Lines Matching refs:content

235 function utf8decode(content/*:string*/) {  argument
236 var out = [], widx = 0, L = content.length + 250;
237 var o = new_raw_buf(content.length + 255);
238 for(var ridx = 0; ridx < content.length; ++ridx) {
239 var c = content.charCodeAt(ridx);
246 var d = content.charCodeAt(++ridx)&1023;
1893 o.content = (sector_list[o.start].data.slice(0,o.size)/*:any*/);
1898 o.content = get_mfat_entry(o, sector_list[minifat_store].data, (sector_list[mini]||{}).data);
1901 if(o.content) prep_blob(o.content, 0);
1945 cfb.FileIndex.push(({ name: nm, type: 2, content:p, size:4, L:69, R:69, C:69 }/*:any*/));
1989 content: null
2009 elt.size = elt.content ? elt.content.length : 0;
2043 if(!file.content) continue;
2044 var flen = file.content.length;
2103 if(!file.content) continue;
2104 /*:: if(file.content == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
2105 flen = file.content.length;
2115 if(!file.content) continue;
2116 /*:: if(file.content == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
2117 flen = file.content.length;
2156 /*:: if(!file.content) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
2159 if (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(file.content)) {
2160 file.content.copy(o, o.l, 0, file.size);
2164 for(j = 0; j < file.size; ++j) o.write_shift(1, file.content[j]);
2171 /*:: if(!file.content) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
2173 if (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(file.content)) {
2174 file.content.copy(o, o.l, 0, file.size);
2178 for(j = 0; j < file.size; ++j) o.write_shift(1, file.content[j]);
2858 if(!fi.size || !fi.content || fp == "\u0001Sh33tJ5") continue;
2865 …crcs[fcnt] = typeof fi.content == "string" ? CRC32.bstr(fi.content, 0) : CRC32.buf(/*::((*/fi.cont…
2867 var outbuf = typeof fi.content == "string" ? s2a(fi.content) : fi.content/*::||[]*/;
2881 o.write_shift(4, (flags & 8) ? 0 : /*::(*/fi.content/*::||[])*/.length);
2902 o.write_shift(4, /*::(*/fi.content/*::||[])*/.length);
2918 o.write_shift(4, /*::(*/fi.content/*::||[])*/.length);
3050 case "content-location": fname = m[2].trim(); break;
3051 case "content-type": ctype = m[2].trim(); break;
3052 case "content-transfer-encoding": cte = m[2].trim(); break;
3123 if(!fi.size || !fi.content || fp == "\u0001Sh33tJ5") continue;
3132 /* Extract content as binary string */
3133 var ca = fi.content;
3159 function cfb_add(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, name/*:string*/, content/*:?RawBytes*/, opts/*:?any*/)/*:CFB…
3176 file.content = (content/*:any*/);
3177 file.size = content ? content.length : 0;
3508 if(data.content && data.type) return cc2str(data.content, true);
3525 if(data.content && data.type) return data.content;
3573 function zip_add_file(zip, path, content) { argument
3575 if(typeof content == "string") {
3577 if(has_buf) res = Buffer_from(content);
3579 //else if(typeof TextEncoder !== "undefined") res = new TextEncoder().encode(content);
3580 else res = utf8decode(content);
3583 CFB.utils.cfb_add(zip, path, content);
3585 else zip.file(path, content);
3774 // matches <foo>...</foo> extracts content
3791 // Remove new lines and spaces from start of content
3793 // Remove new lines and spaces from end of content
3866 CT: '',
6252 var blob = file.content;
12486 CFB.utils.cfb_add(newcfb, newpath, cfb.FileIndex[i].content);
12496 CFB.utils.cfb_add(cfb, newpath, vba.FileIndex[i].content);
19146 var o = obj.content;
19821 WB = ({content: cfb}/*:any*/); property in parse_xlscfb.WB
19830 if(WB && WB.content) WorkbookP = parse_workbook(WB.content, options);
19832 …data=CFB.find(cfb, 'PerfectOffice_MAIN')) && _data.content) WorkbookP = WK_.to_workbook(_data.cont…
19834 …data=CFB.find(cfb, 'NativeContent_MAIN')) && _data.content) WorkbookP = WK_.to_workbook(_data.cont…
19836 …else if((_data=CFB.find(cfb, 'MN0')) && _data.content) throw new Error("Unsupported Works 4 for Ma…
21865 /* Note: ODS can stick styles in content.xml or styles.xml, FODS blurs lines */
22050 case 'text-content': // <number:text-content> 16.29.28
22279 case 'document-content': case '电子表格文档': // <office:document-content>
22407 case 'text-content': break; // 16.27.27 <number:text-content>
22473 case 'content-validations': break; // 9.4.4 <table:
22474 case 'content-validation': break; // 9.4.5 <table:
22619 var content = getzipstr(zip, 'content.xml');
22620 if(!content) throw new Error("Missing content.xml in ODS / UOF file");
22621 var wb = parse_content_xml(utf8read(content), opts, Styles);
22677 if(nf == "@") { type = "text"; payload = "<number:text-content/>"; break j; }
23054 } else o.push('<office:document-content' + attr + '>\n');
23065 else o.push('</office:document-content>');
23084 f = "content.xml";
24167 if (s.content[0] == 98)
24171 o = decompress_iwa_file(s.content);
24173 return console.log("?? " + s.content.length + " " + (e.message || e));
24321 parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(fi.content)).forEach(function(packet) {
24339 parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(fi.content)).forEach(function(ia) {
24376 var x = parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(entry.content));
24381 entry.content = compress_iwa_file(write_iwa_file(x));
24382 entry.size = entry.content.length;
24388 var x = parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(entry.content));
25154 if(typeof index_zip.content == "string") opts.type = "binary";
25156 …n !== "undefined" && Buffer.isBuffer(index_zip.content)) return readSync(new Uint8Array(index_zip.
25157 return readSync(index_zip.content, opts);
25320 // TODO: pass back content types metdata for xlsm/xlsx resolution
25331 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25332 /*var version = */parse_DataSpaceVersionInfo(data.content);
25336 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25337 var dsm = parse_DataSpaceMap(data.content);
25343 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25344 var seds = parse_DataSpaceDefinition(data.content);
25350 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25351 /*var hdr = */parse_Primary(data.content);
25355 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25356 var einfo = parse_EncryptionInfo(data.content);
25360 …data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missi…
25364 …ypeof decrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return decrypt_agile(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password ||…
25367 …ypeof decrypt_std76 !== 'undefined') return decrypt_std76(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password ||…