 0xEF && bytes[1] == 0xBB && bytes[2] == 0xBF) str = utf8read(str.slice(3));
8667 …if(str.slice(0,19) == "socialcalc:version:") return ETH.to_sheet(opts.type == 'string' ? str : utf…
8683 var w = (cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "").slice(0,10);
8772 …(!o.qpro && ! || RT == 0x33) && val[1].v.charCodeAt(0) < 0x30) val[1].v = val[1].v.slice(1);
8816 if(val[1].v.charCodeAt(0) < 0x30) val[1].v = val[1].v.slice(1);
8891 write_biff_rec(ba, 0x0F, write_LABEL(R, C, str.slice(0, 239)));
8931 write_biff_rec(ba, 0x16, write_LABEL_16(R, C, wsidx, str.slice(0, 239)));
9100 wk1_fmla_to_csf(blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + flen), o);
9255 var args = out.slice(-argc);
9641 var p = d.slice(d.l, d.l + length);
9665 // formulae.push(p.slice(p.l, p.l + cnt + 1)); p.l += cnt + 1;
9853 if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.slice(2,8);
9952 z.t = unescapexml(utf8read(x.slice(x.indexOf(">")+1).split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?t>/)[0]||""), true);
10173 o.Salt = blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l+16); blob.l += 16;
10174 o.Verifier = blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l+16); blob.l += 16;
10176 o.VerifierHash = blob.slice(blob.l, tgt); blob.l = tgt;
10406 var data = rowtf.slice(last_index, rtfre.lastIndex - res[0].length);
10408 data = data.slice(1);
10475 var o = h.slice(h[0]==="#"?1:0).slice(0,6);
10476 return [parseInt(o.slice(0,2),16),parseInt(o.slice(2,4),16),parseInt(o.slice(4,6),16)];
10480 return o.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1);
10700 if(y.rgb) fill.bgColor.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
10710 if(y.rgb != null) fill.fgColor.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
10820 if(y.rgb) font.color.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
11032 var out = (o.length > o.l) ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11101 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11156 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11203 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11214 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11223 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
11468 = y[0].slice(3, y[0].length - 1);
11700 var data = blob.slice(blob.l);
11797 return o.slice(0, o.l);
11819 return o.slice(0, o.l);
12295 …case '</text>': comment.t = data.slice(tidx, idx).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n"); bre…
12325 id: "{54EE7951-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + opts.tcid++).slice(-12) + "}"
12330 …s.personId = "{54EE7950-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + people.indexOf(c.a)).slice(-12) + "}";
12375 id: "{54EE7950-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + idx).slice(-12) + "}",
12406 function write_BrtCommentAuthor(data) { return write_XLWideString(data.slice(0, 54)); }
12457 iauthor.push(c.a.slice(0,54));
12483 if (p.slice(-1) === "/" || !p.match(/_VBA_PROJECT_CUR/))
12495 if (newpath.slice(-1) !== "/")
12513 else if($2.charAt(0) == "[") { rRel = true; $2 = $2.slice(1, -1); }
12516 else if($3.charAt(0) == "[") { cRel = true; $3 = $3.slice(1, -1); }
13259 …if(s > 0 && e > 0 && start.slice(0, s).toLowerCase() == end.slice(0, e).toLowerCase()) return star…
13291 …case 0x3A01: return supbooks[XTI[0]].slice(1).map(function(name) { return name.Name; }).join(";;")…
13394 var args = argc == 0 ? [] : stack.slice(-argc);
13438 if(name && name.slice(0,6) == "_xlfn." && !opts.xlfn) name = name.slice(6);
13808 var sname = str.slice(0, lastbang);
13809 str = str.slice(lastbang+1);
13811 if(sname.charAt(0) == "'") sname = sname.slice(1, -1).replace(/''/g, "'");
13827 var sname = str.slice(0, lastbang);
13828 str = str.slice(lastbang+1);
13829 if(sname.charAt(0) == "'") sname = sname.slice(1, -1).replace(/''/g, "'");
13874 var sname = _str.slice(0, lastbang);
13875 _str = _str.slice(lastbang+1);
13876 if(sname.charAt(0) == "'") sname = sname.slice(1, -1).replace(/''/g, "'");
13907 var sname = _str.slice(0, lastbang);
13908 _str = _str.slice(lastbang+1);
13909 if(sname.charAt(0) == "'") sname = sname.slice(1, -1).replace(/''/g, "'");
15079 if(f.slice(0,3) == "of:") f = f.slice(3);
15082 f = f.slice(1);
15083 if(f.charCodeAt(0) == 61) f = f.slice(1);
15088 f = f.replace(/\$'([^']|'')+'/g, function($$) { return $$.slice(1); });
