Lines Matching refs:input

28345 Node.prototype._decode = function decode(input, options) {
28348 if (state.parent === null) return input.wrapResult(state.children[0]._decode(input, options));
28352 if (state.key !== null) prevKey = input.enterKey(state.key); // Check if tag is there
28360 var save =;
28363 …state.choice === null) this._decodeGeneric(state.tag, input, options);else this._decodeChoice(inpu…
28369 input.restore(save);
28371 present = this._peekTag(input, tag, state.any);
28372 if (input.isError(present)) return present;
28378 if (state.obj && present) prevObj = input.enterObject();
28383 var explicit = this._decodeTag(input, state.explicit);
28385 if (input.isError(explicit)) return explicit;
28386 input = explicit;
28389 var start = input.offset; // Unwrap implicit and normal values
28394 if (state.any) _save =;
28396 …var body = this._decodeTag(input, state.implicit !== null ? state.implicit : state.tag, state.any);
28398 if (input.isError(body)) return body;
28399 if (state.any) result = input.raw(_save);else input = body;
28402 …if (options && options.track && state.tag !== null) options.track(input.path(), start, input.lengt…
28403 …tions && options.track && state.tag !== null) options.track(input.path(), input.offset, input.leng…
28407 result = this._decodeGeneric(state.tag, input, options);
28409 result = this._decodeChoice(input, options);
28412 if (input.isError(result)) return result; // Decode children
28418 child._decode(input, options);
28425 result = this._getUse(state.contains, input._reporterState.obj)._decode(data, options);
28430 if (state.obj && present) result = input.leaveObject(prevObj); // Set key
28432 …(result !== null || present === true)) input.leaveKey(prevKey, state.key, result);else if (prevKey…
28436 Node.prototype._decodeGeneric = function decodeGeneric(tag, input, options) {
28439input, tag, state.args[0], options);else if (/str$/.test(tag)) return this._decodeStr(input, tag, …
28442 return this._getUse(state.use, input._reporterState.obj)._decode(input, options);
28444 return input.error('unknown tag: ' + tag);
28463 Node.prototype._decodeChoice = function decodeChoice(input, options) {
28468 var save =;
28472 var value = node._decode(input, options);
28474 if (input.isError(value)) return false;
28481 input.restore(save);
28487 if (!match) return input.error('Choice not matched');
32443 MPrime.prototype.split = function split(input, out) {
32444 input.iushrn(this.n, 0, out);
32457 K256.prototype.split = function split(input, output) {
32460 var outLen = Math.min(input.length, 9);
32463 output.words[i] = input.words[i];
32468 if (input.length <= 9) {
32469 input.words[0] = 0;
32470 input.length = 1;
32475 var prev = input.words[9];
32478 for (i = 10; i < input.length; i++) {
32479 var next = input.words[i] | 0;
32480 input.words[i - 10] = (next & mask) << 4 | prev >>> 22;
32485 input.words[i - 10] = prev;
32487 if (prev === 0 && input.length > 10) {
32488 input.length -= 10;
32490 input.length -= 9;
36145 MPrime.prototype.split = function split(input, out) {
36146 input.iushrn(this.n, 0, out);
36159 K256.prototype.split = function split(input, output) {
36162 var outLen = Math.min(input.length, 9);
36165 output.words[i] = input.words[i];
36170 if (input.length <= 9) {
36171 input.words[0] = 0;
36172 input.length = 1;
36177 var prev = input.words[9];
36180 for (i = 10; i < input.length; i++) {
36181 var next = input.words[i] | 0;
36182 input.words[i - 10] = (next & mask) << 4 | prev >>> 22;
36187 input.words[i - 10] = prev;
36189 if (prev === 0 && input.length > 10) {
36190 input.length -= 10;
36192 input.length -= 9;
42477 module.exports = function (input, PREFERRED_STRING) {
42478 if (!isObject(input)) return input;
42480 …if (PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val =…
42481 if (typeof (fn = input.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val;
42482 …if (!PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val =…
43013 fetch: function fetch(input /* , init */) {
50741 exports.encode = function (input) {
50745 len = input.length,
50747 var isArray = utils.getTypeOf(input) !== "string";
50749 while (i < input.length) {
50753 chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
50754 chr2 = i < len ? input.charCodeAt(i++) : 0;
50755 chr3 = i < len ? input.charCodeAt(i++) : 0;
50757 chr1 = input[i++];
50758 chr2 = i < len ? input[i++] : 0;
50759 chr3 = i < len ? input[i++] : 0;
50773 exports.decode = function (input) {
50780 if (input.substr(0, dataUrlPrefix.length) === dataUrlPrefix) {
50790 input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
50791 var totalLength = input.length * 3 / 4;
50793 if (input.charAt(input.length - 1) === _keyStr.charAt(64)) {
50797 if (input.charAt(input.length - 2) === _keyStr.charAt(64)) {
50819 while (i < input.length) {
50820 enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
50821 enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
50822 enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
50823 enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
50994 module.exports = function crc32wrapper(input, crc) {
50995 if (typeof input === "undefined" || !input.length) {
50999 var isArray = utils.getTypeOf(input) !== "string";
51002 return crc32(crc | 0, input, input.length, 0);
51004 return crc32str(crc | 0, input, input.length, 0);
51862 var input = files[i];
51863 zip.file(input.fileNameStr, input.decompressed, {
51866 date:,
51867 dir: input.dir,
51868 comment: input.fileCommentStr.length ? input.fileCommentStr : null,
51869 unixPermissions: input.unixPermissions,
51870 dosPermissions: input.dosPermissions,
54043 function identity(input) {
54044 return input;
54203 "array": function array(input) {
54204 return stringToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
54206 "arraybuffer": function arraybuffer(input) {
54207 return transform["string"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
54209 "uint8array": function uint8array(input) {
54210 return stringToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
