Lines Matching refs:is

296 /* yes, in 2022 this is still faster than string compare */
541 - text is passed through ("@")
546 The longest 32-bit integer text is "-2147483648", exactly 11 chars
1356 …"d.m": "d\\.m" // Issue #2571 Google Sheets writes invalid format 'd.m', correct format is 'd"."m'…
2032 /* MAD is order-sensitive, skip rebuild and sort */
2161 // o is a 0-filled Buffer so just set next offset
2175 // o is a 0-filled Buffer so just set next offset
2360 /* until ArrayBuffer#realloc is a thing, fake a realloc */
2680 for(;;) { // while(true) is apparently out of vogue in modern JS circles
2686 /* 0-255 are literals, 256 is end of block token, 257+ are copy tokens */
2711 /* in the common case, manual byte copy is faster than TA set / Buffer copy */
3072 /* if root is not specified, scan for the common prefix */
3362 if(!m) throw new Error("|" + s + "| is not an ISO8601 Duration");
4305 /*# if only one arg, it is assumed to be a Range. If 2 args, both are cell addresses */
5522 …if(FEtag.path == '/' && FEtag.type !== CT_ODS) throw new Error("This OpenDocument is not a spreads…
7575 /* BIFF2_??? where ??? is the name from [XLS] */
7820 // NOTE: it is conventional to write ' / / ' for empty dates
7919 /* TODO: check if L2 compat is desired */
8080 // NOTE: it is technically an error if d1904 >= 5 or < 0
8699 /* Excel defaults to SYLK but warns if data is not valid */
9950 // TODO: is whitespace actually valid here?
10202 function parse_EncInfoExt(/*::blob, vers*/) { throw new Error("File is password-protected: ECMA-376…
10330 /* If XorArray is set, use it; if O is not set, make changes in-place */
10825 if(!icv) icv = XLSIcv[1]; //throw new Error(x); // note: 206 is valid
11415 /* Even though theme layout is dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2, true order is lt1 dk1 lt2 dk2 */
11694 /* [MS-XLS] 2.4.326 TODO: payload is a zip file */
11765 /* xf is an XF, see parse_XFExt for xfext */
12095 the actual type is based on the URI of the graphicData
12710 /* offset is 1 less than the number of elements */
13199 /* note: this is technically an error but Excel disregards */
13462 if(ixtidata[nameidx - 1]) o = ixtidata[nameidx - 1]; // TODO: confirm this is correct
13524 case 'PtgMemArea': /* [MS-XLS] TODO: confirm this is a non-display */
15552 var rregex = /r=["']([^"']*)["']/, isregex = /<(?:\w+:)?is>([\S\s]*?)<\/(?:\w+:)?is>/;
16150 return [cell, value, 'is'];
16309 /* TODO: once XLS ColInfo is set, combine the functions */
16484 case 'is': p.t = 's'; p.v = val[1].t; break;
16705 /* TODO: something useful -- this is a stub */
17219 if(!wb.SheetNames.length) throw new Error("Workbook is empty");
17428 /* bookViews only written if first worksheet is hidden */
18029 /* strictly speaking, the leading = is required but some writers omit */
18388 /* FODS file root is <office:document> */
18390 /* UOS file root is <uof:UOF> */
19378 if(!options.password) throw new Error("File is password-protected");
19380 if(!val.valid) throw new Error("Password is incorrect");
19810 if(CFB.find(cfb, '/encryption')) throw new Error("File is password-protected");
21596 if(range.e.c > 255) { // note: 255 is IV
21740 throw "Unsupported origin when " + table.tagName + " is not a TABLE";
21802 /* The first link is used. Links are assumed to be fully specified.
21803 * TODO: The right way to process relative links is to make a new <a> */
21845 // The proper getComputedStyle implementation is the one defined in the element window
21847 // If it is not available, try to get one from the global namespace
21910 NF += "General"; // ODF spec is unfortunately underspecified here
22278 case 'document': // TODO: <office:document> is the root for FODS
23095 /* TODO: this is hard-coded to satiate excel */
23535 throw new Error("data is not a valid framed stream!");
25368 throw new Error("File is password-protected");
25751 …if(n[1] === 0x49 && n[2] === 0x2a && n[3] === 0x00) throw new Error("TIFF Image File is not a spre…
25770 …case 0x89: if(n[1] === 0x50 && n[2] === 0x4E && n[3] === 0x47) throw new Error("PNG Image File is