Lines Matching refs:console

2135 			console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
2270 } catch(e) {console.error("cannot use native zlib: " + (e.message || e)); } }
2729 if(wrn) { if(typeof console !== 'undefined') console.error(msg); }
5803 if(opts.WTF && typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn('Unexpected', x, type, toks);
7774 … if((!vfp || field.len != 8) && opts.WTF) console.log('Skipping ' + + ':' + field.type);
7778 if(opts.WTF) console.log('Skipping ' + + ':' + field.type);
7956 if(o.codepage) console.error("DBF Unsupported codepage " + current_codepage + ", using 1252");
9228 if(blob.l < blob.length) { console.error("WK1 premature formula end"); return; }
9254 …if(argc > out.length) { console.error("WK1 bad formula parse 0x" + cc.toString(16) + ":|" +…
9259 else if(cc <= 0x07) return console.error("WK1 invalid opcode " + cc.toString(16));
9260 else if(cc <= 0x18) return console.error("WK1 unsupported op " + cc.toString(16));
9261 else if(cc <= 0x1E) return console.error("WK1 invalid opcode " + cc.toString(16));
9262 else if(cc <= 0x73) return console.error("WK1 unsupported function opcode " + cc.toString(16));
9264 else return console.error("WK1 unrecognized opcode " + cc.toString(16));
9268 else console.error("WK1 bad formula parse |" + out.join("|") + "|");
13260 console.error("Cannot hydrate range", start, end);
17768 console.error("Could not serialize defined name " + JSON.stringify(name));
19350 //console.log(RecordType.toString(16), RecordType, R, blob.l, length, blob.length);
19351 //if(!R) console.log(blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + length));
19364 //console.error(R,blob.l,length,blob.length);
19442 …case 0x0013 /* Password */: if(val !== 0 && opts.WTF) console.error("Password verifier: " + val); …
19728 if(!R) console.error("Missing Info for XLS Record 0x" + RecordType.toString(16));
21597 …if(typeof console != "undefined" && console.error) console.error("Worksheet '" + wb.SheetNames[i] …
22004 console.error("Excel does not support ODS format token " + Rn[3]);
22058 else console.error("ODS number format may be incorrect: " + y["condition"]);
22673 console.error("Unsupported ODS Style Map exported. Using first branch of " + nf);
22720 case "mmmmm": console.error("ODS has no equivalent of format |mmmmm|");
22734 default: console.error("unrecognized character " + c + " in ODF format " + nf);
22765 default: console.error("unrecognized character " + c + " in ODF format " + nf);
22788 if(!np || !np[0]) console.error("Could not find numeric part of " + nf);
22811 if(!payload) { console.error("Could not generate ODS number format for |" + nf + "|"); return ""; }
24173 return console.log("?? " + s.content.length + " " + (e.message || e));
24179 return console.log("## " + (e.message || e));
24781 console.error("Truncating to ".concat(encode_range(range)));
25730 …if(o.codepage && typeof $cptable === "undefined") console.error("Codepage tables are not loaded. …