15102 r = r.replace(/\$'([^']|'')+'/g, function($$) { return $$.slice(1); });
15269 data1 = data.slice(0, mtch.index);
15270 data2 = data.slice(mtch.index + mtch[0].length);
15281 var ref = data1.slice(ridx,ridx+50).match(dimregex);
15308 merges[ridx] = safe_decode_range(_merge[ridx].slice(_merge[ridx].indexOf("\"")+1));
15350 parse_ws_xml_sheetpr(sheetPr.slice(0, sheetPr.indexOf(">")), s, wb, idx);
15539 var ff = cell.F && cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref ? {t:"array", ref:cell.F} : null;
15579 tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(rstarti,ri), true);
15592 tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(rstarti,ri), true);
15607 cells = x.slice(ri).split(cellregex);
15609 cells = cells.slice(rslice);
15614 x = "<c " + (x.slice(0,1)=="<"?">":"") + x;
15625 tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(0,i), true);
15627 d = x.slice(i);
15853 if((relc = l[1].Target.indexOf("#")) > -1) rel.location = escapexml(l[1].Target.slice(relc+1));
15962 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
16002 return o.slice(0, o.l);
16164 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
16176 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
16271 var loc = locidx == -1 ? "" : l[1].Target.slice(locidx+1);
16275 return o.slice(0, o.l);
17328 dname.Ref = unescapexml(utf8read(data.slice(dnstart, idx)));
17442 var sht = ({name:escapexml(wb.SheetNames[i].slice(0,31))}/*:any*/);
17497 write_XLWideString(,31), o);
17498 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
17536 return o.slice(0, o.l);
17573 if(XLSLblBuiltIn.indexOf(dname) > -1) { flags |= 0x20; dname = dname.slice(6); }
17728 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
17743 return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;
17840 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_wb_bin((data/*:any*/), opts);
17845 …if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ws_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, style…
17850 …if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_cs_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, style…
17855 …if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ms_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, style…
17860 …if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ds_bin((data/*:any*/), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, style…
17865 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_sty_bin((data/*:any*/), themes, opts);
17870 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_sst_bin((data/*:any*/), opts);
17875 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_comments_bin((data/*:any*/), opts);
17880 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_cc_bin((data/*:any*/), name, opts);
17885 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_xlink_bin((data/*:any*/), rel, name, opts);
17890 if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_xlmeta_bin((data/*:any*/), name, opts);
17903 if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
17905 if(y[1].slice(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].slice(6);
17906 else w = y[1].slice(j+1);
17907 z[w] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
17920 if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
17922 if(y[1].slice(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].slice(6);
17923 else w = y[1].slice(j+1);
17924 z[w] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
18009 if(xml.slice(-1) != "Z") xml += "Z";
18030 if(fstr.charCodeAt(0) == 61 /* = */) fstr = fstr.slice(1);
18073 var opening = str.slice(0, 1024).toLowerCase(), ishtml = false;
18127 …if(Rn[1]==='/') parse_xlml_data(str.slice(didx, Rn.index), ss, dtag, state[state.length-1][0]==/*"…
18170 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") ++c;
18175 if(Rn[1]==='/' || Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") {
18178 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") {
18226 else if(Rn[0].slice(-2) == "/>") break;
18266 Ref: rc_to_a1(_NamedRange.RefersTo.slice(1), {r:0, c:0})
18288 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") break;
18289 else if(Rn[1]==="/") ss += str.slice(fidx, Rn.index);
18318 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") break;
18319 else if(Rn[1]==="/") xlml_set_prop(Props, raw_Rn3, str.slice(pidx, Rn.index));