54212 "nodebuffer": function nodebuffer(input) {
54213 return stringToArrayLike(input, nodejsUtils.allocBuffer(input.length));
54220 "arraybuffer": function arraybuffer(input) {
54221 return new Uint8Array(input).buffer;
54223 "uint8array": function uint8array(input) {
54224 return new Uint8Array(input);
54226 "nodebuffer": function nodebuffer(input) {
54227 return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
54232 "string": function string(input) {
54233 return arrayLikeToString(new Uint8Array(input));
54235 "array": function array(input) {
54236 return arrayLikeToArrayLike(new Uint8Array(input), new Array(input.byteLength));
54239 "uint8array": function uint8array(input) {
54240 return new Uint8Array(input);
54242 "nodebuffer": function nodebuffer(input) {
54243 return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(input));
54249 "array": function array(input) {
54250 return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
54252 "arraybuffer": function arraybuffer(input) {
54253 return input.buffer;
54256 "nodebuffer": function nodebuffer(input) {
54257 return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
54263 "array": function array(input) {
54264 return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
54266 "arraybuffer": function arraybuffer(input) {
54267 return transform["nodebuffer"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
54269 "uint8array": function uint8array(input) {
54270 return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
54283 exports.transformTo = function (outputType, input) {
54284 if (!input) {
54287 input = "";
54291 return input;
54295 var inputType = exports.getTypeOf(input);
54296 var result = transform[inputType][outputType](input);
54307 exports.getTypeOf = function (input) {
54308 if (typeof input === "string") {
54312 if ( === "[object Array]") {
54316 if (support.nodebuffer && nodejsUtils.isBuffer(input)) {
54320 if (support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
54324 if (support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
61990 strm.input = strings.string2buf(data);
61992 strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);
61994 strm.input = data;
61998 strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;
62118 function deflate(input, options) {
62120 deflator.push(input, true); // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)
62138 function deflateRaw(input, options) {
62141 return deflate(input, options);
62153 function gzip(input, options) {
62156 return deflate(input, options);
62381 strm.input = strings.binstring2buf(data);
62383 strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);
62385 strm.input = data;
62389 strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;
62553 function inflate(input, options) {
62555 inflator.push(input, true); // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)
62573 function inflateRaw(input, options) {
62576 return inflate(input, options);
63329 utils.arraySet(buf, strm.input, strm.next_in, len, start);
64743 …if (!strm.output || !strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.status === FINISH_STATE && flush !== Z…
65143 var input;
65198 input = strm.input;
65201 strm.input = dictionary;
65228 strm.input = input;
65458 var input, output; // JS specific, because we have no pointers
65465 input = strm.input;
65489 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65491 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65526 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65537 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65539 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65565 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
65569 hold += input[_in++] << bits;
66333 var input, output; // input/output buffers
66385 if (!strm || !strm.state || !strm.output || !strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0) {
66402 input = strm.input;
66427 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66511 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66557 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66591 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66625 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66673 utils.arraySet(state.head.extra, input, next, // extra field is limited to 65536 bytes
66683 state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
66711 len = input[next + copy++];
66722 state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
66749 len = input[next + copy++];
66760 state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
66786 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66819 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66877 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66946 hold += input[next++] << bits;
66994 utils.arraySet(output, input, next, copy, put); //---//
67016 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67065 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67125 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67146 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67177 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67202 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67312 input = strm.input;
67344 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67371 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67426 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67466 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67493 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67533 hold += input[next++] << bits;
67651 hold |= input[next++] << bits;
67693 hold += input[next++] << bits;
69894 this.input = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers
82573 function md5ToHexEncodedArray(input) {
82575 var length32 = input.length * 32;
82579 var x = input[i >> 5] >>> i % 32 & 0xff;
82691 function bytesToWords(input) {
82692 if (input.length === 0) {
82696 var length8 = input.length * 8;
82700 output[i >> 5] |= (input[i / 8] & 0xff) << i % 32;