Lines Matching refs:with

35 :!: Please note, some things **won't work with lowercase spans**:
100 ^''px''|''420px''|makes sense if your container contains images with a certain width|
101 ^''em''|''20em''|makes sense if you like your wrap container to grow and shrink with the font size|
109 There are four width keywords. These should not be combined with any other width, only ''third'' can be combined with ''twothirds''.
114 * **''twothirds''** together with ''third'' fits a 2/3 and a 1/3 column in a row
116 :!: Attention: In order to work properly, wraps with width keywords need an **additional ''%%<WRAP group>%%'' around a set** of them. If you mix several types in one group, you might need a ''%%<WRAP clear/>%%'' after a row.
122 You can use the same options with spans (as each element that floats is automatically a block level element), but it probably doesn't make too much sense. :!: Widths on spans normally do not work (by design), but can make sense, when it is floating.
186 * any of the classes ''info'', ''tip'', ''important'', ''alert'', ''help'', ''download'', ''todo'' will add a special note container with a corresponding icon
188 * ''round'' can be added to anything with a background colour or a border and will only work in modern browsers (no IE8 and under)
269 You can use notes and boxes also inside text with spans like this:
367 :!: Warning: The text will still appear in the source code, in non-modern browsers and is searchable. Do not hide any security risky secrets with it!
406 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.
425 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.