18488 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>"){/* empty */}
18489 else if(Rn[1]==="/") switch(str.slice(pidx, Rn.index)) {
18800 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") break;
18801 else if(Rn[1]==="/") xlml_set_custprop(Custprops, raw_Rn3, cp, str.slice(pidx, Rn.index));
18857 …{ return writextag("NamedRange", null, {"ss:Name": n.Name.slice(0,6) == "_xlnm." ? n.Name.slice(6)…
19009 if(cell.F && cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref) {
19010 var end = decode_cell(cell.F.slice(ref.length + 1));
19183 var d = blob.slice(blob.l,blob.l+l);
19203 d = blob.slice(start,blob.l+4+l);
19351 //if(!R) console.log(blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + length));
19818 case 'array': if(!Array.isArray(cfb)) cfb =; break;
21225 ba.push(payload.slice(i, i + w));
21233 ba.push(payload.slice(i, i+w)); i+= w;
21259 return out.l < out.length ? out.slice(0, out.l) : out;
21274 …write_biff_rec(ba, 0x0004, write_BIFF2LABEL(R, C, cell.v == null ? "" : String(cell.v).slice(0,255…
21400 …204 /* Label */, write_Label(R, C, (cell.v == null ? "" : String(cell.v)).slice(0,255), os, opts));
21618 var rows = split_regex(str.slice(i, j), /(:?<tr[^>]*>)/i, "<tr>");
21624 var hd = row.slice(0,3).toLowerCase();
21633 while(m.charAt(0) == "<" && (cc = m.indexOf(">")) > -1) m = m.slice(cc+1);
21638 var tag = parsexmltag(cell.slice(0, cell.indexOf(">")));
21808 …if(l && l.charAt(0) != "#" && l.slice(0, 11).toLowerCase() != 'javascript:') o.l = ({ Target: l });
21915 payload = str.slice(tidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex - Rn[0].length);
22009 payload = str.slice(tidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex - Rn[0].length);
22037 NF += '"' + str.slice(tidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex - Rn[0].length).replace(/"/g, '""') + '"';
22077 …if(etpos == 0) NF += '"' + str.slice(tidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex - Rn[0].length).replace(/"/g, '""')…
22078 …else NF = NF.slice(0, etpos) + '"' + str.slice(tidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex - Rn[0].length).replace(/…
22303 if(Rn[1]==='/') { creator = str.slice(creatoridx,Rn.index); }
22343 parse_ods_styles(str.slice(nfidx, xlmlregex.lastIndex), _opts, number_format_map);
22388 if(Rn[0].slice(-2) === "/>") break;
22393 NF += str.slice(pidx, Rn.index);
22447 var ptp = parse_text_p(str.slice(textpidx,Rn.index), textptag);
22578 _Ref = ods_to_csf_3D(atag.Target.slice(1));
22580 } else if(atag.Target.match(/^\.\.[\\\/]/)) atag.Target = atag.Target.slice(3);
22674 nf = nf.slice(0, nf.indexOf(";"));
22692 nf = nf.slice(i+1); i = 0;
22731 payload += '<number:text>' + escapexml(c.slice(1).replace(/""/g, '"')) + '</number:text>';
22737 nf = nf.slice(i+1); i = 0;
22758 payload += '<number:text>' + escapexml(c.slice(1).replace(/""/g, '"')) + '</number:text>';
22762 …if(nf.slice(i, i+3).toLowerCase() == "a/p") { payload += '<number:am-pm/>'; i += 2; break; } // No…
22763 if(nf.slice(i, i+5).toLowerCase() == "am/pm") { payload += '<number:am-pm/>'; i += 4; break; }
22774 …ol number:language="en" number:country="US">$</number:currency-symbol>'; nf = nf.slice(1); i = 0; }
22783 nf = nf.slice(i+1); i = 0;
22875 if(cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref) {
22910 _tgt = _tgt.charAt(0) == "#" ? "#" + csf_to_ods_3D(_tgt.slice(1)) : _tgt;
22915 if(nfs[cell.z]) ct["table:style-name"] = "ce" + nfs[cell.z].slice(1);
22993 …o.push('<style:style style:name="ce' + nfs[nf].slice(1) + '" style:family="table-cell" style:paren…
23117 return "slice";
23119 return "slice";
23122 return "slice";
23125 return "slice";
23129 return "slice";
25125 function strip_front_slash(x/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return x.charAt(0) == '/' ? x.slice(1) : x; }
25176 if(dir.workbooks[0].slice(-3) == "bin") xlsb = true;
25245 …var wbrelsfile = (dir.workbooks[0].slice(0, wbrelsi+1) + "_rels/" + dir.workbooks[0].slice(wbrelsi…
25665 case 'base64': x = Base64_decode(f.slice(0,12)); break;
25690 case 0x3C: return parse_xlml(data.slice(i),o);
25713 …$cptable !== "undefined" ? $cptable.utils.decode(1200, d.slice(2), 'str') : utf16leread(d.slice(2)…
25960 var ext = o.file.slice(o.file.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
25961 if(ext.match(/^\.[a-z]+$/)) o.bookType = ext.slice(1);